Writing essay
Topics To Talk About In A Synthesis Paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Computer Crimes Essay -- Security
PC Crimes PC violations are a significant issue on the planet today. They are occurred in people’s home, office, and in loads of spots. An individual ought to be wary about the kind of close to home data that they enter on there somebody else’s PC just as there own. These things could cause issues down the road for you later on. Crime where a PC or system is the source, target, spot or instrument of a wrongdoing is the thing that we call PC wrongdoing. Some different terms for PC wrongdoing are cybercime, e-wrongdoing, hello there tech wrongdoing, and electronic wrongdoing. None of these classifications are elite and numerous exercises can be portrayed as falling in at least one class. Despite the fact that it expresses that the PC wrongdoing is when something happens when the PC or system is an essential piece of the wrongdoing, there are a few terms that are utilized to incorporate conventional violations. A portion of the conventional violations are misrepresentation, robbery, extortion, phony, and theft when the PCs or systems are utilized to encourage the unlawful action. There are a variety of crimes that can be viewed as PC wrongdoing. A few instances of these exercises are abuse of gadgets, imitation (robbery id), electronic misrepresentation, unlawful access (unapproved get to), Trojan ponies, cyberterrorism, email misuse/provocation, and information impedance (unapproved harming, erasure, disintegration, modification or concealment of PC information) are only a couple. Phony is a PC wrongdoing that can be executed utilizing the equipment parts of the PC without the use of the web. For instance, utilizing Microsoft Word to type my mark when I didn't in reality right it and neither did you yet it is as yet a PC wrongdoing that you submitted. A Trojan... ...laint focus, named IC3, accumulates its figures by drawing on the surge of objections filling U.S. law requirement and administrative offices. Results show that the most revealed wrongdoing was Internet closeout extortion which positioned 45 percent of all complaings. Another enormous level of protests was non conveyance of product or installment which had a major 19 percent. PC violations are certainly on the ascent. They are something that each and every individual who possesses or even takes a shot at a PC ought to be cautious about. There are a great deal of abnormal individuals around here in this world and everybody should take alert. You ought to likewise take alert when entering individual data on any PC. References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_crime http://www.fsu.edu/~crimdo/TA/hao/computercrime2.htm http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/badguys/070416/top_10_internet_crimes_of_2006.htm
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Catcher Essays (953 words) - Fiction, Literature, Literary Realism
Catcher Nikki Bumbacco Ms. Morris ENG 3A0 May 15,1999 Frequently in writing characters, through various encounters, experience changes which empower them to develop. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, the creator J.D. Salinger depicts Holden as a confounded adolecent. The creator passes on Holden's inward development through explicit occurrences. When Holden is ousted from Pencey he develops and developes another mentality towards his family. Subsequent to meeting with a whore Holden turns out to be increasingly experienced when he understands that sex doesn't fill the holes of lonliness. At last when Holden is brought together with his sister Phoebe he understands that the guiltlessness of youngsters can not be saved until the end of time. Holden experienced internal development after he is ousted from Pencey, he meets a prostitue and is brought together with his sister Phoebe. Holden's poor imprints and attendence have lead him to being removed from Pencey. Pencey, Holden felt was packed with fakes. ? It was one of the most exceedingly terrible schools I at any point went to , it was loaded with fakes.? (67) Holden was constantly discouraged and troubled at Pencey. ? I felt like submitting suiside.? (107) . With no ability to read a compass in his life Holden looks for guidance from from one of his old instructors, Mr. Spencer. During his encounter with his previous instructor , Holden is told by Mr. Spencer that ? Life is a game kid. Life is a game one plays as per the principles.? (8). Holden feels that life is a game in particular in the event that you are as an afterthought where all the superstars are, in any case there is no game. Holden's lonliness constrains him to cotact past companions. Subsequent to meeting with a couple of his old companions Holden is left inclination unfulfilled. Holden chooses to get back to be with his family when he reviews recollections of Phoebe. Phoebe was in every case devotedly appended to Holden. ?She enjoys me a great deal . I mean she's very partial to me. She truly is. Anyway, I was unable to get that off my brain, so at long last what I figured what I'd do, I'd sneak home to see her, in the event that I passed on what not.? (156). Holden comes to comprehend the significance of family and accomplishes internal development after he is ousted from Pencey. Holden additionally encounters internal development because of hiw experience with a whore. Holden feels that with regards to young ladies