Monday, September 30, 2019
On September 11th 2001 the world was forever changed Essay
On September 11th 2001 the world was forever changed. The horrific events, which occurred at the World Trade Centers in New York, the Pentagon in Washington and on Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania, have forever altered the way Americans view their safety. Every household in the U.S. tuned in to the news on TV, radio, or Internet to see how the world was being twisted in front of their eyes. These events dramatically proved that the United States, the greatest nation in the world, was no longer safe from outside threats. . The stock market crash of 1929, which led to the depression, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and the terrorist attacks of September 11th were all unexpected events that no one could have predicted but had such dramatic effects that they can never be forgotten. All three events seem to be categorized together for a few simple reasons. To the average American citizen these horrendous events were unforeseen, but noted historians would beg to differ. They believe in such instances as Pearl Harbor, The stock market crash of 1929, and September 11th, that the government and many political figures were forewarned. If they had taken their admonitions more seriously and acted upon them, historians believe that they could have at least made the consequent effects minimal. There were several proceedings that should have elicited American retaliation. It is said that Bin laden himself declared war on America in 1996. In the early 90’s, The World Trade Center was car bombed, and Osama Bin Laden was the primary suspect for this assault. Even after that incident no one saw Bin laden as a serious threat and didn’t think his dangerous ways could jeopardize our countries well being as a whole. After the attack of September 11th it seems the unification of the American people became so strong it’s virtually indissoluble. Our previously fragile society became a link so strong we believe it can’t be touched by the outside perils of the world. The rise in Nationalism came about in a wave of red white and blue colors. It seemed every face in America was painted with the stars and stripes of our grand old flag. Our countries banner was now the latest fashion; closets were overflowing with the celebrated colors of our patriotic nation. Every news station put American flags on their lapels, and waving red, white and blue graphics were put on most channels. Many well-known Hollywood figures and successful businesses put together charities benefiting the victims and families affected by September 11. September 11 mended our nations pride and restored our dignity. Such a strong sense of nationalism can easily be compared to that of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, when East and West Germany celebrated their reunion as one, after being isolated for so long. Subsequent to September 11, the United States faced many abrupt transformations as far as pastimes, lifestyles, and entertainment goes. There were a few noticeable differences from the changes following WWII, to those of September 11th. For example, Baseball, the great American pastime was brought to a standstill after September 11, where as Roosevelt motivated people to go to baseball games, and had baseball play a part in the healing of the country. Another difference from 9-11 was that after Pearl Harbor, and the crash of 1929, there were severe cut backs and limitations on how much of certain commodities, such as gasoline and sugar, the average American could use. The difference now is that we are currently at war with the oil capitals of the world. The gas prices are booming and don’t appear to be coming down any time soon; however, this does not stop the typical egotistic American from buying a brand new fuel consuming SUV. Racism is another topic that has been significantly affected by September 11th .In WWII we knew who the enemy was, it was strictly the Japanese and Germans, however, now it’s a â€Å"pin the tail on the donkey†1 mentality. After Pearl Harbor many Japanese men were put into internment camps to be interrogated for information and kept there, that did not happen after 9-11 however, many Arabs were questioned and racial profiling became a major issue. There was also a great deal of hate crimes aimed at the Arab race and people who had the visual characteristics of the middle-eastern inhabitants. The U.S. was unsure of which persons were solely responsible for the crimes, therefore no individual has the right to go pointing their fingers at any particular group, But the stereotyping and profiling still persists. . Exactly one year after Pearl Harbor the stock market had climbed up to almost where it was before (within 10%) now we are suffering a recession because of 9-11. Another fact is that before Pearl Harbor, the country was just coming out the depression and wasn’t even fully out. The war effort boosted production. 9-11 happened right when the US was at its prime in the economy and the attack destroyed industry and commercial enterprises. Also the government suspended a monopoly trial against GE so that it would not hurt the war effort. After 9-11 the government focused on companies such as Enron and WorldCom. Noticeably there are numerous features of September 11th that could be considered. However, It would be virtually impossible to cover all the aspects and phases of such an important date. September 11th, 2001 was a horribly significant date in not only American history but in world history as well. It brought back horrific memories of such instances as The Bombing of Pearl harbor and can even be compared to the hardships and struggles of The Stock Market Crash of 1929. As a result, the American people came together as one in a battle we like to call the â€Å"war on terrorism†2. It is obvious this war may be infinite but it is worth the struggle, just knowing, in the future we may perhaps avoid such devastating events. As James Baldwin once wrote â€Å"A country is only as strong as the people who make it up and the country turns into what the people want it to become†¦we made the world we’re living in and we have to make it over.†3 I think we should all recollect on the events step by step of September 11th, and take into mind, the advice that Baldwin has given us. Someday our country can completely overcome all of its vulnerability and end any chances of a date like this form reoccurring. Bibliography: ENDNOTES: 1. Lauren mills, a noted historian currently attending B.H.S. September 15th 2002. 2. George W. Bush Jr., AlterNet: One Year Later: Unintended Consequences of 9/11 and the war on terrorism. War against Iraq pg 3 3. James Baldwin, AlterNet: Before and After Septemeber11 True courage pg. 5
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Nursing Shortage
Six years prior to the publication of Spetz and Given, reports of the US media indicate a shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in the US. In that article too, forecasts see the continuity of this trend, such as that of the Bureau of Health Professions projecting a shortage of 800,000 nurses by 2020. However, Buerhaus et. al. suggests that the nursing shortage may actually be satiated, with hospital RNs’ employment and earnings â€Å"increasing sharply in 2002.†No matter how we look at it, whether or not the shortage is easing, the problem of shortage is there. The question now is, what causes the shortage of registered nurses? Spetz and Given discusses four reasons that account for the shortage of registered nurses, first of which are licensure delays. Since World War II, nursing shortages have occurred cyclically, and this led to the birth of studies regarding labor markets. They (Spetz and Given) found most of these studies agreeing on the point that â€Å"the delay between people’s choice of the nursing profession and the time they are licensed as nurses is a central reason for these recurrent shortages.†Poor working conditions also account for the shortage of RNs, and this includes wage and benefits in general. Not much was mentioned by Spetz and given, but they have cited that these are â€Å"a primary cause of nursing shortage.†Aiken gives a more detailed explanation, stating that nurses spend an â€Å"inordinate amount of time in nonnursing tasks†resulting from â€Å"poor work design, underinvestment in information and other nurse-saving technologies.†They further add that is associated with high levels of nurse burnout and dissatisfaction. The third reason for the nursing shortage is comprised of wages and demand. Spetz and Given maintains that â€Å"demand for RNs should decline as RNs’ wages increase during a shortage,†and they have seen evidences showing that wages do affect demand. However, there are reasons for demand to be not responsive in today’s labor market. Two of these reasons are the reluctance of health care institutions to reduce staffing, and the growing number of RN Unions that want to maintain, if not to expand, the current staffing levels. Another scenario relating to the issue of wages and demand is seen in Aiken, where it was mentioned that â€Å"the Philippines is the leading primary source country for nurses internationally by design and with the support of the government.†A motivator for Philippine nurses to migrate to other countries is higher wages, which cannot be earned in the local setting. This may account for the shortage that the country itself was experiencing, as Aiken found that â€Å"there are more than 30,000 unfilled nursing positions in the Philippines.†Last of the causes of the nursing shortage, as discussed by Spetz and Given, are exits from the RN workforce. According to them, the magnitude of retirements poses the question of whether it is possible to raise the number of new RNs to meet future demands. One solution to the nursing shortage, and maybe the most popular today, is to recruit foreign nurses. Spetz and Given consider this to be only a short-term option as it is expensive and the WHO reports majority of the countries experiencing nurse shortages, thereby putting a pressure on hospitals to limit foreign recruitment. Buerhaus et. al. goes farther to discuss other issues relating to the employment of foreign RNs to meet US health care demands. They cite impediments such as â€Å"likely negative impact on wages,†â€Å"quality of care,†and foreign policy. Another solution suggested by Buerhaus et. al. is to retain older RNs. In order to do this, facilities of health care systems should be designed so as to minimize physical strain. According to them, â€Å"altering schedules (working fewer hours), developing new roles (becoming mentors to younger RNs), and offering economic incentives can help to retain older RNs.†But among the three broad types of policy responses that Buerhaus suggested, I find increasing the flow of RNs in the workforce to be the most responsive, because that is exactly called for by the situation. This can be done either privately or by the government through raising money to increase faculty salaries and scholarship grants, and expand the physical learning space of nursing students. WORKS CITED: Aiken, Linda, Buchan, James, Sochalski, Julie, Nichols, Barbara, and Mary Powell. â€Å"Trends in International Nurse Migration.†Health Affairs 23.3 (2004): 69-77. 25 November 2008, Buerhaus, Peter, Staiger, Douglas, and David Auerback. â€Å"Is The Current Shortage of Hospital Nurses Ending?†Health Affairs 22.6 (2003): 191-198. 25 November 2008, Spetz, Joanne, and Ruth Given. â€Å"The Future of the Nurse Shortage: Will Wage Increases Close the Gap?†Health Affairs 22.6 (2003): 199-206. 