Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Bulldogs Speech free essay sample
English bulldogs have a number of health issues that make specialized care important. They are prone to overheating and should be kept indoors in extreme temperatures; they are also prone to respiratory issues because of the structure of their jaws. The wrinkles of the English bulldogs skin also needs to be cleaned regularly to avoid irritation and infection. An English bulldog is an omnivore that requires different foods at different points in his life. As a puppy, it needs foods to help it grow, while an older dog needs foods that have less fat to ensure it stays healthy. Bulldogs should be fed twice a day to cut down on gastric torsion and flatulence. The English bulldog was developed in the British Isles. After the use of the dogs as bull baiters lessened, English bulldogs were used for dog fighting, which was allowed until 1835. The dogs then were adapted into family dogs by breeding out the more aggressive tendencies in order to keep the breed from dying out. We will write a custom essay sample on Bulldogs Speech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After the breed was brought to the United States, the breed was recognized by the AKC in 1886. English bulldogs tend to bond with a familys children and are often protective. They do not need a lot of exercise. A well-bred English bulldog should not have any aggressive tendencies and should seem to have a dignified air. Bulldogs should have a low-set, sturdy body. Males weigh approximately 50 lb. , and females are smaller in stature, weighing around 40 lb. The breed is considered a medium-size dog. The face is very short, so these dogs are prone to overheating. The body in general is well proportioned. To meet breed standards, which are developed by each breeds AKC-recognized parent club, the measurement around the dogs skull should equal the length from the ground to the top of the dogs shoulders. The breed standard describes the perfect representative dog of the breed, and even dogs not quite meeting breed standard can be wonderful dogs. The colors acceptable for English bulldogs are brindle, white, red, fawn, fallow and piebald (white body with colored patches). Red brindle is the most preferred color, followed by brindle, then the other solid colors. Piebald is the least favorable. The coat texture itself is short and fine with no curls or feathering (long hairs on the belly, tail and legs). Wrinkling of the skin is expected. The dogs should not have brown- or liver-colored noses. The dogs were trained to clamp their jaws on the bulls nose ring and not let go until killed. They were released two at a time, and it usually took three or four dogs to finally subdue the bull. Many dogs were pierced by the bulls horns. The wagers on the contests were usually lower. Prices on the bulls were a lot lower too so it had a smaller effect on the economy. However, the low prices greatly increased attendance and increased participation. Bull baiting stayed around for an extremely long amount of time. ttp://www. dummies. com/how-to/content/getting-to-know-the-bulldog-personality. html Getting to Know the Bulldog Personality By Susan M. Ewing Bulldogs possess behavioral quirks specific to their breed that you should seriously consider before you invest in one of the breed. If any of the traits mentioned in this article doesnt fit your lifestyle or with what you expect from your dog, consider getting a different breed. A Bulldog may be perfect for you if the following list represents your behaviors and the kind of dog you want: * Couch Potato is your middle name. Grooming isnt on your list of fun things to do. * You leave home for much of the day. * You want a companion to hang out with after a hard days work. Bulldogs love to be with their families, but they also like to snooze the day away. You can go off to work and know that your Bully isnt desperate for an afternoon game of fetch. And when you return home, your pal will be waiting for a snuggle on the couch. When you come home and plop down on the couch, you may notice that your Bully has left behind a present for you. You have dog hair all over your black pants! A Bulldogs short and smooth coat sheds much more hair than you may imagine, and your Bulldog sheds year round, but you wont have the hours of combing, brushing, and trimming maintenance that you would with many longer-coated breeds. Do pay attention to his wrinkles, though; you can easily manage a little touch up during your evening TV time on the couch. You must realize that your Bulldog is your companion; she isnt an athlete. In fact, Bulldogs are predisposed for lounging around. If you want a dog to keep you company in your active lifestyle, consider a different breed. The Bulldog isnt built for speed, and even if she wanted to run, jump, and play for extended periods of time, she just cant. Her short, pushed-in nose doesnt allow airflow like active dogs, and an elongated soft palate and small trachea further hamper a