he can never discover what he is searching for. Still a virgin Holden discloses to us that by and large the young lady is the person who wouldn't like to engage in sexual relations. Despite the fact that in Holden's case, he is the one restricted to engaging in sexual relations. When Holden is inquired as to whether he might want a prostitute he doesn't hestitate to acknowledge the offer. Holden admitts that having intercourse with a whore would be a decent an ideal opportunity to rehearse before marriage. ? As it were, that is the reason I kind of needed to get some training in the event that I ever get hitched.? (93). Holden stood by apprehensively yet restlessly for the whore to show up. Anyway when she at last showed up Holden comes to figure it out that the whore is about buisness. Holden is totally killed when she removes her garments and expresses ? How about we go, hello. I haven't got throughout the day.? (96). Unexpectingly Holden demands tha prositute to leave. ? The difficulty was I simply would not like to do it. I felt more discouraged than hot , on the off chance that you need to know reality.? (86). Holden was searching for a person or thing to fill his hole of lonliness. Through Holden's involvement in the whore he understood that sex wasn't the approach to filling his hole. This circumstance caused Holden to develop and this changed his mentality towards sex. Another person who helped Holden develop was his sister Phoebe. When Holden is brought together with his sister he shows his yearing to safeguard childrens' honesty. ? Some body'd composed f**k on the divider. It damn close to made me insane. I thought how Phoebe and the various little children would see it, and marvel what the heck it implied, and afterward at long last some messy child would let them know all chicken looked at normally what it implied and how they'd all think about it and perhaps stress about it for two or three
Apply a critical Perspective to the company decision in the 1980s to Essay
Apply a basic Perspective to the organization choice during the 1980s to dispatch reformulated Coca Cola and propose where an alternate way to deal with the loss of deals may have delivered an alternate result - Essay Example The notoriety of Pepsi items were centered around the pleasantness factor which was absent in the Coke. All things considered, in April 1985, the organization declared the choice to present the New Coke which had a better taste and take the old flavor Coke off the racks. This choice with respect to the organization proceeded to turn into a major advertising bungle throughout the entire existence of Coca Cola. The dispatch of the New Coke got an elevated level of fights from the buyers and had far arrived at consequences for the deals and gainfulness of the organization. Coca Cola as compelled to get back to the New Coke items inside about a month and a half of their dispatch in the market because of broad purchaser fights and analysis with respect to the choice of the organization. However, Coca Cola turned around itself and attempted to situate the old Coke back as the significant result of the brand both as far as creation and deals, yet the deals of Coke kept dropping for quite a while making tremendous harm the brand notoriety too a the productivity of the organization. Coca Cola was known to be a market situated and showcase sagacious business which was eminent for its capacity to serve the client needs. In any case, the screw up of new coke made a lot of negative effect for the organization and showed its wastefulness in recognizing the market needs and being blinded by the sole mean to contend with its opponent, Pepsi. The paper will examine the foundation of the issue and will attempt to discover the purposes behind choice disappointment. It will discuss the underlying reaction and the reaction of the market in the choice issue part and will likewise discuss the elective methodologies in the following part. The promoting and money related ramifications of the New Coke dispatch demonstrated the choice to be fragmented and off base. In spite of the fact that broad statistical surveying was done by the organization before settling on the choice of supplanting the old kind of the Coke with another flavor like Pepsi, it can
Friday, August 21, 2020
Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Promoting Management - Essay Example A wide scope of food projects and food celebrations are sorted out in Singapore which observes a solid degree of cooperation from a wide cluster of master level universal cooks from different corners of the world. This naturally makes the market of Singapore an origination of different sorts of imaginative food based luxuries just as pastry shop items. Talking about on the lines of the pastry shop items, it tends to be said that the market of Singapore can be separated on the lines of bread based contributions, cakes, scones just as breakfast oats (Euromonitor.com, 2011). In any case, it additionally must be said that the Singapore has countless Muslim populace, which shapes the Halal market in the locale. It is profoundly fascinating to express that the South East Asia, which incorporates the district of Singapore, is homes to around 250 million Halal arranged purchasers. Discussing the valuation of the south east Asia showcase shaped by the 250 million Halal customers, it very well may be featured that the market remains at a dumbfounding 93,000 million USD (Daganhalal.com, n.d.). It is additionally essential to feature the way that the area of Singapore, which falls under the class of South East Asia has an enormous and developing potential for getting one of the main Halal based food markets, for the most part in light of the reality of the locale being a significant transhipping focus. Additionally, it must be said that the Muslim nearness in the Singapore area contains to over 60% of the whole populace of Muslim found everywhere throughout the world (Min, Global Halal Food Industry, p. 7). Source: Global Halal Food Industry. Subsequently, it tends to be said that there exists a one of a kind open door in the bread shop market to take into account the internal just as outward development that is rising up out of the Halal market of Singapore. Market Trends Discussing the patterns that are at present advancing in the market of Singapore, it tends to be said that the patterns are like that of the bread kitchen market of south East Asia. It is to be referenced that the bread shop industry existing in these business sectors is exceptionally reliant on the arrangement of elements. The components are a blend of macroeconomic just as way of life patterns like solid development of the territorial economy, developing expectations for everyday comforts of the majority, impact of western arranged way of life just as occupied existences of the majority (PRWeb.com, 2013). The factor of lack of time in the hands of the majority with respect to readiness of customary dinners is assuming a colossal synergist job in spreading the development of the pastry kitchen industry in the market of Singapore. The bread and pastry shop industry of the district has a profoundly differentiated purchaser portfolio. Talking concerning the future market patterns for this specific division in the Singapore area, it tends to be said that the makers and retailers will attempt to achieve a development in the business by utilizing on the exceptionally enhanced buyers base. So as to build up a serious edge in the business just as for better situating of their items, the makers and retailers of the bread business will attempt to present imaginative items which will be sectioned and focused on explicitly to purchasers based on their age gathering. Market Growth While talking about the components of market development, it must be gotten to center that the bread shop market of Singapore developed at a pace of 7.9 % on a compound yearly premise between the multi year time of 2004 to 2009 (Datamonitor.com, 2012). During this period the bread and
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
10 Steps to Writing a Research Paper
10 Steps to Writing a Research Paper Guidelines for Writing a Research Paper Research papers are common assignments in colleges and universities but many students feel at a loss when they have to complete this complicated written project, and some of them even might be wondering how to choose a topic or how to start writing a research paper. Of course, this assignment is time-consuming and requires hard work but any process can be easier if we divide it into several logical steps. In this article, we are going to outline the essential steps in writing a research paper that can help you learn to write an ‘A’ research paper someday if you have a positive attitude and a strong desire to achieve your goal. So here they are 10 steps to writing a research paper that you should follow in your writing. The first step in writing a research paper is choosing a good topic. Select a topic that interests and challenges you and you will enjoy doing research and writing about it. Make sure you can find enough credible sources on your subject. Avoid topics that are controversial or sensational, too technical or specialized. Narrow your topic, keeping in mind the length of your research paper, and focus on a limited aspect of your broad topic. State your thesis and describe the viewpoint that you are going to support in your paper. This step will help you choose relevant sources and limit your note taking. Form a preliminary bibliography. Evaluate potential sources of information, select articles, and books that are relevant to your topic and up-to-date and make a list of potential sources. Create a tentative outline that will help you organize your research and make your writing process logical. Your working outline should include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Start taking notes related to the topics or subtopics on your tentative outline. Write notes in your own words or paraphrase the content. If you borrow any ideas or quotes, you should document them accurately to avoid plagiarism. Organize the notes you have taken according to your outline. Make the final outline for your research paper which is more complex because each topic in it should be divided into several subtopics. Write the first draft. Keep in mind that this rough draft will be revised later so there is no need to pay much attention to spelling or punctuation. Instead, you should care about the quality of content and organize your ideas according to your outline. Revise and edit your rough draft and outline. Reread your draft several times and check the content, the flow, and the logic. Check the facts and figures in your paper. Revise your outline if necessary and rearrange your ideas to follow your new outline. Eliminate vocabulary, spelling or grammar mistakes if there are any. Make sure all your citations