25 November 2008, Nursing Shortage This paper aims at analyzing the consequences of understaffing nurses. Some of the outcomes I observed this semester are nurse burnout and dissatisfaction that arise due to nurse shortage. The focus of this context is on the socio-economic impact in the nursing field, ethical bias, legality of the matter and psychological interference that have adverse impact to the nurses, patients, clinical working field and the nursing sector. In this paper, I will look at some of the problems associated with the nursing profession. NURSES WORKING AND CONDITIONS These are stipulations and circumstances, which enhance persistence and commitment to work comfortably as a nurse, with all due satisfaction and dignity for human life, for better supply of work force toward a proper medical care to the patients. NURSE BURNOUT This is a character associated with nurses when they become psychologically or emotionally exhausted to attend the patients. This is because of being overworked, exploited, due to fatigue or due to dissatisfaction in their field of work. INTRODUCTION In order to curtail on the trauma of nurse shortage, I would like to say that nurses’ shortage only creates some awareness that patients are at risk of substandard health care and the working nurses are being overworked. This is because in this semester, I have observed that small nurse/patient ratio does not guarantee for better patients’ outcomes and assurances of proper health services. When nurses become physically exhausted due to being overworked, they cannot perform their duty efficiently. Nursing is a professional course and a career that need to be addressed from all perspectives, to encourage proper working conditions for the nurses in order to have a maximum labor output for the wellbeing of the patients. EXECUTIVE DISCUSSION Actually, overworking nurses by allowing them to work for long hours and overtime makes nurses to be susceptible to making prescription errors. This is highly exaggerated when the salary income does not correspond with the work nurses do. However, if these errors occur, it is contrally to the nurses’ professional ethics, it is illegal to prescribe a wrong dosage to a patient and again there is abuse of human rights in that the patient can suffer psychological torture if he realizes that he was specified a bad prescription. This is what raises the legal issue of nurses. Because of such mistakes, nurses are forced to spend too much money in hiring private lawyers or insuring themselves against such bias. Beside legal issues, wrong prescriptions of drugs leads to wastage of medicines that could be used by another patient effectively, hence wastage resources since medicines are among the most expensive items. Additionally, Wrong prescription of drugs can lead to loss of life, retardation or other body malfunction. This can cause more harm to the Nation by losing individuals. If overall effects of such errors were analyzed, the conclusion would be wastage of time when prescribing wrong dosage, wastage of resources and drugs, loss of human labor and abuse of human rights. Therefore, there would be bleach of law, socio-economic impact and denial of safe health care. Eventually, this would be a great loss to the nation and the impact is felt in the near future. Therefore, means of solving the above problems need to be realized. I think labor motivations, recruitment of more nurses and retention of the registered nurses should be encouraged in order to maintain successful dedication of nurses to their nation as they work smoothly without strain. Understanding of the staffs’ requirements and avoidance of understaffing in this sector is of paramount importance. According to the article on â€Å"Allied Health Source and ProQuest Nursing†, the executive summary is that nurses are not satisfied in their career. Due to this outcome, some of the repercussions are that physically exhausted nurses do prescribe wrong dosage to patients or they may prescribe right drug but misguide patients on how to use the drugs. Another outcome is that most nurses are leaving the nursing profession and pending nurses are not willing to join the sector. Low level of job satisfaction is the main reason as to why most nurses are migrating to other fields of employments. This again leads to understaffing of hospitals leading to high death rate, failure to provide safe and effective care to the patients. Eventually this results to failure to rescue the patients from undesired death especially in the surgical department where the patients are not rescued. From the same article on nurse staffing and hospital outcomes (Linda H. and Julie S.),it is found that the dissatisfaction is caused by law salary income, poor working conditions such as nonflexible hours of work that do not give married nurses time to look after their siblings. Another finding is that starting salary or wages do not increase with the prolonged period of work, therefore, there is successive exploitation to the nurses. According to the article on â€Å"Allied Health Source and ProQuest Nursing†, work conditions that affect the outcomes of nurses involve lack of labor motivations such as baby boomer packages, failure to provide flexible working hours for the nurses, failure for the government to provide scholarship to nurses who want to advance their knowledge on this career. According to the same article by Linda H. and Sean P. pg 4, nurse burnout is the main consequence of overworking staffs and it can lead to more outcomes. Actually, patients/nurses ratios that are more constructive result to lower nurse burnout and high job satisfaction among the registered nurses. Understaffing nurses can extremely influence patients’ outcomes. Working conditions that affect the outcome of nurses include poor working conditions such as understaffing that leads to overworking the nurses without paying them their due overtime. (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) <> Another condition that affects nursing profession is failure by the health ministry to provide encouraging packages to the nurses and other benefits. These benefits involve giving nurses flexible working hours such that they can concentrate on their family matters or providing nursing homes for their children and care. Other factors include lack of offering free seminar services to the nurses in order to update and sensitize them on the need and benefits to be a nurse and to encourage those leaving the sector to rejoin it. Lack of recognizing their efforts and contributions to this sector is another issue that does not address their working conditions. Nurses must also be insured in order to safeguard their wellbeing and protection in their line of duty. Finally, lack of labor motivations to the nurses such as gifts, prizes and awards to the best performing nurses is something that derails their morale and dedications to be a nurse and can lead to nurse burnout. In this semester, I have also observation that there is high nurses work overload and low technology application. Therefore, there is need to mitigate death rate and increase retention of staffs (nurses) in hospitals. More number of nurses to patients’ ratio can lead to a better patient outcome. Therefore, work force balance for the nurses is maintained in order to enhance proper working conditions for the nurses. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE My experience with the nursing profession tells me that nursing career is not an easy profession the way most people perceive. It needs a call to be dedicated in this service. Note that nursing involves taking care mostly to sick people from casualties to labor ward and mostly contamination is a loaming threats to the nurses. Therefore, the nurse should have a maternal feeling and concern of the high level in order to safe lives strictly obeying the code of ethics. PROPOSAL FOR CREATIVE SOLUTIONS Mostly labor motivation is the main tool to fight decrease of nurses from nursing sector. These will include providing nurses with proper and flexible working hours or services that are more rewarding. Another way is by means of helping them to solve family matters or factors that lead to their failures to work comfortably. These include if possible giving nurses services of caring for their children, the aged or by providing nursing homes to them with free or minor charges. Another solution is to offer aided scholarship to those nurses willing to advance their career especially in areas where more nurses are needed e.g. in gerontology and provision of geriatric clinicians. Again, nurses should be hired or employed from different regions irrespective of ethnicity and racial segregation. Application of latest technologies in nursing sector and outsourcing can be tried to improve working conditions in this sector. Some of the proposals that address outcomes for the nurses are varied to improve the outcomes for the patients. Understaffing of nurses indirectly affects the outcome of the patients. Therefore, proposals for outcomes of the nurses are determining factors to improve the outcomes of the patients. Mostly labor motivation is the main factor to fight decrease of nurses from nursing sector and this can improve the outcomes of the patients. These will include providing nurses with proper and flexible working hours or services that are more rewarding. By allowing nurses to work comfortably, nurse burnout can be avoided, hence patients can be attended with all due care because nurses wont be exhausted. Patients should be allowed to interact freely with the nurses to air their problems and complications. Again, patients should accorded all due respect in their treatment and assured of life continuation through proper medical care. Application of latest technologies in nursing sector and outsourcing can be tried to improve working conditions in this sector. CONCLUSION Some of the problems associated with the nursing profession include poor working conditions that have effects to both the nurses, patients and the nursing sector at large. After analyzing these problems, I have decided to draw a conclusion that creative solutions and labor motivations are the major factors that need to be addressed in order to safe the situation as far as nursing career is concerned. REFERENCE: Burnout, staffing and outcomes of nurses, retrieved on 7TH NOVEMBER 2007, available at Dohm A, â€Å"Gauging the Work Force Effects of Retiring Baby-Boomers,†Monthly Labor Analysis (July 2000):17-25 National union for Nursing, retrieved on 7TH NOVEMBER 2007, available at Strategies to repeal the New Nursing scarcity, retrieved on 7TH NOVEMBER 2007, available at  Â
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Talk to Frank Programme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Talk to Frank Programme - Essay Example The UK government, concerned about the rising illicit substance use, and its helplessness in combating it tried something novel in 2003. It launched an anti-drug campaign called ‘Talk to Frank’ which is a combination of drug related information and helpline for addicts and casual users. â€Å"The government says it is the first campaign aimed at parents and carers as well as teenagers.† The helpline, in fact can be used by anyone interested or concerned about drug usage by a relative or a friend. The campaign is implemented with the backing of the UK Home Office, the Department of Health, and minister of education. Critics say that the campaign only addresses use of class A drugs. The UK law has classified illicit drugs into three categories namely class A, B, and C. The Home Office has included the following drugs as coming under class A namely â€Å"Ecstasy, LSD, heroin, cocaine, crack, magic mushrooms, and amphetamines.†(Drugs).According to the Misus e of Drugs Act, the most harmful among the above classifications is included under class A. The Act proclaims that â€Å"These drugs are termed as controlled substances, and Class A drugs are those considered being the most harmful.†(Drug laws & licensing). The campaign is shown as advertisements on TV and the press and only says that a help-line is available along with a website called â€Å"†In other words, the website and the helpline comprise the whole programme. The website appears a bit garish or even psychedelic. It can be said that the site is very unattractive visually and is badly designed. It has five main menus, namely ‘A-Z of drugs, Join In, Talk to Frank, Worried about someone, Need Help, and Share. It also clearly shows the helpline number on the top of the page. The Join In section enables the public to share their experiences with others. The section also provides information on how drugs alter the state of mind. A lot of importa nce is given to cannabis and cocaine, probably because of their dangers and widespread use. More links on how ‘ecstasy’ and ‘LSD’ affect the mind is also provided. As an example, an extract of the information the site gives on cocaine is given below. â€Å"Coke is very addictive. It can be difficult to resist the craving and strong psychological dependence due to changes in the brain. Recent evidence suggests possible long-term changes to the nervous system.Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 9