Bullys breathing. High heat and humidity also make Bulldogs unhappy, and hot conditions can affect their health. Overheating poses a real danger for a Bulldog. If you expect to spend a day paddling around the lake with your Bully, you may need to reconsider. Drowning is a major cause of death in Bulldogs. As one breeder says, They swim like a rock. A Bulldogs temperament slows her down, too. Bulldogs want to please themselves. They arent driven to work, and they dont act on command to please their owners. You cant force a Bulldog to do anything. Hes bred to be single-minded and unyielding to rough handling. http://bulldoginformation. com/temperament-personality-character. html History * Of the three breeds, the English bulldog is the oldest. These dogs are thought to be descendants of a type of mastiff found mostly in Asia. The dogs were purposely bred to be effective competitors in a sport known as bull baiting in the United Kingdomhence the breeds name. This tough fighter was bred into a miniature form known as the French bulldog; this was done in England. Because of its small size, it was more at home in the lap of its owner than in a ring attacking bulls. The modern English bulldog is actually smaller and more friendly than those who attacked the bulls. American bulldogs, who emigrated to the United States with their owners, more closely resemble those earlier specimens. Read more: About Bulldogs | eHow. om http://www. ehow. com/about_4708481_bulldogs. html#ixzz28S3u6sOJ Why were they bred? The history of the Bulldog is colourful and captivating yet horrific. Bulldogs were once a sporting breed, developed in Great Britain for the purpose of bull-baiting. Bull-baiting entailed the setting of dogs onto a tethered bull. The dog that grabbed the bull by the nose and bring the bull down was the victor. T his was by no means a one sided affair. It was common for dogs to be killed or maimed at these events. The earliest record of such an event is traced back to the Earl of Stamford in 1209AD. He was so entertained by the antics of some butchers dogs chasing a bull in a meadow near his castle, that he gifted the meadow to the butchers in return for providing the same entertainment once a year. This type of event became more and more popular through the years with both the lower and upper classes. Bear-baiting and dog fighting also proved popular sports and led to the development of other breeds. Stadiums or pits were constructed to house these exhibitions, the most famous of which was the Westminister Bear Pit. Bull and bear baiting reached the peak of its popularity in the early 1800s until eventually both were made illegal in 1835. Early Bulldogs of the 18th century engaged in bear-baiting Origins of the breed. There is much speculation as to the ancestry of the early Bulldogs, and each publication has its own theory. It appears that the original dogs used for the baiting were derivatives from the war dogs of the ancient Britons. Invading Romans described these dogs as broad-mouthed dogs of Britain, which can break the brawny necks of bulls. The first references to Bulldogs appeared in the early 1600s. Judging by accounts and illustrations of Bulldogs of this era, the dog was much more agile and vigorous than todays modern specimen. They were described as ferocious and fell beasts. Each and every aspect of the dog was borne out of necessity and survival of the fittest in the ring. Bulldogs of the early 1800s The early Bulldog possessed many idosyncrasies which distinguished it from other breeds. It was relatively low in stature, with a broad chest, large blocky head which was short in the face and featured a turned up, undershot,lower mandible. The dog had loose skin with many wrinkles over the head. All of these points were assets to aid in the success of pinning the bull and are discussed in greater detail in the description of the breed standard. After the prohibition of bull-baiting and bear-baiting, the need for the Bulldog ceased to exist, and the breed was threatened by extinction. Fortunately there were a handful of stalwart bulldoggers who wished to preserve the breed and enhance its ability as a companion dog. Around 1840 it is speculated that Pug blood was introduce into the Bulldog lines to instill an amiable temperament into the breed. This cross resulted in the appearance of smaller Bulldogs which became recognised as Toy Bulldogs, and these were eventually transformed into what we now know as French Bulldogs. French Bulldog Bulldog fanciers of the era eventually combined to form the first Bulldog club in 1864, and together they constructed the first breed standard for the Bulldog. Once there was a blueprint to work to, a degree of consistency appeared in the breed and many examples were successful in the early dog shows. Breeders intent on breeding the ideal standard Bulldog focussed on the breeds key features, leading to the somewhat less nimble but very impressive looking Bulldogs that we know today. A modern Bulldog http://www. bulldogz. com/bulldog_history. html