Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Persuasive Essay on Smoking - 883 Words
The Adversities of Smoking. Smoking and even second hand smoking can lead to fatal diseases such as, lung cancer, cancer of the larynx, esophagus, and bladder diseases. ltobacco/secondhandsmoke.html / smoking is hazardous enough to an individual’s health and it’s even more disturbing when people are exposed to dangers caused by smoking. The tobacco company however, had thought false labeling would help the situation when all it has done is worsen the case. The tobacco company had come with the idea of light cigarettes, which is just a way to think the cigarettes they are smoking are healthier. Second hand smokers are just as endangered as the actual smokers they are equally exposed to fatal diseases.†¦show more content†¦Justin Baer We all know tobacco is bad for one’s health, but it gets serious when these companies go as far as overlooking the labeling act of 1965 which asks that a warning sign is placed at the back of all tobacco products. People’s lives have been lost over these false labeling and the consumption and exposure of these drugs. They are everywhere, for instance, people at public places such as the park and the bus stops are exposed to second hand smoking, which is very deadly. This is unfair because people have every right not to be exposed something that should be illegal. Although the government has tried to resolve these issues by passing laws such as the Clean Indoor Air act, and the labeling act, the intensity of these laws are not good enough, the state of Washington for instance has a law against smoking in restaurants, which is a good thing, but majority of the smoking is done outside of restaurants. Smoking around children is one very disturbing thing, but it’s a reality, the government has tried to put a stop to it inadequately as usual and not in all areas of this country. The state of Texas has a rule regarding smoking around foster kids, this probably would help, but how can you be sure. The best way is to get rid of the tobacco companyShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay Smoking885 Words  | 4 Pagessuch as smoking. People smoke for numerous reasons. These reasons include: socializing, coping with emotions, parental influences, advertising, and for the thrill of risk taking behaviors. In consequence, many people are unaware of the negative aspects to smoking. Smoking not only affects the individual but has negative impacts on others that are around the smoker and the environment as well. In result of these harmful aspects of smoking, smoking should be banned in public places. Smoking shouldRead MorePersuasive Essay Smoking911 Words  | 4 Pages Do you know anyone that has/does suffer from a smoking related issue, that has never even touched a cigarette in their life? The problems that develop from smoking a cigarette are widely known and many people think it is harmful to smoke, but people never think about the harmful effects from inhaling second-hand smoke. Many smokers smoke in public areas every day. Not only are they inhaling all of the deadly chemicals, but so is everyone else around them. Being around a smoker too often and inhalingRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking929 Words  | 4 Pages Have you ever wondered why people continue to smoke cigarettes although they are aware that it is harmful for them and the people around them? For some, smoking cigarettes is a solution to relieving stress. According to K.H Ginzel, a professor of pharmacology and toxicology, cigarettes contain over 4,000 different chemicals and one of these chemicals is nicotine. His work at the University of Arkansas is on the area of nicoti ne and its effects. Ginzel, M.D states â€Å"Nicotine is a highly addictiveRead MorePersuasive Essay Smoking896 Words  | 4 Pagesoften seen as a safe or safer route to smoking. It is also relatively new to the market, only hitting the mainstream over the past decade. Due to the fact that it hasn’t been a part of the public consciousness for as long as cigarette smoking, there is a lot of people that still do not fully understand about it. Smoking is an evil habit that millions of people around the world have adapted. However, luckily vaporizers have become a huge trend in the smoking world. â€Å"About 3.7% of adults currentlyRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking707 Words  | 3 PagesThe sound of a cough rings throughout the park. The foul stench of thousands of chemicals wafts through the air. Peering around, the culprit is spotted; a man smoking on a nearby bench. Smoking has long since been regarded as one of the number one avoidable causes of death (Pietrangelo Cherney, 2017). Tobacco is one of the most widely-used recreational drugs in the world and although most countries put age restrictions on its use, over a billion adults smoke tobacco legally every day. As wellRead MoreSmoking Persuasive Essay778 Words  | 4 Pagesworldwide start smoking every day, and almost half of those children live in Asia. Its estimated that nearly 4.5 million United States youth are smokers, and if this current pattern persists, about 6.4 tobacco-using children will die prematurely from a smoking-related disease. From those 80,000 to 100,000 children about 50% of them will continue smoking for another decade or two. These kids help make up the 90% of smokers that started before age 21. The youth that has and will start smoking will haveRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking1236 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout history, smoking cigarettes has led to higher risks of developing different kinds of cancers and other health problems. Most people who are smoker s are unaware of how serious their addiction actually is. Not only are they deteriorating their bodies, they are harming others in the process. Even if people are not concerned about their own health, they should at least be thoughtful be considerate enough to be mindful of people around them, particularly their own family. Smoking cigarettes isRead MoreSmoking Persuasive Essay757 Words  | 4 PagesSmoking is a plague to a plethora of individuals. Despite the numerous anti-smoking campaigns held all over the country, we have seen the number of smokers decline in a prolong rate. Even though, millions of ex-smokers surrendered to the temptation and continued with their atrocious habitâ€â€feeling depressed since theyre not mentally stable. Naturally, the query ascends: how plausible is it to quit with a horrible addiction like smoking? The simple answer to this question is â€Å"Yes†only if the personRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking853 Words  | 4 Pages Cig arette smoking has become the number one cause of preventable diseases and deaths in the United States. While many are aware of that fact, more than 45 million Americans still participate in the activity of smoking. Approximately 480,000 deaths occur annually as an aftermath from smokingâ€â€meaning 1 in every 5 deaths (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Furthermore, a heavy smoker, smoking an average of 20 cigarettes to a pack each day, dies 13 to 14 years earlier. Smoking is an all-in-oneRead MorePersuasive Essay Smoking995 Words  | 4 Pagesstill chose to do it. Smoking is a force of habit, it is a choice a person makes either to participate or not but it becomes outrageously addictive. The person choosing to smoke may not realize that they are not just harming themselves but they are also harming the ones surrounded by them. It has a negative effect on the people around the smoker because when the nicotine gets in the air it becomes hard to breathe and it travel s amongst people faster than they realize. Smoking should be banned in all
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Vulnerable Population - Hispanic Children Essay - 1593 Words
Vulnerable Population - Hispanic Children Young Hispanic children experience multiple disparities in health status, insurance coverage, barriers to healthcare access and the quality of health care received. There have been multiple studies that have researched racial/ethnic disparities among adults, however few studies have examined the racial/ethnic disparities in the health care of children. The United States is experiencing a demographic surge in minority children, particularly among the youngest age groups. Estimates indicate that, by 2030, there will be more minority children than non-Hispanic white children (Flores, Olson Korman, 2004, p. 192). This alarming statistic has caused a national concern. This paper will discuss the†¦show more content†¦Public coverage programs such as Medicaid and SCHIP (State Childrens Health Insurance Program) are available to low-income families, however this safety net is not available to all children. The lack of health insurance and/o r public coverage can have a significant effect on the health and well-being of Hispanic children. 2. Language: Language can have a significant impact on multiple aspects of the health care of Hispanic children, including access, health status, use of services, and outcomes. The lack of Spanish speaking health care staff and inadequate interpreter services are the principle problems associated with language barriers. Research has shown that medical interpreters are not called when needed, inadequately trained, or not available at all (Flores, Afflick Barbot, 2002). 3. Poverty: The relationship between socioeconomic status and health disparities is reflected in life expectancy, infant death rates, many other health measures. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are more whites than minorities below the poverty level. However, the proportion of poor families in a minority group is greater. 7.3% of white families are living in poverty, compared to 20.9% of Hispanics (Stanhope L ancaster, 2008, p. 161). Those living in poverty do not have the financial resources to pay for medical care because of aShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Policy On Client Populations From Diverse Backgrounds1095 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of Policy on Client Populations from Diverse Backgrounds A. The client characteristics of the population served by Head Start consists of mostly Hispanics and African Americans (C. Garrett, personal communication, September 9, 2015). Majority of the families served are low-income. There is also a large number of single-parent homes (C. Garrett, personal communication, September 9, 2015). The population served by Head Start are considered a vulnerable population based on economic and socialRead MoreObesity And Obesity Among Hispanic And African American Communities1701 Words  | 7 Pagesexercise/diets with obesity and diabetes among Hispanic and African American populations. The two communities face challenges of contracting diabetes and obesity owing to their