Financial Management - Essay Example need to have a clear and well planned budget, monitoring the performance and taking action whenever needed, focus should be placed on essential numbers like salaries, materials and also sales. A keen eye on these aspects of the financial management will lead to the better financial management in large companies (Brodie, 2009). Choice of a determining the optimal mix of components of the capital structure is a very complex process and involves a number of different considerations. A number of different views of the capital structures need to be considered like the net corporate or personal tax, agency costs, bankruptcy cost and pecking order. There are a few components which build a company’s capital, these are: Ordinary shares, preference shares, debentures, and loan stock. Deciding the optimal mix is based on finding the right mix of long term funds which allow minimizing the cost of capital and helping maximize the value of the organization. This situation is referred to as the optimal capital structure. However, it is a known fact that gaining an optimal capital structure is not possible since, the changing of the mox of capital does not change the values. A company can be financed by a number of different modes. The type of capital financing that has been chosen for the company is referred to as the capital structure of the company. A company can be financed using debentures, equity shares, long term loans, etc. These options however are based on the nature of risk the investors are willing to take. The following sections will discuss the various financing options that are available for investors to finance their companies and the factors that affect the choice have also been discussed. a) Equity Financing: This is the most common mode of financing used by companies. Here companies raise monies for the business by selling stocks of the company. These can either be
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Bryan Adams Concert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bryan Adams Concert - Essay Example Bryan Adams is a Canadian rock star, guitarist, and songwriter born in 1959. He has recorded many albums that include 18 until I die, summer of ‘69, Cuts like a Knife, Run to You, and Reckless among others. His contribution to music has seen him win many awards, Grammy awards nominations, and selling millions of albums across the world. Indeed, Bryan Adams is one of the all-time best selling artists in the world. As such, I was eager to attend one of his concerts since they attract great reception as his performance commands international recognition. Most assuredly, I was envious to see him play the guitar and use the six elements of music, which include melody, tonality, rhythm, form, texture, and harmony. Indeed, I was part of the audience that graced the Bryan Adams concert at the Sydney Entertainment Centre in Australia on 19 April 2013. The Sydney Entertainment Centre concert started at about 8: 00 pm and lasted for about 100 minutes. Thousands of middle-aged women and men attended the concert and enjoyed the best performance of Bryan Adams as he performed a set of his classic songs. Bryan Adams played the guitar in a rhythmic and melodious manner to the excitement of the audience. Also accompanying him in the concert was Gary Breit, who was playing the piano thus adding some harmony, Keith Scott who was playing the guitar as the lead guitarist thus adding some rhythm and melody, Mickey Curry who added some rhythm by playing the drums, and Norm Fisher who was playing the bass. These performers established a melodious combination that thrilled the audience at the Sydney Entertainment Centre with beautiful melodies. Indeed, also present was the Scottish singer Amy Macdonald, who played an amazing role of calming the excited audience. Bryan Adams performed 26 songs during the concert. Among the songs he performed was the ‘House Arrest,’ which the crowd sung along word by word. Other songs included the ‘Here I Am,’ 18 until I die which is rock music, all for Love, here I am, heaven, Run to you, and ‘Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman,’ and Straight from the heart, which is also rock music among others. Indeed, all the songs Bryan Adams and his team performed were rock music. However, the most synonymous thing about the Sydney Entertainment Centre concert was how Bryan Adams played the guitar and how it functioned. The guitar played an accompaniment role where it set the rhythm and melody of the songs played. Moreover, the guitar reinforced the tonality of his amazing voice. The guitar also signaled the beginning and the end of the different songs that the band played. More so, the guitar proved his great musicianship and guitar work while he was playing the iconic songs. Indeed, Bryan Adams entertained the audience by playing the guitar and establishing an engagement with the fans. Notably, three classic songs graced the Sydney Entertainment Centre concert, which include the summer of â₠¬Ëœ69, House Arrest, and Run to You. Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance wrote the song, â€Å"Run to you†and released it in 1984. This is a rock song in the album, Reckless. It remains one of Bryan Adams most popular songs and his fans equally know it word by word. Indeed, the song has won many accolades including topping the Billboard American rock tracks and the Billboard top 100 songs. On the other hand, Mutt Lange and Bryan Adams produced
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Terrorism Today Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Terrorism Today - Research Paper Example According to the US Department of Defense terrorism is defined as an unlawful action that is intended to create a sense of fear or to intimidate governments and the general public in order to attain political, religious and ideological goals (The Face of Terrorism, 2007). Today's terrorist organizations work in groups which are in turn interlinked to form a wide terrorist network. Small groups of terrorist cells which are part of a larger group are trained and sent all over the world. In some cases, different terrorist networks or organizations work together to carry out an attack. All the networks work under a leader who instructs and decides on the activities of the terrorist network (Global Terrorism, n.d). Terrorists could be non state players with a transnational support such as the Al-Qaeda, cells which have regional or international links or individual independent terrorists who are not affiliated to any organization (The Face of Terrorism, 2007). Terrorism is a premeditated a ct and it is carried out based on political, religious or ideological motives. In most cases political authority, which determines the social and economic status of a country, are the major causes for a terrorist attack (Creekmore, 2007). The recent 9/11 attacks stand proof for the power of terrorist organizations to carry out an attack in a developed and super power country like America. The major objective behind the attacks was to expose the vulnerability of a country such as America and to create a sense of fear and chaos among the general public (The Face of Terrorism, 2007; Creekmore, 2007). The bombings not only targeted the public but also the US military forces. Minor losses of military forces by a terrorist attack will not only expose the vulnerability of the forces but would also result in wider media coverage and diminish the public and political support for military operations. Hence terrorist organizations do not directly challenge the government; instead they would ta rget the general population in a manner that would change their perception of the effectiveness and capabilities of their government. They also carry out their operations in a manner that would nullify the effect of the strength of the target forces as exemplified by the sudden attacks on 9/11 (The Face of Terrorism, 2007). Though the 9/11 attacks resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and property, if nuclear devices or bio warfare’s were used in the attacks the destruction could have been of a larger magnitude and would have definitely undermined the basic sense of security within the country (Carter, 1998). In addition to the loss of lives and damage to property such terrorist attacks have also have a negative impact on the economy of the country. The 9/11 attacks had a significant impact on the trading and stock markets with both the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ closed for a week after the attacks. When the markets reopened the stock market index had fall en by 684 points and the stock loss was estimated at $1.2 trillion dollar for that week. Apart from companies in the US which suffered huge losses, companies across the world which traded with the US also lost significantly. The airline industry was the most effected after the attacks which have even resulted in many airline companies filing for
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Commercialization of Athletics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Commercialization of Athletics - Essay Example While not detracting from the importance of any of these factors, however, the media has played the most important role in the commercialization of sports and, indeed, were it not for the media, sports would not have attained their current level of commercialization or, at least, not at such a fast pace. Sports and athletics have become nothing more than commodities and tradable goods. The degree to which they have been commercialized is more than evident in the amounts which are spent on sports goods in any given year. As Linberry writes, the available financial figures highlight the fact that sports do not only constitute a billion dollar industry but stands out as one of the most profitable of the global industries (p. 19). In 1996, the sports industry generated a profit in excess of 25 billion dollars and this figure increases every year (Linberry, p. 19). Sports, central to which is the possession of unique talent at a particular games, is a highly profitable commodity. Accordingly, as Roberts and Town argue "in our shrunken, money-driven world, talent is the most prized commodity of them all" (Roberts and Town, para 1). Talent is prized and valued at millions of dollars because, in an environment where sports is a commodity and a consumer good, talent has the power to generate millions of dollars in the sale of sports related goods per annum. It is, thus, that sports have become "$ports" (Hoch, p. 11). The commercialization of sports and its transformation into a consumer commodity is largely a consequence of mass media's treatment and coverage of sports events. Douglas Kellner, a sports sociologists, argues that the mass media and most especially TV, has transformed sporting events into spectacles. As he writes, as a direct outcome of the approach which the mass media adopts towards the coverage of sporting events, the way in which they advertise the events and build up mass excitement towards them, has led to a situation in which "professional sports is one of the major spectacles of media culture" (p. 458). Matches are no longer sports events but sporting spectacles which command the attention of millions of viewers across the world and which countless of companies seek to capitalize upon through advertisements and sponsorships. Sports sociologists contend that while sports have always had a unique popular appeal and would have, with the passage of time, become commodified and commercialization, none other than the sports media is responsible for the depth of its current commodification. Lee, a mass communications scholar, notes that sports have always been popular and have, long before the advent of television and media, commanded popular attention. It was only, however, with the advent of both television and the media that sports and sporting events attained their current level of popularity (pp. 194-195). Television did not just popularize major sporting events but transformed friendly, previously unwatched, matches into spectacles, just as its coverage of athletes led to their transition from sports talents and sporting professionals to heroes with global fan bases which ran into the millions of people (pp. 194-195). Television commercialized sports through the commodification of athletes, sporting event s
Monday, September 23, 2019