are accurate and that you have no plagiarism in your research paper. Prepare the final draft of your research paper that should be typed and include a bibliography page. Sometimes. Your research paper might require a title page â€"it depends on the formatting style and your professor’s requirements. Proofread your research paper once more before submitting it. One of the key aspects of any research paper is to make a strong first impression on your reader so you should do your best to write a good introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement/hypothesis. Follow These Steps in Writing an Introduction to a Research Paper An introduction is the first paragraph of any research paper where you should capture the reader’s interest, give background information on the topic of the paper, summarize the main points of your paper, and state the thesis. The length of any introduction depends on the length of the project and its complexity, but usually, it should not exceed a page. The introduction should be concise and well-structured. Here are the key steps in writing an introduction to a research paper that will explain the importance of your paper and motivate your reader to read further. Give concise background information about your research problem Define the objectives of your research Explain the significance of your study Give a brief literature review on your topic State your research question and the hypothesis Define key terms and abbreviations Outline the structure of your research paper Writing a good research paper may be tricky as it is a long process that requires much time and effort and strong analytical and research skills. Lots of students consider this time-consuming task daunting and may face problems at any stage of the writing process, for example, when writing a research paper outline or writing a conclusion for a research paper. We hope that our research paper writing tips will help you overcome these difficulties, but, if for any reason, you cannot cope with writing a research paper on your own, you can always rely on the high professionalism of the experienced writers from our custom paper writing service. Just ask, and they will provide you with a well-written model research paper on your topic that will be perfect in content and style.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Courts Have Developed And Limited Law For Psychiatric Victims - Free Essay Example
Critically analyse the way the courts have developed and limited the law in relation to claims for psychiatric harm by secondary victims Date authored: 24 th May, 2014. As Lord Steyn noted in his judgment in White and Others v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire and Others, 1 the law on the recovery of compensation for psychiatric harm is: a patchwork quilt of distinctions which are difficult to justify What Lord Steyn meant by this is that; the law regarding claims for psychiatric harm has been developed in a piecemeal way through common law and can often be seen to conflict with itself in many areas.2 It is due to this that claims by secondary victims for psychiatric harm are often hard to assess as to their likely success and merit in a court of law. 3 There is also an argument that recent policy decisions by judges have overly restricted a secondary victims access to justice. First of all it is important to understand what is meant by the terms primary and secondary victims in relation to psychiatric harm and what the difference between these potential claimants is. Primary victims were first identified in Dulieu v White 4. Th is case established that a primary victim can recover damages for psychiatric injury stemming from actual physical injury or from a reasonable fear or apprehension of danger to their physical safety. This was expanded in Page v Smith5 where it was held that if physical harm is foreseeable, the claimant can recover in respect of both physical and psychiatric harm, even where the latter is not in itself foreseeable. This reasoning was applied in Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd6 where the House of Lords held that Corr was a primary victim and his psychiatric illness was the same ‘type of harm as his foreseeable physical injuries. His suicide was not an uncommon manifestation of depression. It could be argued that Lord Lloyds definition of a primary victim as a party who is within the zone of physical danger7 limits the primary victim category. However, Lord Hope in Grieves v FT Everard Sons8 cautioned against expanding this category for policy reasons and to prevent opening the potential floodgate for psychiatric harm claims. These same cautious policy considerations can also be seen when examining the secondary victim category and the criteria needed to make a claim as a secondary victim for psychiatric harm. There is also confusion among judges and claimants about which category a claimant may fall in to. 9 A secondary victim can be described as someone who is not personally at risk of physical injury but who suffers psychiatric injury as a result of witnessing someone else being harmed or endangered. One of the main policy considerations for this category of claimants is that the psychiatric injury suffered must be reasonably foreseeable in a person of ‘ordinary fortitude in the same circumstances. In Bourhill v Young10 the House of Lords rejected a claim on the grounds that the claimant was not herself in physical danger and that