Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Statement Special Education - 1432 Words
Motivation in special education students Abdulelah Alqahtani EDUC 5501 December 2th, 2015 Dr. Dunham Author: Abdulelah Alqahtani Department of education, Shawnee State University Abstract This paper provides a brief summary of special education services and explains how special education teachers can motivate their students in many different ways. In fact, this paper indicates the benefits of motivations in the special education process for both teachers and students and how teachers should motivate their students in order to reach a full satisfaction on students’ learning. Also, there are some general ideas that used on any special education class by teachers in order to motivate their students with learning disabilities are listed in this paper. In fact, the purpose of this paper is to provide teachers and educators who are working in the field of special education a general understanding of the variety of skills that students with disabilities have and could prevent them from learning effectively just as seem as their normal peers. Therefore, this paper could help teachers to motivate their students in the classroom. Introduction One of the most essential aspects of the educational process is to know how to motivate students for learning. A challenging part of being a teacher is to know and learn how to motivate students. First of all, a good definition for motivation is as Byrnes quote â€Å"Motivation is constructShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Special Education855 Words  | 4 Pagesleads them to special education. These teachers fine this career to be job satisfying, have empathy for the children, and the vacancy of the position viability. Not all teacher feel the same however, over time their dissatisfied with their job and leave because their brunt out. One of the reason people chose a career in special education is job satisfaction. Special education teacher perceived their job to be rewarding. They get personal fulfillment and gratification in teaching special need studentsRead MoreEvaluation Of The Interview Protocol Consisted Of Closed And Open Ended Questions1738 Words  | 7 Pagesdata reduction procedures required the identification of all significant statements embedded within transcriptions, participant journals, and the researchers field notes; therefore all significant statement were highlighted. The development of codes through clustering significant statements and information was the third phase in the data reduction process. Creating categories to represent the data and shed light to the personal experiences of the participants was an imperative step in the data analysisRead MoreNew Send Code Of Practice And How It Affects Schools And Teaching Practices1295 Words  | 6 Pageslegislation is The Children and Fam ilies Act 2014. †¢ The SEND Code of Practice is part of the wider plan to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children. †¢ Feb 2011 – the DfE published its Green Paper titled ‘Support and Aspiration’ a new approach to special needs and disability. †¢ March 2014 – Children and Families Bill received Royal Assent. †¢ 22nd April 2014 – The statute came into force †¢ June 2014 – Final draft of new Code of Practice for SEND. †¢ July 2014 – The SEND code was laid before ParliamentRead More†¢Individual Education Program (Iep). Each Child’S Iep Must1564 Words  | 7 Pages†¢ Individual Education Program (IEP) Each child’s IEP must contain specific information, as listed within IDEA, our nation’s special education law. This includes (but is not limited to): - A statement of the child’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, including how the child’s disability affects his/her involvement and progress in the general education curriculum. - A statement of measurable annual goals, Including academic and functional goals. - A description ofRead MoreCo Teaching As A Teacher1513 Words  | 7 Pages When most people think of a typical classroom, the image of a room full of students in desks being taught by one teacher will usually come to mind. But a new style of education known as co-teaching is become increasingly popular. Co-teaching is an umbrella term that involves many similar but different methods of instruction, but they all have one thing in common: two teachers in the same classroom at the same time. One might think that two teachers helping instruct students at the same time wouldRead MoreThe Importance Of Special Learning Needs For Children With Disabilities, And Different Processes / Aspects Of Special Education1111 Words  | 5 Pagesdisabilities, the individuals who interact with them, and different processes/aspects of special education. Amy Edwards - a special education teacher at McKinley Elementary located in Xenia, Ohio was interviewed. Ms. Edwards first became interested in spe cial education at a young age. The pastor at her church had a daughter with special needs. Ms. Edwards had the opportunity to get to know the daughter on a personal level and developed a passion for children with disabilities. It was then that she decidedRead MoreThe Impact Of Special Education On Individual Student Needs1321 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the United States, 2.4 million students are enrolled in special education programs (Rosa et al, 2009). The types of services rendered in special education programs tend to vary based on the individual child’s needs. Children with disabilities vary with respect to the type and number of disabilities he or she may have. The disabilities vary in cause, degree, and effect on the child’s educational progress. Special education is a unique and sometimes complicated specialty