Marketing - Governmental Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing - Governmental Structure - Essay Example The four major political parties of Canada are the Liberal Party, Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, and Bloc Quebecois. Canada is currently stable politically. The political risk index of Canada on a 1-10 scale is 9.5 (CountryWatch, 2011). A high number in the scale is a desirable outcome. The nature of Kudler Fine Foods business and the existence of NAFTA pretty much ensure that there are not going to be any political barriers that might prohibit the entrance of the company into Canada. Food is a first necessity item. Kudler Fine Foods should keep track of the actions of the Federal government of Canada since they are responsible for international relations. A risk factor for Kudler Fine Foods is if the Canadian government decides to impose additional taxes to the corporations or higher sales taxes on food items. There is no risk of tariffs being imposed on US imports due the existence of NAFTA. Inflation, currency exchange, and monetary and fiscal policies The national curr ency of Canada is the Canadian dollar. The current currency exchange rate between the US dollar and the Canadian dollar is 1: 0.973 (Xe, 2011). The Canadian dollar has been a currency that has been historically stable. A sign of stability in a currency is illustrated by the inflation rate of the country. The inflation rate of Canada between 1915 and 2010 was 3.26% (Tradingeconomics, 2011). Canada has a great business relationship with the United States evidence by the fact that 80% of Canadian exports go to the United States. The monetary and fiscal policies of Canada can influence the decisions of Kudler Fine Foods. If the government reduces the cost of money the company can take advantage of the situation to borrow money at a lower cost. In order to minimize risk of loss of purchasing power when interest rates go up the firm should invest in bonds. Technology factor There are various technologies that can help Kudler Fine Foods improve their financial performance and operational e fficiency. A technology that can help the company improve its supply chain and logistics is radio frequency identification tags (RFID). RFID tags can be used to tract the movement of merchandise while in transit in Canada. The company can provide up to the minute updates to their clients about the approximate time when the food items are going to be delivered to the stores. Another technology that can help the company establish a presence in Canada is the internet. The internet can be used to develop a online marketing campaigns to attract Canadian customer to purchase our new Too Fresh to Go product line. Social and demographic factors, diversity Canada is bilingual country that speaks both English and French. Kudler Fine Foods must prepare their packaging for Canada in a box that has both English and French instructions and advertising messages. The population of Canada is small in comparison with the size of the country. Canada has a multicultural population that has a different composition than the United States, but both countries are rich in terms of diversity. Diversity can be used by Kudler Fine Foods to improve innovation and creativity among its staff. In order to beat the language constraint Kudler Fine Foods will need to hire bilingual employees. The costs associated with acquiring the skills and abilities necessary to establish an operation in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Poloypharmacy in the elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Poloypharmacy in the elderly - Essay Example Polypharmacy means "many drugs" or the use of more medication than is clinically indicated or warranted (Fulton 2005). It is a problem with significant concern because; it leads to more adverse drug reactions and decreased adherence to drug regimens. The patient may have poor quality of life, high rate of symptomatology and unwarranted drug expenses. Polypharmacy is more of a concern in the elderly because, illness is more common in the elderly and hence the number of prescribed drugs also is more. Although elderly people (>65 years of age) form only about 12 % of population, they represent about 33% of prescription drug and 40% of over-the-counter drug consumers (â€Å"Polypharmacy in the elderly†). Also, the pharmacokinetics of the aged is so different that the effects of the drugs are more. The important age-related changes that affect the pharmacokinetics of the aged are, decrease in lean body mass and total body weight, increased percentage of body fat, decreased protein binding of drugs, increase in volume of distribution for lipophilic drugs that penetrate the central nervous system, decline in the metabolic capacity of the liver, decreased liver mass and hepatic blood flow, decreased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. There may also be changes in the receptor numbers, affinity, and post receptor cellular effects (Laird, â€Å"Polypharmacy in the elderly†). Along with these, the changes in the homeostatic mechanisms can increase or decrease drug sensitivity. The main concern of polypharmacy in the elderly is adverse drug reactions. The adverse drug events not only are the cause for falls, fractures, cognitive dysfunction, postural hypotension, electrolyte disorders and cardiac failure, but also account for about 23% of hospital admissions in the elderly (Brazeau 2001). Drug interactions are responsible for 15-20% of these adverse reactions (Brazeau 2001). Studies have shown that the incidence of adverse drug interactions increases
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Half brothers Essay Example for Free
The Half brothers Essay He doesnt understand how someone could leave another person to die, and to him, the fact they were in a war, where people are killed, doesnt make a difference. I suppose that if a person has not experienced the feelings of what its like to be in a war, to lose someone you dearly love, then there will never be able to totally understanding as to how someone could do something so sad. I also believe that during the 1930s and the 1940s, people had a different way of life. The fact that Mrs Rutter lost her husband in the war made her feel as though the jerry plane crashing was a blessing, and it is obvious she has no regrets. We see how Sandra has an insight at why Mrs. Rutter felt she had nothing to be sorry for in acting this way. The setting of The Half-Brothers shows a sense of loneliness and most of the story takes place on the harsh and lonely Fells. There was also the lack of relatives and friends at the funeral of her daughter. In the text it says that the people who did go were Neighbours my aunt, and one far off cousin, Who were all the friends they could muster It shows that she doesnt even have hope of having anyone to be close to. She has her sister, but they are of very different personalities. Even though Aunt Fanny was a kind, warm hearted creature, who thought more of her sisters welfare than she did of her own Helen felt they couldnt talk to each other and because of this, could not share her feelings of sadness with anyone. This feeling that the main character no longer has anyone to understand them is strong in both of the stories. Later in the story Helen gives birth to a baby boy who she called Gregory. And he became her life. She seemed after that to think of nothing but her new little baby. Helen used her obsession as a way out of thinking about the bad things that were happening to her. Because she had felt so lonely, she found her new child the only thing to make living worthwhile. Her sister was really worried about her still, as she knew that with no money they would surely be unable to survive, so Aunt Fanny stayed, but she knew that something would still have to be done. Thats when William Preston, who was afterwards my father, came in, Helen married William Preston because he said that he would make sure that her child was looked after, the child that was Helens sole reason for being. He basically bought her into marriage, and it is obvious that Helen only married him because of her financial situation. This means that it was clear from the beginning of the marriage that William Preston wanted Helen because of her good looks, and Helen needed him more because she had no money. This made it very easy for him to rule over her. This saddens the reader, as Helen is so weak that she feels that all she has to live for is her only child. Helen falls pregnant again, and was unsure about having another child, as she loved Gregory so much. She guards him with her life, and because of this, she gives birth early due to an argument about Gregory being bad, as she made excuses for his behaviour. William Preston knows that Helen does not love him the way he wishes she would, and he feels jealous by all her love for her sons. He blames everything on Gregory, and when Helen dies due to the early birth, that too is his fault. He is not treated the same as he is only seen to William as a stepson. Almost as though he is nothing but an inconvenience. The ending of the story made me feel sad by what happened. The tension in the darkness out there is that of fear, of shock, but in half brothers it comes across in sadness of the tragic events that happened in the story and the unfortunate fate of Gregory. The Half-Brothers is a very detached story, as the narrator does not seem to have any sort of connection with the people he is talking about, even though he is the second son, he bears no name throughout the whole story. The narrator in The Darkness Out There I would say is Sandra. I think this because right at the very end of the story, it is Sandra who does what seems to be a conclusion, and this brings out her maturity. At the beginning she is annoyed by something so small as who she has to work with, but the events that happen show her how everything is not always as it appears. At the end, it is not only Kerry who has grown, but herself too. My Own Personal Views: I found the story Half-Brothers more informative and its structure appealed to me more because I found it more interesting. However I found the contrast between darkness and light in the story by Penelope Lively rather fascinating. The twist and turns of the short story were very cleverly put together to form a roller coaster of a read. When I was reading the beginning of the story about sunshine and flowers I started to think about the title and how it seemed very strange in connection to what I was reading. The reader could quite easily become stuck into what at first seems like some kind of fairytale, only to be suddenly hit by a somewhat shocking ending which is totally unexpected. Half-Brothers has a rather steady flow. I do not mean by this that there is no tension because that certainly is not the case. The tale has a very tragic structure all the way through, and all throughout reading this story, as a reader, I felt generally saddened almost as though it were a true story.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Nelson Mandela Leadership Style
Nelson Mandela Leadership Style Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, the leader and father of South African population, will turn 92 years on the 18th of July. Born in Transkei, a village in the south-eastern area of South Africa, he was exposed to the African history from his childhood due to his father being the chief of the village. As a result he gained a deeper understanding of the African government and the unfair and inhuman treatment by white people. Once again his father influenced his life path as he was the one who gave the permission for Rolihlahla, to join elementary school where he was given the English name, Nelson. Calling it fate or destiny Mandela in his biography wonders if his teacher gave him that name after the British sea captain Lord Nelson (Mandela N., 1994). Moving on with his education, Nelson enrolled in the Fort Hare University. At that point, his leadership skills unfolded, winning an expulsion from University for leading a student strike. Thus, he completed his degree in law at the University of South Africa (Notable Biographies, 2010). On the other hand, his personal life included three marriages resulting in having six children, twenty-one grandchildren and three great-grandchildren (Mandela N., 1994). A point of reference is the time, in 1943, that Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC) as an activist. Only eight years later, his first major presidential position was in place as the president of the ANC Youth League which he co-founded. Since its foundation, ANC aims to enhance the human rights and living conditions of black people in South Africa. ANC was the reason for Mandela to be sent in jail for nine months since he participated in protest activities. However, in 1960, ANC Youth League lost financial and militant support thus being banned. This made Mandela to realise that peaceful behaviour was not the method to change things in Africa. Pride and anger for the unfairness he was forced to face, necessitated him to form a military group that was operating illegally, called The Spear of the Nation. They were fighting the government in silence through sabotage. For instance, they were destroying peoples properties (Notable Biographies, 2010). Prior to this, in 1952, Mandela launched the first black legal company in South Africa. He was offering his legal advices to black people for free or low cost. However, seven years later, new laws were passed, forcing the creation of separated homelands for black people enhancing the racial segregation (, 2010). The later, let Mandela to become more active towards protecting