she was particularly susceptible to shock. It could be argued that this area of law should follow the thin skull rule established in Smith v Leech Brain Co11 and that just because a person is particularly susceptible to harm, this should not remove the defendants liability.12 Indeed, the modern approach set out in McLoughlin v OBrian 13 does not place so much emphasis on a persons fortitude but more on the principles of reasonable foreseeability or by independent policy-based factors. These factors include the closeness of the relationship between the claimant and accident v ictim, the proximity of the claimant to the accident itself and whether the shock was induced by what the claimant saw or experienced as opposed to what they were told after the event. It could be argued that this is a much fairer system as it allows for a more level playing field for claimants and that the (possibly outdated) notion of a persons fortitude is partially dispensed with. However, after this case the mood shifted towards a more restrictive approach in Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police. 14 This was a test case involving ten representatives of the friends and families of the victims of the Hillsborough disaster and it is from this case that many of the issues surrounding secondary victims arises. None of the claimants were able to recover as primary victims as they had not been directly involved in the disaster but the court had to consider whether they could recover as secondary victims. The Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police admitted negligence in respect of those who had been killed or injured at Hillsborough but argued he did not owe a duty of care to those who had suffered psychiatric damage as a result of seeing or hearing the news of what had happened. The claims were rejected by the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords and Lord Oliver set out guidelines (known as Alcock control mechanisms) as to when a claim should be allowed. These related to the class of persons whose claim should be recognised, the proximity of the claimant to the accident a nd the means by which the shock is cause. This has severely limited the scope for who may be classed as a secondary victim and has arguably led to confusion and therefore a lack of parity in judgements.15 Firstly it must be shown that there is a ‘close tie of love and affection between the claimant and the accident victim. This is presumed in spouses; and parents and children (this can be rebutted) but not presumed in siblings and other relatives (they must prove this tie exists). It could be considered that this is unfair and overly limiting. Asking a sibling to prove they had a close relationship to a victim could be argued to be emotionally damaging, especially considering the claimant may already be suffering from a psychiatric illness due to the death of a loved one. Conversely, presuming this relationship between parents and children may not be the correct approach. A claimant who did not have a particularly close tie to a parent may attempt to make a spurious claim based on this policy. Secondly a claimant must prove their proximity to an accident or happen upon its immediate aftermath to have a successful claim. However, cases have shown that this policy rule may be overly subjective and is not applied evenly or fairly across all cases. For example in Mcloughlin 16 it was agreed that witnessing the victims injuries two hours after the event was enough to establish proximity. However, in Alcock17 it was deemed that witnessing the aftermath nine hours after the event was not sufficient to establish proximity and therefore establish a claim. The later case of Galli-Atkinson v Seghal18 allowed a mothers claim for psychiatric harm saying the aftermath could be viewed as being made up of different parts – the visit to the scene and the hospital morgue. These three differing judgements show that Lord Steyns patchwork comment to be accurate when dealing with secondary victims. Thirdly there is the requirement that there must be immediate perception and shock. That is to say that the harm must be sustained as a result of the sudden and direct appreciation of a shocking or horrifying event rather than as the result of a continuous process of dealing with or responding to such events. Potentially conflicting judgments can also be seen here which may overly limit the scope for potential claimants. In Sion v Hampstead Health Authority19 it was ruled that a father did not satisfy the immediate perception requirement as he watched his son die over a fourteen day period. However in Walters v North Glamorgan NHS Trust20 a mother was allowed to recover for damages after the death of her baby son. The Court held that the aftermath wasnt confined to one moment in time and the thirty six hour period could be classed as a single horrifying event. Limiting claims in this way could be considered very unfair. Not everyone is affected by events in the same way and is it fair to say that because someone took a long time to die means that a claimant has suffered less psychiatric harm because of this? 21 It could be argued that in fact, they may have suffered more psychiatric harm due to the prolonged nature of the events. Other potential secondary victims have also seen their scope for claiming limited in recent cases; for example, psychiatric harm suffered by emergency service workers and rescuers. In the past the judi