area designed forRead MoreThe Development Of Education During The Uk Since 19941678 Words  | 7 PagesModule 6.2 Changes and Development in Educ ation Task 1 An overview of the development of education in the UK since 1994 Education has changed drastically over time. â€Å"Children with special educational needs were seen as ‘imbeciles’ and the behaviour within the classroom was controlled by corporal punishment†; as cited in Changes in Education, 1994. Inclusion is about all children, not just children who have an SEN or an AEN need, which has stemmed from the 1970’s and 1980’s. Ofsted (2001) said inclusionRead MoreSpecial Needs Children800 Words  | 4 PagesLiterature Review BSHA/442 August 06, 2012 Dr. Elizabeth Thompson Literature Review Special needs individuals are not different from everyone they just need a little extra help along their way. This population has to have mediation because there are many who cannot speak for themselves. They need the help from a neutral person so that they can discuss complications that they may be dealing with without judgment. AdvocacyRead MorePersonal Statement905 Words  | 4 Pages(hons.) Education, Diploma in Teaching PROFESSIONAL GOAL STATEMENTS DEGREE/SPECIALISATION: Ed.D. –SPECIAL EDUCATION PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL GOALS: A philosopher once wrote that learning is dynamic; and as such graduate school became a natural progression. Having read for a Masters Degree in teaching, this part of the journey translates into me eventually owning and operating a school that will cater for the whole child, with each grade level being equipped with a special education facilitator
Monday, May 18, 2020
How to Prepare Common Base Solutions
Prepare solutions of common bases using this handy reference table which lists the amount of solute (concentrated base solution) that is used to make 1 L of base solution. Stir the base into a large volume of water and then dilute the solution to make one liter. Use care when adding sodium hydroxide to water, since this is an exothermic reaction that generates considerable heat. Be sure to use borosilicate glass and consider immersing the container in a bucket of ice to keep the heat down. Use solid sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide to prepare solutions of those bases. Use concentrated (14.8 M) ammonium hydroxide for those preparations. Base Solution Peparations Name / Formula / F.W. Concentration Amount/Liter Ammonium Hydroxide 6 M 405 mL NH4OH 3 M 203 F.W. 35.05 1 M 68 0.5 M 34 0.1 M 6.8 Potassium Hydroxide 6 M 337 g KOH 3 M 168 F.W. 56.11 1 M 56 0.5 M 28 0.1 M 5.6 Sodium Hydroxide 6 M 240 g NaOH 3 M 120 F.W. 40.00 1 M 40 0.5 M 20 0.1 M 4.0
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects Of Global Warming On The Environment And The...
The impacts of increased greenhouse gas admission are evident through the rising global temperatures, causing extreme natural disasters and expanding sea levels. Anthropogenic climate change refers to the production of greenhouse gases emitted into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of human expansion and activity. According to research conducted by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA, 2016) the average global temperature of the Earth has risen 0.87 degrees Celsius from 1880 to 2016, the highest temperature rise recorded to date, as a result of heightened greenhouse gas admissions. It is essential to identify the causes of anthropogenic climate change and recognize the significant negative impact it is having on the global environment and the population. The increased release of carbon dioxide (CO2) through human activity is a major contributing factor to global warming. The human race contributes to the issue of climate change through the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities release vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, which have caused the earth’s temperature to rise (Society, 2016). This process is known as the ‘Greenhouse gas effect’, in which heat from the earth is trapped in the atmosphere by gases, such as CO2, causing the surface of the earth to warm. (, 2016). One of the main ways humans emit fossil fuels into the atmosphere is through industrial operations.Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1235 Words  | 5 PagesThey may not be feeling the effects of global warming at the moment, but in time it will become a more widespread issue. The effects of global warming are hard to refute, and there is endless evidence of this growing probl em in our world today. The continuation of global warming is a serious threat to everyone and everything on Earth. Global warming has been a problem for over a hundred years, and it continues to grow every day. The first evidence of global warming was discovered in 1859 by JohnRead MoreHow Are We Affected by Global Warming and How Can We Stop It?1259 Words  | 6 PagesHow are we effected by global warming and how can we stop it? Global warming directly effects everyone and everything on Earth. The concentration of greenhouse gasses is climbing at an alarming rate. Many negative issues will take place if nothing is done stop the destruction of the Earths atmosphere. Humans, plants, and animals contribute to the cycle of life on earth. The extinction of plants and animals caused by global warming can lead to worldwide panic. The future flooding of the EarthRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Natural Phenomenon1218 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal Warming Global warming is a natural phenomenon. People produce greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, by burning fossil minerals, cutting down trees and stripping the land, often referred to as