the rights of black people. This resulted in Mandela being arrested and imprisoned in Johannesburg Fort, in 1962, for five years, although managing to escape. That did not last for long as he was arrested again and accused for sabotage and treason. As a consequence Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment. The first eighteen years of his imprisonment were in Robben island prison (, 2010). This as he himself described, was a prison with maximum security, forcing them to work hard, humiliating them and living under inhuman conditions. In 1968, his mother and his son died but he was not permitted to attend either of the funerals. Contrary to that and to the treatment received by the government, he never stopped supporting his beliefs thus rejecting a liberation offer by the president of South Africa, PW Botha. Moving on in the time of the imprisonment, better and more human conditions were offered to him in 1988 as he underwent a prostate surgery. Eventually, after twenty-seven years in prison and as a response to worldwide calls, Nelson Mandela was finally released in 1990 and elected as the president of ANC (, 2010). However if an evaluation was to be made for his life so far, the suffering he encountered is clearly shown. The government did not allow him any visitors and they considered discussions regarding Mandela as illegal. However, these decisions against Mandela increased peoples perception about him, both worldwide and locally. On the top, in peoples minds Mandela was synonym to words like fairness, ethnical right and leader. He became an international symbol against racism (Notable Biographies, 2010). After being released from prison Mandela did not stop fighting for the black people. He started discussions with the existing president of South Africa, F.W. de Klerk, concluding that only a compromise between black and white people will prevent the occurrence of a civil war in their country. Eventually, the establishment of the new democratic government was a fact. This new government was giving the right to vote to all South Africans (Notable Biographies, 2010). The upcoming years of his life were the rewards for his nonstop race for equality. In 1993 he was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize due to his achievement of the equality in voting rights. A year later, black South Africans and Mandela were allowed to vote for the first time in their life. The result was internationally expected. Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa (, 2010). During the years of his presidency, he tried hard to minimise the various political differences in South Africa. Moreover, he tried to build up a healthier economy in combination with establishing a more solid democracy. Additionally, he was one of the supporters of clearing peoples criminal record if that was created during the years of racism by the countrys government (Notable Biographies, 2010). Ending a successful century his duration as his countrys president ends in 1999. However, his political career doesnt end. He was placed at the position of the statesman where he was acting as the third party in the process for peace (Notable Biographies, 2010). The first decade of the new century found Mandela facing the accursed disease, as he was diagnosed with prostate cancer but he fought and succeeded for once more in his life. As all things come to an end, at the age of eighty-five he retired from the public life. However, only two years ago at the age of ninety, he showed that his vision of equality and fairness never stopped bothering him. Through a speech he urged and tried to inspire the young generation to continue the fight for social justice (, 2010). Summing up his career, The United Nations General Assembly declares July 18 Mandela Day as a tribute to his contribution to world freedom (, 2010). In general, Nelson Mandela can be characterised as an excellent leader, with good judgement and listening skills, sensitive and open-minded. He was an intelligent leader since it requires good strategic plan and clever manoeuvre in order to defeat your enemies without humiliating them. Once, he stated that my life was shaped by custom, ritual and taboo and this was the alpha and omega of our existence (Mandela N., 1994). This excellent knowledge of his origin enabled him to be more confident of what he was fighting for. Thus his vision of a peaceful South Africa without any racial segregation became a more approachable target. This explains one of his favourite quotes; a good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination (Brainy Quotes, 2010). Moreover, he was exposed to significant leadership education throughout his career. For instance, seeing the world from your enemys eyes enables you to identify easier their strengths and weaknesses, planning a more effective strate gy (Times Magazine, 2008). The worldwide discussion of whether you are born or developed as a leader is not a question for Nelson Mandela. It is unanimously believed that Mandela had the charisma to be a leader. This is supported by his acts throughout his life and the recognition he faced worldwide. Scanning Mandelas life, it can be seen that the way to lead the people was influenced from his childhood. This is because he used to attend the local tribal meetings, where he was observing the speakers, and absorbing every small detail of leadership characteristics. These principles were his significant tools throughout his political life. In his biography, he notes that in the meetings he was just concluding the discussions, most of the times without adding anything new but taking everyones talk into consideration (Mandela N., 1994). Strategically he admits that in the back of his mind he was following a well planned schedule. A leader is like a shepherd he supports, in a way that the flock thinks that it rules, but actually the shepherd directs the movements from start till the end (Mandela N., 1994). Moving on with the evaluation of Mandelas characteristics, one can describe Mandela as team manager. This is because he was a supporter and a listener of his followers concerns but he always had in mind his primary goal, being both task and people oriented. He tried to motivate people by making each individual to feel necessary and important thus increasing their willingness to help and achieve their goal. Making a critical analysis of Mandelas overall attitude, characteristics of a level five leader can be observed, i.e. Mandela represents an executive leader. This is because there is a combination of professional will and personal humility. Being focused on his main goal, he was not afraid of being dishonoured. For instance, his life imprisonment showed that he was not afraid to accept the consequences of his own acts even though humiliation was present. Showing professional will, even when he was in the plane to be taken to Robben Island he did not stop thinking as a leader. He was looking at the area as a strategist where he was trying to find ideal places to launch his army in order to continue fighting for his vision (Mandela N., 1994). This way of thinking also characterise him as a strategic innovative leader. As a transformational leader he showed his various ways of leadership. He was engaged in individualized consideration and this can be proved by his refusal towards the president P.W. Botha to release him from prison. Furthermore his boxing training enhanced his skills. Attracted by the science of boxing, i.e. the democratic and strategic rules that needed to be followed and not the violence of it, Mandela used the sport to improve his leadership initiative and self confidence. This attitude categorises Mandela as an alchemist and achiever. Renamed voluntarily by his boxing colleagues, Chief, showed that his leading skills were used even during his daily routine (Mandela N., 1994). All the aforementioned characteristics show his authenticity as a leader. One can be completely persuaded that he knew how to manage his skills and which personality traits to reveal for each occasion. Two important quotes that he used throughout his life were firstly that If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart (Brainy Quotes, 2010). This shows that he knew the way to cope with people and influence them. Secondly, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world (Brainy Quotes, 2010). In order to achieve his vision he always had in mind that goodness and forgiveness are two important aspects to fulfil. To sum up, Mandelas life and actions made people realize that everyone can have a dream, big or small, good or bad. However, this does not mean that it will be publicly accepted. People will fight ones vision but looking at Mandelas story what stays in mind is that, you should never give up. Developing a well organised plan and creating a well structured strategy are the key components for a successful path to be followed. Although Nelson Mandela spent many years in prison, he never stopped trying to transform his vision into reality. In an article in Guardian newspaper he states that if people of courage and good conscience are prepared to stand and fight there is nothing we cannot achieve (The Guardian, 2010). Thus leading with vision, courage and always being a shepherd is the lesson gained from Nelson Mandelas leadership. References: Brainy Quotes. 2010. Nelson Mandela Quotes. [online] accessed at: 14/06/2010 Available at: Mandela N. 1994. Long Walk to Freedom. Autobiography Notable Biographies. 2010. Nelson Mandela. Encyclopaedia of World Biography. [online] accessed at: 14/06/2010 Available at: 2010. Nelson Mandela Timeline. Telegraph Media Group Limited. [online] accessed at: 14/06/2010 Available at: The Guardian. 2010. My hero Nelson Mandela by Gordon Brown. [online] accessed at: 15/06/2010 Available at: Times Magazine. 2008. The Secrets of Leadership from Nelson Mandela. [online] accessed at: 15/06/2010 Available at:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Market Opportunity Analysis :: essays research papers fc
Market Opportunity Analysis Ruonan Tan 0423688 Introduction In our modern society , lots of companies are surrounded by the numerous competition and dealt with many questions , for example , are your products consistent with your customers’ current and future needs? Do you have a flow of new products to meet the information needs of your market? Are the products you’re developing strategically significant? The answer is unkown , because the market opportunity analysis for every product is playing an important role in company ‘s philosophy . Jerry Y. Wind has argued that â€Å"Market opportunity analysis is key to the survival and growth of any firm including national and international companies , particularly in the competitive marketplace.†( The Lauder Professor and professor of Marketing, The Wharton School, Trustee, The Philadelphia Museum of Art) . The ever-accelerated updating of economic and commercial brings about a great number of changes and challenges in modern society , especially in the expansion of marketplace and influence of market opportunity research and analysis for different firms . It seems that market opportunity is playing significant role .Recently Hi-Micro company was established and have identified that the on-going globalization of the world economy, its strategic location, and the existing market structure provide them with a potential opportunity to develop as an international high-tech computer market leader. In recognition of the risks involved, Hi-micro test the market of Innovators and Mercedes to examine the basis for the opportunity, assess how these two products measure up against competing other companies , such as Wellbox and KnLs , determine potential market niches, and develop a strategic marketing plan. This current report, the Hi-Micro Market Opportunity Analysis, represents the process of m arketing through the analyses of the following sections mainly for Hi-micro that are closely related to market opportunity analysis . The business environment and the forces What is an on demand Operating Environment? It is defined as â€Å" a set of integration and infrastructure management capabilities that customers and partners can utilize, in a modular and incremental fashion, to enable the transformation to e-business on demand. It is not: a single product, nor a brand, nor a platform, nor an architecture†. The design of an on demand operating environment must match the design of the business itself. In order for more and more flexibility and componentization to be achieved in the business design, the infrastructure must evolve from silos of complex, over-provisioned, proprietary hardware and software – to a standards-based infrastructure where capacity can be optimized across the entire organization.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Freedom, Patriarchy, and Racial Oppression Essay example -- United Sta