ciary have tended to allow claims for rescuers.22 However in White 23 the House of Lords held that neither a rescuer nor an employee was placed in any special position in relation to recovery for psychiatric harm by virtue of being a rescuer or employee. This therefore limited claims for recovery for psychiatric harm. It could be argued that emergency services personnel should be limited in their scope for claiming psychiatric damage as they would have known and accepted the risk by entering in to this line of work. However, establishing a blanket approach may limit their access to justice for extremely horrific events resulting in psychiatric harm. Claims for witnessing self harm have also been limited. Where a claimant suffers psychiatric harm after witnessing the defendant negligently injure himself public policy grounds have been used to deny recovery for damages. 24 There have been calls for legislative intervention. The Law Commission Report on Liability for Recovery f or Psychiatric Illnesses 1998 25 concentrated on the position of secondary victims recognising the flood gates arguments. It suggested the ‘control mechanisms in Alcock should be modified by restricting the criteria of proximity and concentrating on the requirement of a close tie of love and affection. The Law Commission recommended a fixed list of relationships where a close tie would be conclusively proved. It also recommended the abolition of the requirement of a sudden shock and that it should include negligently inflicted psychiatric injury that had developed over a number of years. The Commission also wanted liability for situations where the defendants actions in imperilling themselves caused the claimants psychiatric illness. They incorporated a draft bill (Draft Negligence (Psychiatric Illness) Bill) and attached it to the Report but Parliament has yet pass this in to legislation. In conclusion then, while it is fair to say that not everyone should be able to claim for witnessing an accident, as it would lead to an overwhelming number of cases, there is an argument that the courts may have overly limited the scope under which a secondary victim can claim. The proximity considerations, closeness of relationship and immediate perception requirements have been shown to be potentially over limiting and unfair. Judgements could also be said to be inconsistent and this makes it difficult for the public to have confidence in the court system. It is likely that legislation is needed to codify existing case law to allow for a fairer system with greater parity and consistency. However, the fact that sixteen years have passed since the initial draft stage of legislation aimed at solving the problems, shows that this is not a priority for recent governments. Bibliography Cases Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1992] 1 AC 310 Bourhill v Young [1943] AC 92 Chadwick v British Railways Board [1967] 1 WLR 912 Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] UKHL 13 Dulieu v White [1901] 2 KB 669 Galli Atkinson v Seghal [2003] EWCA Civ 697 Greatorex v Greatorex [2000] 1 WLR 1970 Grieves v FT Everard Sons Ltd [2007] UKHL 39 McLoughlin v OBrian [1983] 1 AC 410 Page v Smith [1995] UKHL 7 Sion v Hampstead Health Authority [1994] EWCA Civ 26 Smith v Leech Brain Co [1962] 2 QB 405 Walters v North Glamorgan NHS Trust [2002] EWCA Civ 1792 White and Others v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire and Others [1998] UKHL 45; [1999] 2 AC 455 Journals and Reports Hogarth A, Unpicking the Patchwork Quilt Secondary Victims and Psychiatric Injury Where are we now? [2010] 12KBW Kotak D, Communication with relatives and carers  another source of litigation [2008] JICS 212, 213 Law Commission, Liability for Psychiatric Illness (Law Com No 249, 1998) Leverick F, Counting the ways of becoming a primary victim: Anderson v Christian Salvesen. [2008] ELR 258, 263 Texts M Elliot, Secondary victims of negligence in (eds), Litigating Psychiatric Injury Claims: Personal Injury and Medical Negligence (1st, Bloomsbury Professional, London 2012). Websites Patten K, Patchwork quilt law (newlawjournal.co.uk 2013) https://www.newlawjournal.co.uk/nlj/content/patchwork-quilt-law accessed 23/05/2014 1 White and Others v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire and Others [1998] UKHL 45; [1999] 2 AC 455 2 Keith Patten, Patchwork quilt law (newlawjournal.co.uk 2013) https://www.newlawjournal.co.uk/nlj/content/patchwork-quilt-law accessed 23/05/2014 3 Andrew Hogarth, Unpicking the Patchwork Quilt Secondary Victims and Psychiatric Injury Where are we now? [2010] 12KBW 4 Dulieu v White [1901] 2 KB 669 5 Page v Smith [1995] UKHL 7 6 Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] UKHL 13 7 Supra Note 3 Page v Smith [1995] UKHL 7 8 Grieves v FT Everard Sons Ltd [2007] UKHL 39 9 F Leverick, Counting the ways of becoming a primary victim: Anderson v Christian Salvesen. [2008] ELR 258, 263 10 Bourhill v Young [1943] AC 92 11 Smith v Leech Brain Co [1962] 2 QB 405 12 M Elliot, Secondary victims of negligence in (eds), Litigating Psychiatric Injury Claims: Personal Injury and Medical Negligence (1st, Bloomsbury Professional, London 2012). 13 McLoughlin v OBrian [1983] 1 AC 410 14 Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1992] 1 AC 310 15 Supra Note 3, p7 16 Supra Note 13 17 Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1992] 1 AC 310 18 Galli Atkinson v Seghal [2003] EWCA Civ 697 19 Sion v Hampstead Health Authority [1994] EWCA Civ 26 20 Walters v North Glamorgan NHS Trust [2002] EWCA Civ 1792 21 D Kotak, Communication with relatives and carers  another source of litigation [2008] JICS 212, 213 22 Chadwick v British Railways Board [1967] 1 WLR 912 23 Supra Note 1 24 Greatorex v Greatorex [2000] 1 WLR 1970 25 Law Commission, Liability for Psychiatric Illness (Law Com No 249, 1998)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Statement Special Education - 1432 Words