deforestation. These greenhouse gases have high permeability to the visible light from the sun radiation, but they are highly absorbent to the long wave radiation that is reflected from the earth. These gases have especially strong absorption to the infrared from ground radiation. This phenomenonRead MoreEnvironmental Sustainable Development : Global Warming1696 Words  | 7 Pagesreferred to as global warming. Apparently, in the minds of many, the term global warming refers to increase in global temperatures. No need to worry because the world survives the heat in summer and people living in the scoring heat regions enjoy life thanks to air conditioning technology. Apparently, the world is yet to understand the threats posed by global warming to the present and future generations. That is the reas on people continue to engage in activities that contribute to global warming. EnvironmentalistsRead More Solutions to Global Warming Essay1503 Words  | 7 Pagesco-workers. There have even been movies made about it. The â€Å"it†is global warming. â€Å"Global warming refers to the global-average temperature increase that has been observed over the last one hundred years or more†(Spencer). Some experts argue that global warming is a result of human activities, while others believe the warming and cooling of the Earth’s atmosphere is a natural cycle. Supporters of human induced global warming stress that since the Industrial Revolution we have released excessiveRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effect On The Global Environment1144 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal warming has emerged as one of the most serious concerns for scientists and environmentalists in the 21st century. This is based on the negative impact of global warming, which is not limited to deforestation, drastic variations in climate, decline in output of global agricultu ral industry, degradation of ice sheets in Antarctic, decrease in ocean productivity, rise in sea levels, and increase in tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. The primary reason for global warming has been identified asRead MoreThe Changing Relationship Between Nature And Society1658 Words  | 7 Pages As Barrack Obama once stated â€Å"All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it s here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster.†(Obama, 2006). In this speech Obama spoke honestly and truthfully about the current situationRead MoreThe Effects of Global Warming on the Planet1158 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal warming can be defined as the increase in the earths sea level due to an increase in surface temperature. In decades past, there have been debates on what can be causing global warming. Greenhouse gasses and ozone depletion are one of the most important factors that geologists are facing in the fight against global warming. It presents a major problem for not only geologists, but also for policy m akers, foresters, scientists, and most definitely the inhabitants of the Earth. Greenhouse effectsRead MoreGlobal Warming and Its Effects1352 Words  | 6 PagesGLOBAL WARMING AND ITS EFFECTS Global Warming effects on the natural balance of environment. The world climate is going a significant change day by day. There are many causes of Global Warming. The destruction and burning down of tropical forests , traffic clogging up the city streets , rapid growth of unplanned industries, the use of CFCs in packaging and manufacturing products, the use of detergents etc. cause Global Warming. Besides, overpopulation, deforestation are the causative factorsRead MoreEssay on Global Warming: Humans Are Destroying the Planet1327 Words  | 6 PagesEveryone knows that global warming is a serious environmental health problem with its effects reflecting on nature and all of mankind on Earth since the mid-twentieth century – emission of concentrated greenhouse gases, rise of sea levels, melting of polar ice caps, and increase in global surface air temperature. The rise in global surface air temperature causes frequent droughts in dry areas and accelerated ocean warming and hence the rapid increase in sea levels and melting of the polar ice caps
A Geography of Time Free Essays
In a world with no clocks and no definite appointments people are living by event time. Therefore, the fourth chapter â€Å"Living on Time Events†is devoted to analyzing what it means to live beyond time or by time event. It is known that earlier time was measured by slow sweep of stars in the sky or by important events or changes. We will write a custom essay sample on A Geography of Time or any similar topic only for you Order Now Heartbeats also measured time, as well as recurrence of hunger and duration of loneliness. The author assumes that in certain situations the clock or calendar can be defined as nothing more than simply ornament or decoration. Living by event can’t provide define appointments of lifestyle, whereas modern industrialized countries are motivated by punctuality. Historical perspective suggests that living by clock â€Å"is clearly out of line with virtually all of recorded history†. (p.82) The author asserts that the key difference in pace life is that people tend to use clock as the guidance in their lives, especially when they are planning the beginning and the end of particular events. People’s schedules aren’t allowed to include spontaneous activities. Therefore, there are two types of living: living by event time and living by clock time. The key difference between these types is speed difference and people who live by clock tie are faster than those who live by event time. The author specifies that under clock time timepiece is that director of the beginning and end of the events