Did you ever want a dog? How about one that is calm, faithful, protective, and devoted to you? Well, English bulldogs are exactly that. They have a rich history dating back all the way to the 17.. They began as dogs that fought other bulls and eventually other dogs. They are also very sensitive to your mood. They will be delighted for you when you are happy and will be still and compassionate when you grieve. Bulldogs may look though, but they are not very. They are brave to the extreme and will guard and defend their owner. They are conscious of their own force and therefore very self-assured. They are not the them full-time guardian dog for your house though. All dogs are different; some may welcome anyone to their home while others will be protective. Many bulldogs are lazy or stubborn. They like to sleep or rest a lot, but even when doing so, they are very observant and watch every move you make.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Free Essays on Does White America Deserve The Blame
Does White America Deserve the Blame? From almost the beginning of time, with the Atlantic Slave Trade in the early 1500s, the title slave has been synonymous with African Americans and their culture. These human beings, with feelings and emotions, were stolen from their homeland and chained together, where they were tortured and forced to work in harsh conditions against their own will. For years, this slave-driven continental United States was home to a â€Å"white†America, where â€Å"niggers†and â€Å"negroes†were the working horse of the society. Through much hard work and determination, much of this â€Å"racism†and evil-heartedness has diminished ever since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. In recent times however, this explanation of slavery has been the scapegoat for the black community, which blames all individual problems on â€Å"white†America. In reality, it’s not the white individual’s fault or even the white-dominated society in which he o r she exists. If African Americans aren’t succeeding, there is no one to blame but themselves. Eric Watts in â€Å"The Color of Success†criticizes African Americans who ridicule one another for â€Å"acting white†and who say that success based on academic achievement is â€Å"not black.†He says that these groups of people are making false distinctions because they are misclassifying themselves as victims. Watts explains how the theory of the once â€Å"victimized black race†is being outdated. Truly, the youth of Black America was born after the Brown v Board of Education decision of 1954, and with the passage of such laws as the Civil Rights Act, the Economic Opportunity Act, and the laws dealing with Affirmative Action, problems faced by African Americans are falling on deaf ears. On July 2nd, 1964, the most important law passed since the reconstruction acts†was passed. The Civil Rights Act â€Å"entitled blacks equal voting rights, banned practices of segr... Free Essays on Does White America Deserve The Blame Free Essays on Does White America Deserve The Blame Does White America Deserve the Blame? From almost the beginning of time, with the Atlantic Slave Trade in the early 1500s, the title slave has been synonymous with African Americans and their culture. These human beings, with feelings and emotions, were stolen from their homeland and chained together, where they were tortured and forced to work in harsh conditions against their own will. For years, this slave-driven continental United States was home to a â€Å"white†America, where â€Å"niggers†and â€Å"negroes†were the working horse of the society. Through much hard work and determination, much of this â€Å"racism†and evil-heartedness has diminished ever since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. In recent times however, this explanation of slavery has been the scapegoat for the black community, which blames all individual problems on â€Å"white†America. In reality, it’s not the white individual’s fault or even the white-dominated society in which he o r she exists. If African Americans aren’t succeeding, there is no one to blame but themselves. Eric Watts in â€Å"The Color of Success†criticizes African Americans who ridicule one another for â€Å"acting white†and who say that success based on academic achievement is â€Å"not black.†He says that these groups of people are making false distinctions because they are misclassifying themselves as victims. Watts explains how the theory of the once â€Å"victimized black race†is being outdated. Truly, the youth of Black America was born after the Brown v Board of Education decision of 1954, and with the passage of such laws as the Civil Rights Act, the Economic Opportunity Act, and the laws dealing with Affirmative Action, problems faced by African Americans are falling on deaf ears. On July 2nd, 1964, the most important law passed since the reconstruction acts†was passed. The Civil Rights Act â€Å"entitled blacks equal voting rights, banned practices of segr...
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