Motivation in special education students Abdulelah Alqahtani EDUC 5501 December 2th, 2015 Dr. Dunham Author: Abdulelah Alqahtani Department of education, Shawnee State University alqahtania@mymail.shawnee.edu Abstract This paper provides a brief summary of special education services and explains how special education teachers can motivate their students in many different ways. In fact, this paper indicates the benefits of motivations in the special education process for both teachers and students and how teachers should motivate their students in order to reach a full satisfaction on students’ learning. Also, there are some general ideas that used on any special education class by teachers in order to motivate their students with learning disabilities are listed in this paper. In fact, the purpose of this paper is to provide teachers and educators who are working in the field of special education a general understanding of the variety of skills that students with disabilities have and could prevent them from learning effectively just as seem as their normal peers. Therefore, this paper could help teachers to motivate their students in the classroom. Introduction One of the most essential aspects of the educational process is to know how to motivate students for learning. A challenging part of being a teacher is to know and learn how to motivate students. First of all, a good definition for motivation is as Byrnes quote â€Å"Motivation is constructShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Special Education855 Words  | 4 Pagesleads them to special education. These teachers fine this career to be job satisfying, have empathy for the children, and the vacancy of the position viability. 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Co-teaching is an umbrella term that involves many similar but different methods of instruction, but they all have one thing in common: two teachers in the same classroom at the same time. One might think that two teachers helping instruct students at the same time wouldRead MoreThe Importance Of Special Learning Needs For Children With Disabilities, And Different Processes / Aspects Of Special Education1111 Words  | 5 Pagesdisabilities, the individuals who interact with them, and different processes/aspects of special education. Amy Edwards - a special education teacher at McKinley Elementary located in Xenia, Ohio was interviewed. Ms. Edwards first became interested in spe cial education at a young age. The pastor at her church had a daughter with special needs. Ms. Edwards had the opportunity to get to know the daughter on a personal level and developed a passion for children with disabilities. It was then that she decidedRead MoreThe Impact Of Special Education On Individual Student Needs1321 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the United States, 2.4 million students are enrolled in special education programs (Rosa et al, 2009). The types of services rendered in special education programs tend to vary based on the individual child’s needs. Children with disabilities vary with respect to the type and number of disabilities he or she may have. The disabilities vary in cause, degree, and effect on the child’s educational progress. Special education is a unique and sometimes complicated specialty area designed forRead MoreThe Development Of Education During The Uk Since 19941678 Words  | 7 PagesModule 6.2 Changes and Development in Educ ation Task 1 An overview of the development of education in the UK since 1994 Education has changed drastically over time. â€Å"Children with special educational needs were seen as ‘imbeciles’ and the behaviour within the classroom was controlled by corporal punishment†; as cited in Changes in Education, 1994. Inclusion is about all children, not just children who have an SEN or an AEN need, which has stemmed from the 1970’s and 1980’s. Ofsted (2001) said inclusionRead MoreSpecial Needs Children800 Words  | 4 PagesLiterature Review BSHA/442 August 06, 2012 Dr. Elizabeth Thompson Literature Review Special needs individuals are not different from everyone they just need a little extra help along their way. This population has to have mediation because there are many who cannot speak for themselves. They need the help from a neutral person so that they can discuss complications that they may be dealing with without judgment. AdvocacyRead MorePersonal Statement905 Words  | 4 Pages(hons.) Education, Diploma in Teaching PROFESSIONAL GOAL STATEMENTS DEGREE/SPECIALISATION: Ed.D. –SPECIAL EDUCATION PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL GOALS: A philosopher once wrote that learning is dynamic; and as such graduate school became a natural progression. Having read for a Masters Degree in teaching, this part of the journey translates into me eventually owning and operating a school that will cater for the whole child, with each grade level being equipped with a special education facilitator
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