and particular activities. Under event time it is schedule that determines particular activities. Nevertheless, event time isn’t precise time as it is difficult to identify when people will be busy with necessary activities. Interestingly, adults are more susceptible to clock time. Industrial society is characterized by enmeshed style of life and clock time is the main driver of events and activities. However, in less civilized countries people are less concerned with control of clock. They feel life by mechanic clock is abnormal and confusing as it set rigid frameworks and it is hardly possible to life full life when you are obliged to follow set schedule. The fifth chapter â€Å"Time and Power: The Rules of the Waiting Games†provides relevant and valuable rules about waiting peculiarities. The author says that waiting is always unpleasant thing. For example, when we are waiting for a bus or a person, we feel anxiety and even irritability. However, half of our life is simply waiting – waiting for tickets, appointments, particular events, buses, etc. Psychologists find it rather difficult to evaluate the pain from waiting, but they say that effect maybe both negative and positive. For business waiting is very expensive as time for them is directly associated with money. When people become more important, the demand for time becomes greater. With increased importance value of time increases as well as time is limited. Therefore, time of important people should be protected and carefully managed. The author stresses that â€Å"important people are usually seen by appointment only; and while those of higher status are allowed to make people below them to wait, the reverse is strictly prohibited†. (p. 109) Thus, one of the most important rules is that status dictates who will wait and it is position in the hierarchy that determines people’s importance. Further, the longer people are waiting the greater the status is. For example, the value of attorneys and bookkeepers is defined by the fact whether they are booked in advance. One of the rules suggests that time can be provided as a real gift meaning that waiting can be seen as an act of generosity. Offering is thus viewed as â€Å"a special instance of using time to demonstrate respect†. (p.123) Offering of time is important because it stretches far beyond explanations of gain or profit. The sole purpose of offering time is sending social message. Finally, breaking into line should be rare occasions. Those people who break into line must re-assure that they don’t cause any troubles for others who are waiting. Rules of waiting are different in different countries and it is not recommended to play waiting games till you know all the rules. Mainly, waiting rules implicit and the chance to misinterpret the message are very high. How to cite A Geography of Time, Papers A Geography of Time Free Essays In the preface â€Å"Time Talks, With an Accent†the author describes his reasons of writing the book, as well as he shares his plans about future careers, his interest, and ideas about time geography. In the first chapter â€Å"Tempo: Speed of Life†special attention is paid to what tempo is, its core elements, economic well-being and what may happen beyond the tempo. In the second chapter â€Å"Duration: Psychological Clock†the author provides innovative and interesting suggestions and draws relevant conclusions bumps in time, how to change the life tempo and psychological experiences of time duration. We will write a custom essay sample on A Geography of Time or any similar topic only for you Order Now Actually, I think that material presented in the preface and the first chapters are very exciting and informative as the author sets further background for research in this sphere. In the preface the author writes that every culture is represented by its own concepts and fingertips about time and time geography. Actually, it is necessary to lean about time values as it gives an excellent opportunity to know the person better. Time gives idea of what person is, about his ideals and beliefs. The author admits that he has always been interested in time. As other Americans, the writer was taught that time is measured by the clock and nothing more. Time is seconds, minutes and hours. However, when the author grew up he realized that the concept of time is not as simple as it might seem at the first glance. When planning personal career, the author claims he has ignored the concept of money being offered by the particular job. Instead, he decided to learn temporal lifestyle as that area interested him the most. Firstly the author’s researches focused primarily on social psychology and attribution theory. Special attention was paid to gender differences in ideas about success and failure, self-confidence and attribution styles. Nevertheless, in several years the author became very interested in studying the value of time and the life pace in general. Therefore, the author devotes the whole book to the pace of own lives, how people use and have to use time, what time is doing in our cities, etc. The first chapter addresses the question of time tempo stressing that tempo of life strongly depends on the factors of personal taste and skills, as well as on individual instruments and room involved. The pace of time is defined by the author as tome flow or movement being experienced by people. Pace of time is characterized by rhythms, sequences and synchronies. However, life pace is a matter of tempo. ‘Tempo’ is borrowed from music theory and it is associated with rate and speed of piece performance. The author is interested in characteristics of cultures and places distinguishing five factors which determine cultural tempos: economic well-being, degree of