lifestyle. There is much to compare among the African American and Hispanic people as far as their culture and observance of healthy living are concerned. The study also presents a future projection of the issues that need addressing to mitigate obesity and diabetes among the Hisp anic and African American communities in the UnitedRead MoreThe Latino And Latino Culture Health Care1397 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States will be of Hispanic/Latino origin (Selig Center Multicultural Economy Report, 2006). The Hispanic community in the largest minority in the USA and the fastest growing, it is also one with a high incidence of preventable diseases such as Diabetes, periodontitis, colorectal cancer and HIV. Obesity and teen age pregnancy are significantly more prevalent in Hispanic/Latino population as well. Rate of vaccination is also below that of the majority of the population. Addressing their healthRead MoreLatin American Of The United States1426 Words  | 6 Pagesdenotes that the term Hispanic is derived from the Latin word for Spain, while Latino is derived from Spanish word for Latin but which as an English word is probably a shortening of the Spanish word latinoamericano, which in English means Latin American. This term is used to denote the culture and people of countries formerly ruled by the Spanish Empire, usually with a majority of the population speaking the Spanish language ( Commonly known as Hispanic America, this definitionRead MoreSocioeconomic St atus Of Hispanic Americans Essay1633 Words  | 7 PagesLatinos will be one of the forces driving this demographic change. According to the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau population estimate, there are roughly 50.5 million Hispanics representing about 16 percent of the U.S. population. By 2050, when demographers tell us that there will be no racial or ethnic majority among the general population of the United States, it is projected that the Latino population will double to 30 percent. Consequently, the role of Latinos in shaping our country’s political and economicRead MoreChildhood Obesity Among Hispanic Children1729 Words  | 7 Pages Obesity among Hispanic Children Childhood obesity has increased dramatically during the past decade (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). Although the rise in obesity cuts across all of age groups, both genders, and all cultural and racial groups; statistics have demonstrated that Hispanic children are more likely to become obese than White or Black children in the United States. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (2011), childhood obesity is more prevalentRead MoreHispanic National Internship Program Essay778 Words  | 4 PagesI completed the Hispanic National Internship Program at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), for the Summer 2017 Session. My duties were as follows: Clarify this section: Vulnerable Populations Project: I assisted Vulnerable Populations (Mental Health Wellness, LGBT Youth, Youth with Special Needs, Underrepresented Youth, Homeless Youth, Youth in Foster Care, Disconnected Youth, Immigrant Youth, and Incarcerated Youth): Champions postings for theRead MoreGrowing Racial And Ethnic Diversity Within The United States920 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Eight in ten older Americans are non-Hispanic whites.†However, there are less than two-thirds of Americans younger than age 65 which are non-Hispanic whites. Furthermore, the article stated, â€Å"In the total population, whites could lose their majority status as early as 2042.†Therefore, the United States is changing and will be more diverse in future years. The article also discussed the changes of distribution of racial and ethnic groups in the elderly population in the United States. This change isRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity1515 Words  | 7 Pagesand obese children has been growing at an alarming rate. The cause of this increasing problem is due to lack of physical activity, poor eating habits, and genetics. Childhood obesity can also lead to conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and bone problems later on in life. The prevalence of obesity varies among ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and age. Hispanics (22.4%) and non-Hispanic black youths (20.2%) are more likely to be overweight and obese compared to the non-Hispanic white (14Read MoreSocial Labeling And Stigmatizing Minority Children827 Words  | 4 Pagesgroups in childhood obesities. Since my research data demonstrate that minorities are more likely to be obese than non-minorities, thus I do not want to provide an image of social labeling and stigmatizing minority children who are overweight. There are many factors that play in role in children being obese that must be taken into accounts. One of the factors, the income status of the parents and how it generally affects the child quality of life, living environment. For example, if the parents have a
Monday, December 9, 2019
Ethics and Public Administration Progress †