Freedom, Patriarchy, and Racial Oppression The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sarte is known to have established existentialism in France after the liberation of Paris in 1944. Existentialism is the philosophy that states that the values people choose influences the choices they make and how they interpret the meanings of their decisions. When existentialism was introduced in the United States, it challenged Americans to access their ethical standards from a different perspective. America is associated with being "The land of the free". However, the American society has set standards on women's roles and racial castes and until these oppressions are eliminated the entire society will never have freedom. What is freedom? Freedom, as defined by Krisnamurti, is a state of mind in which there is no fear or compulsion, no urge to be secure. In the American society there is a need for security and there is fear. People conform to society's ideas to feel secure and fear being different, fear thinking on their own to set their own standards and choose their own values. Sartre's existentialist view of freedom is that it preexists value choices. Because people do not freely choose and follow their values, society creates ideals that control their views in life. These ideals are supposed to maintain order in society by showing everyone their place, but these ideals displace what society should stand for and prevent people from freedom. Should people follow societybs norm or become existentialists and think on their own? Society has set limits on gender roles with ideals such as male privilege and patriarchy. Patriarchy is the political structure to control womenbs thoughts on their sexuality, laboring, and place in society so... ... the exact abilities that they have and that those views and values weakening society. They could choose new values that would allow equal opportunity for all people and a better society would be able to come into existence. Minorities could use an existentialist perspective to improve their standards of themselves. The American ideals on patriarchy, male privilege, and race will continue to oppress the entire society from freedom until these views can be changed as people realize what freedom really is. People must first free themselves from society's views by realizing that they have a negative affect on everyone. They must freely choose their own values. When people in society assess their ethical standards from a new perspective and become existentialist, freedom will preexist value choices and people will choose values with the equality of everyone in mind.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Eleanor Roosevelt Essay example -- essays research papers fc
Eleanor Roosevelt was a honest person who had responsibility and compassion towards her husband , family and her fellow man, whatever their social status. She used great citizenship and initiative actions in dealing with anyone who was fortunate enough to make her acquaintance. Eleanor Roosevelt is an outspoken advocate of social justice. During the years she has taken over a lot of responsibility. For someone who spent thefirst third of her life as shy and timid, she showed great courage once she was thrust into the presidential â€Å"spotlight†. Most Americans considered her a true â€Å"American Hero†. â€Å"Ladies and gentlemen, members of the press, I now announce the presence of our first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt†, is something similar to what you would hear when being addressed at a press conference or important meetings. She was a well respected human being, achieving great duties and responsibility in life. She was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to be on the first peace corps advisory board. She was such an active lady while her husband was in office that she was no longer willing to stay quietly in the background of her husband. She took a job as an editor and advertising manager of a monthly publication â€Å" The Women’s Democratic News†where she became more independent towards herself and work. Eleanor Roosevelt became very involved in women issues, being that she also joined the newly organized Women’s division of the New York State Democratic party and moved swiftly into positions of leadership. Not only was she responsible among organizations and people, she later became her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s eyes and ears, dedicating her life to his purposes, being a trusted and tireless reporter. One of the reasons she did become so helpful towards her husbands career was besides the fact that she was the first lady, Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with a disease called polio and caused him to be permanently crippled in August of 1921. She then became even more loyal to him and our country having to deal with people from different nations, organizations and positions. While the President struggled to regain the use of his legs, Eleanor Roosevelt and Louis Howe joined forces to keep his political and business contacts alive. She became a powerful voice for youth employment and civil right... ...u can remember how she showed great compassion to her work and life. How loyal she was to the people of our nation. What great responsibility’s she consummated and what respect she gave and received from and to so many. Works Cited Diller, Daniel C. & Robertson, Stephen .L â€Å" The Presidents, First Ladies and Vice Presidents. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 1959. Collier Encyclopedia: Copyright 1989 Cook, Blanche Wiesen : Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume One New York: Vikking 1992 Eleanor Roosevelt: This is My Story New York: Harper & Bros., 1937 On My Own New York: Harper & Bros., 1949 Http:// Lash, Joseph P. : Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship Based on Eleanor Roosevelt’s Private Papers. New York: W.W. Norton, 1971 Lash, Joseph P. : Eleanor Roosevelt: A friend’s Memoir. Garden City, N.Y Lorena Hickok : Eleanor Roosevelt: Reluctan First Lady New York: Dodd, Mead 1962 Young’s , J. Williams T. : Eleanor Roosevelt: A Personal a Public Life Boston: Little, Brown, 1985
Monday, September 16, 2019
JC Penney Advertising Essay
As time progresses, the world, in terms of business is rather contracting. There is growing communication, interaction and exchange between different parts of the world. Technologies that were once thought of as a far sighted notion are now being used like household commodities and communication mediums that were once considered luxuries available to few are now necessities needed to prosper. And as the world is becoming more integrated and countries are becoming more and more dependent on one another in terms of trade and business the concept of branding, advertising and promotion is becoming more prevalent and widespread. This paper will focus on the marketing of JC penny. It would elaborate on the print as well as online marketing. Moreover it would compare and contrast advertising of online and bricks and mortar companies. Discussion The demand for accountability of marketing is rising and also the pressure of having less absolute dollars to work with so there is utmost need to be sharper, more purposeful and more targeted with marketing. JC Penney is a general retail brand that specializes in clothing, accessories and home furnishing. It has been around for decades and has been catering the needs of consumers of all ages and backgrounds. JC Penney’s main target audience at the present times is women as well as youngsters. JC Penney faced criticism for being a brand that accommodated only the high-end and older generation. However, they have been changing their brand image and have been successful in implementing an image that is portraying a more young and trendy vibe. It now focuses on providing products that have the characteristics of being conservative, traditional, modern or trendy. Fundamentally JC Penney has been escalated in the last years is through the fact that it has moved from mass marketing to a more targeted approach. The few reasons for this change is that JC Penney believes that when business is difficult there is a lot greater chance of success with getting the arms around the best customers and increasing frequency share of wallet and trips with the best customers then trying to recruit new customers in tough times that may not shopping the brand. JC Penney has managed to find ways to develop formats that allowed it to get more productivity out the money that is spend. It has also become more targeted in terms of customer selection through becoming much sharper about making sure the right customers get the right format in the right piece. (Fetterman, 2006) JC Penney is one of the brands that hold the significance of being a brick and mortar store as well as an online retailer. Hence, it follows branding through all of the sources of mass media. It publishes magazines and postcards for the promotion of its products. It also advertises it products and offers through newspapers, television ads and online ads. When comparing the online and print media usage it quoted by Mike Boylson the Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of JC Penney that In the postcard you can deliver more of a sales message, or more of a discount message these postcards may drive the customers online to see the full assortment online where as the larger brand books of JC Penny show a much richer sense of the style that they have and they portray fundamentally completely different messages. The postcard includes the offer and a link to the website to go see the expanded content where as the book itself that goes out shows the product, the customer can then either come in the store or they can go online or place their order on the phone. Direct mail is very important because through versioning and through customer segmentation the company is able to send out more targeted messages that are highly accountable and are also able to track the results in direct mail to a degree that cannot be possible in a lot of the other traditional mass media used by JC Penney. JC Penney has been focusing a great deal over its brand image and has been trying to diversify and broaden its target audience. It has recently changed to a new brand motif; ‘Every day matters’ along with the new tag line, the company has been working on enhancing its customer’s services and the opening of several temporary promotional stores. JC Penney is focusing on increasing the popularity of its brick and mortar stores as well as its online retailing through providing customers with latest offers, discounts and showcasing their product line online for ease of access. Sloan, 2007) As the world is advancing so are the technologies and the ease with which communication is possible among all parts of the world. With the advent of the internet and the upscale increase in its popularity, there has been almost nothing that is not available on the World Wide Web. The phenomenon of e-shopping emerged with the internet. The fact that customers could get what they want in the ease of their homes, increased the recognition of the internet and also of online shopping. There are numerous differences and similarities between online shopping and traditional shopping. But what holds more importance is the way the companies market their product online and how different it is from the marketing and promotion of brick and mortar companies. (Lowrey, 2008) Marketing over the internet is considered less costly, as it is holds a lower cost of distributing information on a global platform. More and more business are moving towards online retailing due to its outnumbered advantages in terms of cost, convenience and mobility of information over a great distance. One of the major focuses that companies including JC Penney is on the website. The success of online marketing is highly dependent over the outlook, design and the information provided by the website. Both the online companies as well as brick and mortar companies need to identify their target audience before they implement any marketing strategies. This lets them focus on the type of marketing tool they would benefit them. Brick and mortar companies offer a more traditional aspect of shopping and they also follow a traditional approach of marketing. This is mostly through mass media such as newspapers, television broadcast and magazines. With the passage of time, there are less and less companies that focus solely over brick and mortar business. Most companies are now available online as there is less overheads and larger audience prone to response through the internet. Conclusion In the end it is imperative to recognize the increasing importance of internet in business. Both, online retailing and brick and mortar companies hold their own set of characteristics that make them distinct. As the progress of online shopping is increasing there is still need for brick and mortar stores for traditional shoppers. Most companies, however, imply both the alternatives and hence, carry out their marketing accordingly.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Ellen Foster Object Relations Essay