industrialization, population amount, climatic conditions, and orientation at individualism. Also, there are ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ people and the author warns us not to overgeneralize about them. Actually, life pace depends on time, place and human doings. Ten areas are presented to think of yourself: speech patterns, concern with clock time, walking speed, eating habits, driving, schedules, list making, nervous energy, waiting and alerts. The second chapter addresses the issues of psychological clock and duration of time. The author writes that there were several studies devoted to time perceptions and the interest in estimation of time appeared on the scale. Duration is defined as the time that is going from the lat event. Actually, duration is the speed of the clock being ambiguous and precise. However, it is more difficult to define duration of time in the realm of psychological experience. There are differences in time duration among Westerners and Easterners. For example, in Western culture listening is not opposition of talking as it is waiting. Modern researchers are focus on identifying differences in types of information and in the ways the information is processed. Interestingly, Maslow defined creative people as people being fascinated and absorbed in the current situation and here-now. The author concludes that time is proceeding as a clock arrow does. However, speed of time passing depends fully on individual preferences. How to cite A Geography of Time, Papers
Academic Skills Development free essay sample
However, as experienced writers point out, you do not have to be an award winning novelist or rousing poet to report the results of a well-conceptualized and executed study. You only need to be organized, accurate, clear and concise in your writing. And you have to keep your eye on the details, because, when writing an academic article, the devil is in the details (Feldman, 2004:1). Questions to discuss: 1) Why do we write scientific articles? What is their function? 2) What are the most difficult things for many people in writing an article? Task 2.Study the able that characterizes a writing process. Describe in detail what activities each stage involves (in your opinion). Preprinting Writing Revising Editing Proofreading Task 3. Traditionally, a scientific article has the following structure: title, abstract, keep. Roods, introduction, literature review, methods, findings and results, discussion, conclusion, references, if applicable, appendices. Match the following questions with articles structural elements. (Teaching materials designed by TUMS English instructor Karl Hughes. 2010) 1. What are my main points? Abstract 2.Is there any extra information? Introduction . What does it mean? Methods 4. What did I find out? Discussion 5. How did I deal with the problem? Rest Its 6. Whose work did refer to? Conclusion 7. Who helped me out? Acknowledgements 8. What is the problem? References 9. What did I do, in a nutshell? Appendices Article Components: Title The title, keywords, abstract, introduction and discussion are perhaps the most important as these are the doors and windows through which a reader is most likely to access the article. It is, therefore, extremely important to use effective key. Rods and make a title that is able to grab the readers attention. Guidelines to formulating a title: choose a title that would be proper and adequate to the function and style. For example, the title More than a one night stand would not be appropriate for a journal article on relationship marketing; the title should be as specific as possible given the restrictions on length; some of the keywords listed after the abstract should appear in the title; A title should preferably answer the following questions: What will be researched? How will the topic be researched? With whom? Describes the research population and units of measurement Where / in what context will the study be conducted? Language Practice Activity Task 4. Read seven suggestions for writing the title of a research paper. Which suggestions should you use to write a good title? Which suggestions dont give good advice? A) Make it about 50 words long b) Write it as a question c) Begin with a phrase like A study of . D) Inc lude a joke or play of words e) Include important key words for internet search tools f) Include information such as the species studies, the treatment used. G) Present the key result Task 5. Study the following titles and analyze how complete they are. Use the questions introduced above to help you choose the appropriate title. 1) Engineering students presentations: a focus on results or methodology? 2) Do engineering academics in Finland have job satisfaction? 3) Pedagogical evaluation of simulation tools usage in network technology education. 4) The algorithm of data scheme matching in information systems in oil and gas production. 5) Upstaging software for geological models of fields. 6) Cognitive radio application in IEEE 802. 