Question: Discuss about the Ethics and Public Administration Progress. Answer: Introduction: The task of managing and maturing code of conduct at the workplace is referred to as Implementation of code of conduct. Implementing code of conduct requires collaboratingeach guideline and policy of the workplace to all the staff members of the organization and also providing proper training to make sure code of conduct has been delivered successfully (Ashkanasy, Falkus and Callan, 2015). Before leading the staff for the essential training related to code of conduct, it must be practiced thoroughly by the management leads. There are certain pre-requisites which must be checked before implementing code of conduct such as: which method should be used for implementing the codes, what strategies will you hold to publicize the code of conduct amongst staff and other external members who are in any case related to the university, what steps must be taken to ensure that values in the code are reflected in every policy and guideline of the university (Ashkanasy, Falkus and Callan, 2015). The answers to the above question will result in effectively managing the code of conduct at the UTS. Communicating effectively with every single individual related to organization is the most significant factor while managing code. One must clearly explain universitys policy to clients and solve their queries about anything related to the university effectively to make sure that the goal is achieved (Webley, 2013). To successfully deliver the code to staff members and students, methods that will be implemented are: Induction Package: This package consists of all the policies, rules and regulations that directors expects to be obeyed by universitys staff members and students, even newly employed member could review it and understand anticipations and necessities. Not only code of conduct, but work safety and health information, mission statement and similar other information can be induced in this package (Dando Raven, 2006). Online Training: A compulsory online training for every member of the university whether student or staff which will hold all details on code of conduct and an individual can work through it at their own pace but without missing the deadline and to confirm the training, a competency certificate will be issued to all who completed the training on time (Lawton, 2008). Also this code will be accessible anytime on the companys intranet, so that if any person wants to review any policy or guideline, it can be done. Code of conduct must be reviewed periodically by the team responsible for it to make sure that there is no breach of any policy or guideline. Especially, the workplace area related to finances and information system as these contains all the vital data regarding university. Any breach of policy within these departments can result in significant loss which may not overcome till long (Dando Raven, 2006). One similar issue rose related to breach of IT system policies in which it was clearly mentioned that any staff member or student is not allowed to use any social media or personal application on universitys system but people are still using it violating the companys policy. In order to ensure security, company decided to block all social media sites and other such applications (Fisher, 2014). Decision on policies and Regulations Code of conduct does influence real work place behavior. When UTS hires an intern, professional behavior and conduct is expected out of him/her, irrespective of whether it is paid internship or unpaid or intern is receiving or not receiving any credit for the work done . All rules, regulations and policies related to internship are discussed and decided in a board meeting which includes all the directors and other important personnel of the university. The UTS has a certain approach for the conduct to be maintained in the university and amongst all interns. An orientation and training is provided to every intern before the commencement of training period in which they are made aware of all the rules and procedures of the university. Also a handbook is given, in case any intern wants to review something. Interns are expected to arrive on time and work for agreed number of hours on every working day. In case, any intern wants to leave early, he must take permission for the same from the authorized person. Interns must come dressed in formals (Bowman, 2015). Code of conduct influence in real sense This code of conducts helps an individual to learn how he must behave in his workplace area so that his behavior is ethically correct and are preparing him to work in an environment which he might have to work in for his whole life (Fisher, 2014). In absence of conduct, interns would not care to come in time and may leave early without informing anyone, which is not ethical for both university and intern as it will disturb the environment of the university and other employees might get disturbed. For interns it is not correct because, this will avert them from getting habitual of how to behave in a workplace. Also, according to a policy, an intern is only allowed in restricted premises of the university. Intern can only go to other areas if there is some work, for that he must take permission first. This helps in managing risks as only limited information is accessible to interns, which is necessary for them and as the interns are not permanent employees of the university, they canno t be trusted for everything (Robert and Richard, 2014). Ensuing professional behavior which is a part of conduct for the university can be very achieving sometimes and may provide beneficial at other times. Paying careful attention to each information imparted and abiding by it, answering emails professionally using formal language and proofreading them before sending, behaving politely with every staff member