Ellen Foster is a ten-year-old, Caucasian, female who experiences a series of traumatic events during her childhood. These traumatic events include her witnessing domestic violence in the home, her mother’s suicide and subsequent physical, sexual and psychological abuse by her alcoholic father, her maternal grandmother and other relatives (aunts and cousins on the mother’s side). Ellen shuttled from home to home, staying for a short time at the home of her teacher, then to different relatives’ homes, to finally a foster home where she eventually resides. Ellen’s â€Å"new mama†, as she refers to her, is a much better role model then she has ever experienced before. New Mama is supportive and nurturing towards Ellen. Ellen reports that government and church funding support the foster family. She has no siblings. Ellen is intelligent and enjoys doing art. She often rides a pony at her new foster home. Ellen misses her mother, and longed for a caregiver before she had new mama. This is evident when she reports eaves dropping on a â€Å"colored†family and â€Å"started making a list of all that a family should have. Of course, there is the mama and the daddy but if one has to be missing then it is OK if the one left can count for two. But not just anybody can count or more than his or herself (p. 67)†. She often sought help from her Aunt Betsey and neighbors. Her mother, father and grandmother, or â€Å"mama’s mama†as Ellen calls her, are all deceased. The grandmother was old and abusive towards Ellen forcing her to work the fields with the â€Å"colored†field hands on her farms in the middle of a sweltering hot summer until school started. Ellen eventually becomes the caregiver and housemaid to mama’s mama after the grandmother fires all of her household servants. Despite Ellen’s care and good works for her, the grandmother despises her because she is convinced that Ellen was in â€Å"cahoots†with her father in abusing her daughter, taking her revenge out on Ellen since the father is dead. Ellen has a best friend, an African American girl named Starletta, Since Ellen likes Starletta, and she struggles with her own burgeoning racism. She has beliefs about African Americans that are mainly negative. Ellen eventually realizes that race makes no difference in the quality of the person. Ellen enjoys art and playing with her microscope often fantasying about being a scientist on the brink of a new discovery that will change mankind. She sees a counselor at school on Wednesdays. Ellen does not enjoy doing therapy and has negative transference towards her counselor. Presently she is seeing me for therapy. She can be aggressive, defensive and competitive at times at school. During one session Ellen reported that her counselor asked her about her last name because â€Å"Foster†isn’t her real last name. She did not want to discuss it any further. Perhaps she chose the last name â€Å"Foster†from her label as a foster child. Object Relations As stated by Lesser and Pope (2011) according to object relations theory, â€Å"human development takes place within the context of relationships (p. 69)†. British object relation theorists, Melanie Klein, Ronald Fairbairn, and Harry Guntrip introduce definite and functional ideas about what internal object world, or the inner world, consists of. The inner world includes representations of self and other, representations structured by thoughts, recollections, and occurrences within the external world. A representation has a lasting continuance in the inner world and although it begins as a cognitive structure, it eventually takes on a profound emotional meaning for the person (Berzoff, Melano-Flanagan, & Hertz 1996). The word object is set apart from the subject. The subject is the self and the object is the part outside the self, the object is what the self identifies with, encounters, wants, has uncertainties about, feels denial about, or absorbs. In Freudian drive theory and in ego psychology, the term object is sometimes used in reference to people. The word, object, in drive theory can be to some extent depersonalized, because the word essentially does exemplify a thing not a person as in: â€Å"the object of oral impulse can literally be the breast†(citation). In psychodynamic theory the word object, usually refers to people, but other objects such as cooking, art, pets, or can become objects when they are profoundly and representatively connected to powerful object experiences in the inner world. Some of Ellen’s physical objects are her microscope, her encyclopedias, her money, and her art supply. A conjecture about Ellen’s inner world and what these object represent is that her money could represent an insurance plan, in case things go wrong. And her microscope, her art, and her encyclopedias represent an escape for her and they also represent hopes for the future. Klein (1948) was the first theorist to revise Freud’s notion of the object by giving more consideration to the interpersonal environment in deciding its influence in developing personality. She amongst other object relations’ theorists now defined the target of relational needs as a concept known as relationship seeking. Klee 2005 stated that relationship seeking is the belief that through relationships with significant people in our lives, we take in parts of others (objects) and gradually develop a self-structure that we ultimately call a personality . This mental process by which a person changes the regulatory features of her environment into internal regulations and features is called internalizing (Lesser & Pope 2011). D. W. Winnicot (1958), a pediatrician and psychoanalyst, is influential in the field of object relations theory, gave great consideration to the notion of being alone. He believes that the ability to abide, take pleasure in, and utilize healthy solitude could be refined, ironically, only in the proximity of another. If aloneness is experienced as desolate, isolated, or miserable, it becomes agonizing. This can happen is a child has been neglected. In this situation, the inner world is not filled with enough soothing figures. On the contrary, aloneness becomes too excruciating or insufferable for the child, if the inner world is too crowed with threatening and abusive figures who offer neither protection, reassurance, nor tranquility. The ideal environment for the growing child to share experiences with the soothing figure for a period of time and to experience time alone to reflect and to adventure on the child’s own (Berzoff et al. 1996). Klein (1948) described six early processes and primitive defenses developed from early infant years. Projection is when the infant believes an object has characteristics that are in fact the infant’s own feelings. Introjection is the mental desire in which the infant consumes the perceived in the world. Projective identification is creatively splitting off a part of oneself and ascribing it to another in order to control the other (Berzoff et al. 1996). Splitting occurs when a child cannot separate conflicting thoughts or feelings in the mind at the same time, and therefore instead of integrating the two thoughts or feelings the child focuses on just one of them. A split can take any form, from visual appearance to concepts and ideas. For example, a frequent split is into good and bad. The good part is preserved and cherished at the same time the bad part is wrestled with or repressed. In extreme case of schizophrenia, when a part of the self linked with one of the separate thoughts, and another part of the self is linked with another, the person is then split (Berzoff et al. 1996). Idealization is a defense used to keep painful and unacceptable feelings out of consciousness. The feelings that are troublesome are usually the same feelings that people often want to reject: â€Å"anger, disappointment, envy, sadness, desire, and greed (p. 145)†. Devaluation is the opposite of idealization and is a defense mechanism used to reject troublesome feelings such as â€Å"neediness, weakness, insecurity, envy, or desire (p. 146)†. A person who denies desire through devaluation ends up feeling smug and superior but quite alone (Berzoff et al. 1996). An important developmental point in object relations is the depressive position according to Klein (1948). The depressive position is constantly maturing throughout a person’s lifetime. Feelings of remorse, grief, and the yearning for atonement take hold in the developing mind in the depressive position. The person now recognizes the ability to cause harm or push away a person who one undecidedly loves. The defenses attributed to the depressive position include the manic defenses, such as preoccupation for reparation. As the depressive position causes growing integration in the ego, prior defenses shift in the character, becoming less powerful, allowing the character to move into psychic reality (Berzoff et al. 1996). Throughout this turbulent time in Ellen’s life she is experiencing many new relationships and is relationship seeking with many adults. These adults are supposed to be caregivers for her. These people are her mother, father, her grandmother, Julia, Aunt Betsy, Aunt Nadine, and new mama. There is a time after Ellen’s mother dies that I feel she is too alone, in agreement with Winnicot (1958). Ellen often reports that when she would come home from school â€Å"it was already dark and he had the lights on. I went in and did not speak to him. I did not speak to him or else I stayed outside most of the time (p. 24)†. She said that her father was drunk all the time, often passed out, she was alone and eventually she had to take care of the bills. There are other times when Ellen’s life is overflowing with abusive adult figures in her life. On New Years Eve, Ellen claimed that a bunch of black drunk men came into her house with father. â€Å"My daddy showed up at my house less and less†¦he did show up on New Years Eve. Of course I went and hid when I heard him and a whole pack of colored men come in the door (p. 36)†. Ellen is frightened when this happens often trying to escape through a window in her room. In accordance with Winnicot (1958), aloneness becomes too much too bare for Ellen and she feels the need to hide. Her inner world is too crowed with threatening and abusive figures who are threatening her safety. The whole mother’s side of the family overcrowds Ellen’s inner world too. This is a risk for Ellen, because disruptions in object relations may result in an inability to fall in love, emotional coldness, apathy or withdrawal from interaction with others, co-dependency, and/or extreme need to control relationships (Berzoff et al. 1996:70). Ellen attempts to control Starletta as much as she can through projective identification; she splits off a part of herself and attempts to control Starletta. Ellen often tells Starletta what to do, for example one day when Ellen was over Starletta’s house and she wanted to play, however Ellen thought to herself and told Starletta the following: â€Å"Starletta still had on her nightgown and she needed to be washed. ‘You got to wash before I will play with you’ is what I told her (p. 31). She taped Starletta’s crayons back together after she broke them. She would often talk down to Starletta: â€Å"’Tell your Mama I thank her’ I said to her. Say it over in your head and out loud so it will not leave your head (p. 52)†. This relationship may unconsciously aim to get rid of unmanageable feelings for Ellen and help her deal with these feelings. Ellen’s relationship with grandmother is toxic at best. In the beginning, Ellen thought that her grandmother might like having a girl around the house, even though she is not a â€Å"vision†(pg), but Ellen said she had good intentions. In my opinion, â€Å"good intentions†meant she wanted to have a relationship with her grandmother. The grandmother wanted to punish Ellen for Ellen and her father causing her daughter’s suicide. Ellen confronts her grandmother, asking her why she hates her so much. Ellen asked her grandmother: â€Å"Well I know you hated my daddy but what about me? Why can’t you see that I am not like him? (p. 78)†. The grandma lashes out at Ellen with an onslaught of abusive hurtful words directed