irrespective of his status and job are some examples which shows professional behavior of an employee and each one them has its own benefits (Hart, 2012). For example, if one maintains good relations and understanding with maintenance staff, he could help you in checking with the mood of your senior before you are going to present something to him. Each and every behavior of an intern is carefully watched and monitored by their superiors and ensuing professional behavior throughout internship course can result in a full time employment with the organization. Evolving Codes for better adaptations However, the policies and regulations of the university related to the selection criteria of an intern possess evidential gaps and should evolve with different perspective. There are certain barriers to full time employment or internship in UTS based on socio-economic background, ethnicity and gender which is not feasible. In fact, evidences are there that person with low ethnicity has greater chances of achieving heights in professional career as these have a will and attitude to do and achieve something big. Technical skills and Academic results are the main criteria of UTS while recruiting any intern or full time employee while the most vital skill to look for, should be persons communication skills and his willingness to learn. Apart from it problem solving skills and adaptability to circumstances are the next level to look for. A person can achieve academic results by cramming one night before exams but other skills discussed are not artificial and they come from within and last forever. Intern supervision is another area where conduct should change and improve. As the internship programs motive is to learn and experience, supervision by some senior person is necessary. At present supervisor is only responsible for checking interns performances and activities. The responsibilities of supervisor should not only be restricted to be a critic or boss but he must also serve as a teacher and mentor to an intern, especially in the case of fresher and person with very low experience. This could be understand better with the help of an example, the interns who are responsible for the development tasks such as designing a website, are doing work on their own through a defined criteria and their progress is getting checked on monthly basis and they are not even corrected for their mistakes but scolded for the same and are expected to correct it without even knowing what the mistake is. This is generating a very negative attitude amongst all interns and they are afraid to ask fo r any supervision from their supervisor. To handle this issue the supervisor must conduct a one-to-one meeting with every intern either weekly or bi-weekly and discuss about the ongoing progress in projects, any difficulty they are facing and must provide a feedback to the work done since last meeting held. This will help an intern to learn better and will generate a positive attitude towards the organization and he will try to give his best in everything as he will desire for a full time employment in the organization. This will also help the supervisor to understand each of their interns well and they can even decide on whom to recommend for further employment that can prove more beneficial to the organization (Kernaghan, 2010). Reason for codes getting ignored and possible solutions to them As per the policy of the university, no member of the UTS are allowed to access social media in organizations premises as a preventive measures to the security of data and other valued items stored in the companys system but the ignorant and bossy behavior of supervisor has resulted in loss of interest in work leading in interns to compromise with companys rules and they are secretly accessing their social media accounts. This breach of conduct is not limited to interns working area but has gone much beyond and few employees from almost every department are accessing their social media inside university premises on organizations system. The reason that breach is successful is because university is ignorant in this context and even after knowing that people are misusing their systems, they left the issue just by announcing a penalty warning (Driscoll and Hoffman, 2010). The issue is not this small and can create bigger problems in future if not handled properly. For instance, if a manager posts about his experience with certain software on social media and bad people around the corner were in search of a mistake to make a back door entry into the universitys system, this will clear there way and no one knows what harm they may cause to the database. Hence some improvement metrics must be implied to this code in order to prevent risk issues of system being mishandled. Organization must appoint a team to look for the breach and block all the social media sites inside the campus. Also, these sites are accessible through lacks of proxy sites and can even damage the system if user attempts to use it. Appointed team must very carefully review network data on daily basis and block the site and user immediately after the issue is identified. The university must take appropriate action towards that user so that others also maintain the conduct and do not try to breach it (Schwartz, 2013). Review of Code Merely deciding on code of conduct and implementing it do not ensure long term stability of the conduct in any organization. To ensure that code stays