towards Ellen to break her down. Ultimately, that is what Ellen does she shuts down. â€Å"So I decided to spend the rest of my life making up for it. Whatever it was. Whatever I decided I one day I actually did (p. 78-79)†. Ellen is in the depressive position, she feels guilty about everything for her mothers death, for her fathers death, and then for the grandmother’s death when she passes. Ellen utilizes her manic defenses, in my opinion, when she finds the grandmother dead and decides to dress her in her â€Å"Sunday’s best†clothes and surround her with flowers in order to make amends with her guilty feelings. â€Å"I made her like a present to Jesus so maybe he would take her. Take this one I got prettied up and mark it down by name to balance against the one I held from you before†¦. be sure I get the credit for it and if you can please show me some way that you and me are even now (p. 92). Ellen becomes slightly preoccupied with reparation. Ellen begins to move past this phase when she moves in the home of her Aunt Nadine. Object relations can be applied to Ellen’s traumatic past and helps to identify some significant points in her life that she would like to work in future treatment. A pleasant thing about object relations is that as the therapist and patient collectively examine the patient’s internal world and its effect on the patient’s relationships, the patient and therapist are in a relationship as well. In this way, patient and therapist have an existing shared connection that both can study and learn from (Berzoff et al. 996). Sociocultural Theory Sociocultural theory stemmed from the work of psychologist Lev Vygotsky. Vygotsky (1934/1986) felt that human cognition was innately social and language based. Vygotsky believed inner speech is qualitatively distinct from normal external speech. It is language, advanced during the earlier years, and progressively improved during the middle years ( where Ellen’s age lies) that actually aids in giving the older child the capability to organize things mentally rather than by using concrete items (Lesser & Pope 2011). As Berk 2003 stated: Vytgotsky felt that children speak to themselves for self-guidance; he felt language was the foundation for all high cognitive processes, including control attention, deliberate memorization and recall, categorization, planning, problem solving, abstract reasoning, and self-reflection (p. 257). One of Vygotsky’s concepts is the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The ZPD is the difference between what a child can achieve when working by themselves and what the same child can achieve when given assistance from someone with the necessary knowledge (Wertsch 1985). Vygotsky viewed the ZPD as a way to better explain the relation between children’s learning and cognitive development. The lower limit of ZPD is the level of skill attained by the child working alone; this lower limit can also be accredited to as the child’s actual developmental level. The upper limit is the level of latent skill that the child is able to reach with the assistance of a more capable instructor (Wertsch 1985).. A concept associated with ZPD is the concept scaffolding. It is essential to make a note that Vygotksy never used this concept in his writing; introduced by David Wood, Jerome S. Bruner, and Gail Ross (1976). Scaffolding is a process through which a mentor or more competent peer helps a person in his or her ZPD learn for as long as necessary and tapers off until the student no longer needs the mentor, much like a scaffold is detached from a building when construction is finished or deemed stable (Wood et al. 1976). Vygotsky viewed make-believe play as the vital context for development of self-regulation. Despite the fact that Ellen is ten years old going on eleven years old, this still pertains to her. Make-believe is full of shared dialogue and development-enhancing skills. Vygotsky takes make-believe to the next level making it a important part of development a distinguishing, experiential ZPD in which children try out a wide range of difficult skills and learn culturally valued skills developing a significantly stronger capacity for self-regulation
Analyse how the development of relationship between characters helped you to understand the characters in the written texts. Lord of the Flies Essay
Published in 1954, William Golding’s novel the ‘Lord of the Flies’ developed many relationships to shed light on the characters. Perhaps the most important of these would be between the two main characters Jack and Ralph, however relationships between other characters including Ralph and Piggy’s relationship and Jack and Rodgers relationship are equally as important and help provide evidence of the behaviours of the children. The relationship between the two main characters Ralph and Jack at the beginning of the novel is an indication for how different the boys truly are. When the boys crash and arrive onto the deserted island they attempt friendship despite their differing personalities, â€Å"Jack and Ralph smile at each other with shy liking†just as any school boy would do. After being elected as chief of the tribe, Ralph makes his first move of power in electing Jack as chief of the hunting group to ease his embarrassment of wanting to be over all chief but not receiving this role highlighting Ralphs caring side to his personality. The boy’s continue to work together as a team and acknowledge one another’s leadership differences but manage to work together still in creating the best island possibly for the tribe. As the tension between them builds arguments begin to break out as their priorities begin to drift â€Å"they look at one another, baffled by love and hate†. With Ralph being a democratic leader, he takes in the opinions of the other tribe members in order to create the best society possible. It becomes an obvious barrier between the two boys drawing them back from being able to create the perfect society as they simply cannot respect one another’s way of leading. Jacks desire towards hunting and disobeying Ralph’s rules situation is similar to the biblical reference of Jack likening to Satan and Ralph Likening to God. People choose to follow Satan because he persuades and tricks people into believing his way is the more enjoyable way as it is a lot easier to go with Satan’s way then to follow Gods way, just as the tribe begins to fall under Jacks excitement towards hunting and ignoring the need to get rescued with a fire this being Ralphs rule. However this is all expected as for a child the more exciting and enjoyable approach to life is the path an average child would choose to follow proving the actions of the tribe to be considerably normal for them to want to begin following Jacks way of life. At the end of the novel the relationship between the characters Jack and Ralph proves the boys personality differences and helps the reader understand them. Throughout the whole novel it was evident of their unspoken hate towards one another and this tension is finally broken when the remainder of the tribe turns on Ralph as their previous chief and choose to follow Jack and his way of life. â€Å"And you shut up! Who are you anyway? Sitting there telling people what to do. You can’t hunt you can’t sing.†Jacks idea of a perfect leader is someone who had the previous roles of leadership in other scenarios, such as Jacks role of being leader of a school boys’ choir, giving Jack the impression that he is indeed perfect for the position of tribe leader. Jacks displays of power and leadership is Golding’s representation of an autocratic government where the power was taken from the tribe and not voted upon whereas Ralphs leadership and power was voted on just like a democratic government where he takes to mind the opinions of the other children. Understanding this, the reader can then begin to understand how dramatically different the characters each are and Golding uses the idea of ‘good versus evil’ in the characters Ralph and Jack by showing them opposites in their positions on social responsibility, personality, and appearance. The only thing Ralph and Jacks have in common is their utter hatred towards each other. Jacks arrogant and self-centred mind set causes him to believe that once hunted and killed, the pigs he catches make him worthy of the role of leader. However, in a tribe today any person who can bring back meat to feed the rest of the tribe is generally the best leader of the group, but due to the boys situation, it is only a bonus that the boys can have meat and the real focus should be getting rescued, this being Ralphs focus. With the tension being released within the last few chapters, Ralph is hunted due to the tribe’s sudden hatred towards him and their complete savagery takes over despite Ralphs caring nature and civilised personality. Throughout the novel Piggy and Ralphs relationship has been an eye opener to expose the boy’s nature and helps the reader to understand each character independently. When Ralph is introduced to Piggy instantly the differences between the two is shown by the way they speak: â€Å"sucks to your ass-mar!†said Ralph as he mocked Piggy’s unusual accent; from Ralph’s mockery, the reader can see that the two upbringings were very dissimilar. Piggy is in a lower socio-economic class and the two boys being forced into co-habitation together highlights the contrast between the two defined classes of society. Being a typical child Ralph chooses to name Piggy as Piggy just by looking at his physical appearance once again showing Ralphs back round of being from a more upper-class region in England highlighting his ‘bullying the poorer child’ mind set. Understanding this, it is not expected that the boys would have a good relationship due to Ralphs immaturity but as Ralph soon realises the capability of Piggy’s knowledge and how that would help his leadership skills they soon become friends amongst the chaos. Piggy’s knowledge represents the law and order of the adult world. Throughout the novel, Piggy attempts to condition the society the boys had made to mirror the society they all lived in in England. Piggy’s continual references to his auntie demonstrate this philosophy. He tries to pull Ralph towards the reason-oriented side of human nature. The overall characteristics of each of these two important characters proves that amongst the islands nightmare state it had spiralled into there was still a sense of hope for humanity amongst it due to the maturity of Piggy who then taught Ralph his ways making Ralph an overall stronger leader, but despite all this the rest of the tribe still fell short and turned on both Ralph and Piggy making them â€Å"outsiders†. Ralph’s character can be once again shown through his relationship with Simon where Simon’s characteristics help shape Ralph into the boy he becomes. Simon can be seen as pure goodness, and he is something of a Christ like figure. Simon is fearless as he is the only one who goes to confront ‘The Beast’. The pureness in Simon, like Jesus Christ, prevents him from submitting to the beast-like nature of mankind just as Christ did not succumb into the terrible ways of man at his time. Simon also is the only character who stays true to his personal morals and beliefs although Ralph did try to stay true to his beliefs he did fall into the temptations of the tribe by joining them in a tribal dance around a pig they had just caught. Simon gives Ralph encouragement. Whenever Ralph becomes despondent or loses hope that they will be found, Simon lifts his spirits: â€Å"I just think you’ll get back all right.†Golding portrays Simon, the first boy to be killed (followed by the death of Piggy) as a symbol of a Christ-figure, of grace and light. Ralph’s characteristics of goodness, on the other hand is in contrast to Jack’s evil. Ralph’s goodness is based on order, logic, rationality, and reason. But due to Ralphs beliefs it ends up turning on him as he believed everyone has good in them, but through the novel the reader is introduced to the idea that not all people have good in them, and this is highlighted through the imagery of school children turning into a â€Å"pack of painted niggers†. Throughout the novel â€Å"The Lord of the Flies†William Golding uses the relationships to ultimately shed light on the characters. The relationship between Ralph and Jack lets the reader begin to understand the true vision of good versus evil which is portrayed throughout the entire novel by Jack being the evil character and Ralph as being the good. Ralphs relationship with Piggy and Simon accompanies Golding’s idea of the good characters as Piggy and Simon pay important roles in aiding Ralph to make him the character he is at the end of the novel.
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