up-to-date, university must review the code regularly, either quarterly or half-yearly. Every section of the code must be reviewed to make sure that it is still representing the value for the business (Doig and Wilson, 2012). Also, code of conduct must be measured against present guidelines and standard and is there any need to add a new policy in order to ensure valuable business transactions. In case, business has grown up in certain new area such as providing distant education to the students from all over the world may require adding new section to the code of conduct which could be related to online selling behavior of the employees and online buying behavior of students. A survey regarding companys new code of conduct can be conducted based on questionnaires and anonymous online form filling which will ensure honest reviews from the staff as the staff name will not be revealed and a follow up on the survey to understand the understanding of staff related to new policies and guidelines (Doig and Wilson, 2012). References Lawton, A. (2008). Business Practices and The Public Service Ethos' in Sampford. Public Sector Ethics: Finding and Implementing Values. Annondale, Australia. Fisher, C. (2014). Managers Perceptions of Ethical Codes: Dialectics and Dynamics, Business Ethics: A European Review, Vol. 10, No 2, 2001, 145-156. Schwartz, M. (2013). Why Ethical Codes Constitute and Unconscionable Regression, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 23, 2000, 173-184. Ashkanasy, N.M., Falkus, S. and Callan, V.J. (2015). Predictors of Ethical Code Use and Ethical Tolerance in the Public Sector, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 32, 237-253. 6. Kernaghan, K. (2010). Codes of Ethics and Public Administration: progress, problems and prospects, Canadian Public Administration, 1980, Vol. 30, 331-351. Robert, H., and Richard, S. (2014). Ethics in the Public Service: Current Issues and Practice, OECD, Paris. Dawson, A.J. (2009). Professional Codes of Practice and Ethical Conduct, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 11, No 2, 145-153. Bowman, J.S. (2015). Towards a professional ethos: from regulatory to reflective codes, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 66, 673-687. Hart, H.L. (2012). The Concept of Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Doig, R.A. and Wilson, J. (2012). The Effectiveness of Codes of Conduct, Business Ethics: A European Review, Vol. 7, No 3, July 1998, 140-149 Dando, N., and Raven. W, (2006). Living up to our Values, Developing Ethical Assurance, The Institute of Business Ethics, ISBN 09539517 8 2. Gebler, D. (2016), Creating an ethical culture, Values-based ethics programs can help employees judge right from wrong, Strategic Finance. Paine, L., and Margolis, J.D. (2015). Up to the Code: Does Your Companys Conduct Meet WorldClass Standards, Harvard Business Review. Webley, S. (2013), Developing a Code of Business Ethics, The Institute of Business Ethics, ISBN 0 9539517 4. Driscoll, D., and Hoffman, W. M. (2010), Ethics Matters, How to Implement Values-Driven Management, Center for Business Ethics, Bentley ISBN 0-9675514-0-4
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Informations Systems Principles free essay sample
Choose one answer. a. to reduce uncertainty and risks along the supply chain b. to decrease inventory levels c. to decrease cycle time d. to improve quality control Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1. Question2 Marks: 1 BI search and text analytics are capabilities added to the BI infrastructure to accommodate: Choose one answer. a. customer data b. documents c. Web data d. unstructured data Correct Marks for this submission: Marks: 1 Selling books, toys, computers, and most other products on the Internet reduce vendors selling costs by 20 to 40 percent. To what extent can those selling costs be further reduced? Choose one answer. a. Further reduction is difficult to achieve because the products must be delivered physically. b. Further reductions up to 75 percent can be achieved with the growth of wireless or mobile commerce. c. Minor reductions can be achieved with the growth of wireless or mobile commerce. d. Minor reductions can be achieved for firms with increased market share. We will write a custom essay sample on Informations Systems Principles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Correct Marks for this submission: Question4 Marks: 1 Because outsourcing transfers some of the enterprises internal processes and resources to outside vendors, outsourcing decisions involve all of the following issues except: Choose one answer. a. complex legal contracts b. payment schedules c. differentiation d. service-level agreements Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1. Question5 Marks: 1 E-commerce applications are supported by infrastructure and by each of the following support areas except: Choose one answer. a. People b. Public policy c. Marketing and advertisement d. Mobile devices Correct Marks for this submission: Question6 Marks: 1 The production and operations management (POM) function in an organization is responsible for: Choose one answer. a. Records of all accounts to be paid and those owed by customers. b. The processes that transform inputs into useful outputs. c. Transaction records of all items sent or received, including returns. d. Reports on compliance with government regulations and taxes.
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