22 wireless networks. Task 6. Choose the appropriate title. A A new signature file scheme based on multiple-block descriptor files for indexing very large data bases 1 b Signature file indexes based on multiple- block descried photo files AAA Extensions to ranking techniques for large text collections b An investigation of the effectiveness of extensions to standard ranking techniques for large text collections AAA Duplication of data leads to reduction in network traffic b Duplicating data to reduce network traffic AAA Artificial intelligence b Human intelligence and the foundations of artificial intelligence Language practice Activity Traditionally an abstract consists of four parts: State the research question Present the hypothesis Introduce the method Introduce key results Task 6.The following phrases can also be used to signal the purpose of each part of an abstract. Divide the phrases (a-I) into four groups according to their functions presented above. A) An investigation was undertaken to explore g) the study provides strong evidence that b) It seems likely that h)We demonstrate that c) Result show that I)We expected that d) The aim of the study was j) We investigated a new method of VERB-ins e) The data suggest that a) The method involved VERB-ins f) The present study investigates b) was found to (Taken from Cambridge English for Scientists. CUP. 201 1 . P. 74) Task 7. Read the abstracts below. Comment on their structure. Is it complete or not? What would you change?An engineering education response to a glossing world (Trend Clauses, Telemeter University College, Norway) ABSTRACT 1 In August 2002, the Engineering School at Telemeter University College, Pronghorn, Norway, commenced a nationally supported pilot project on recruiting vocational school graduates holding a relevant trade certificate to its electrical, electronics and control engineering department. Earlier, vocational school graduates would have had to spend one academic year or ore in the study of mathematics, sciences and languages to be considered eligible for admission. The principle of academic equivalence, with respect to the Education Act, is underlying this project.To make this principle work, the School, and not the students, had to change. After seven years of operation the admission is competitive, the academic results appear satisfactory, the retention has been improved all resulting in a better college economy. These benefits at present Seem to outweigh the administrative challenges Of running two parallel and different types of classes. Robotics education: a review of graduate profiles ND research pathways (Bruce Milton David Johnson, University of Technology Sydney) ABSTRACT 2: Robotics is a rapidly emerging field of engineering, and many of the Australian universities that offer a Bachelor of Engineering now offer majors in robotics/mechanics.This article explores and analyses some implications for robotics education, with a focus on graduate attributes and research pathways. The preliminary results of this review suggest that courses in robotics tend to include introductory material from a relatively large number of sub-disciplines, and robotics courses do not ordinarily permit he selection of sub-majors from other inter-related disciplines. It is concluded that courses might place greater emphasis on the graduate attributes that are essential to be able to work effectively in cross-discipline teams. It is also concluded that it may be beneficial to undertake further research, which compares the approaches to robotics education taken within Australian universities with the approaches of overseas counterparts. . 1 In the abstracts above underline the main components, such as: a) Background position b) Aim and thesis of article c) Method of research d) Results of research Writing Activity Task 8. Think about some research you have done recently. Write: One or two sentences which provide the key background to the research A sentence which states your research question A sentence which presents your hypothesis Two or three sentences outlining the main methods used One or two sentences presenting the key results A sentence which states the key implication of your finding. Introduction Introduction is the bridge to the proble m described in the article. Reading the introduction readers can clearly understand what problem is under study and how this study can advance their knowledge. Guidelines to writing an introduction: start your introduction with a specific question or the scientific context in which you are asking the question; briefly describe what has been known before your attempt to research the topic; briefly mention the results expected or achieved; an introduction should be half a page long. Phrase Bank for Writing an Introduction: 1) The article is based on findings from recent research into. 2) The arguments that will be put forward are relevant to 3) For the purpose of this article, two opposing theories will be scrutinized. It will be referred to Ens and Ups works, respectively. Many articles have been published on the subject of 5) Beyond the scope of this article, the analysis of 6) The first section reviews recent literature, with reference to the argument/ idea/theory concerning 7) This thesis consists of several parts. Each part describes 8) The material is divided into three sections, with each section devoted to 9) The dissertation is concerned with individual differences in with a focus on 10) The assignment will address the problem of socio- economic data in Note: for additional phrases, see Appendix 1, p. 131 133. Task 9. Find the appropriate word from the Phrase Bank above to fill in the issuing words in the introduction off paper. The (1) of this paper is to consider the nature of moral education in Soviet childrens literature.It is particularly (2) with the moral values presented in books published with the (3) of teaching reading at primary school. The thesis (4) of four parts. The first part attempts to (5) a number of general questions relating to childrens literature from the historical period. Parts 2, 3 and 4 are specifically to the Soviet example. Part 2 is (7) into three main sections, the first of which discusses the nature of the Soviet value system with a particular (8) n the work ethic. (Taken from: the textbook Academic Vocabulary in Use. CUP. 2008. P. 87) Task 10. Choose from the list below what is normally found in an introduction. Put Y for (yes) or N for (no). I) A definition of any unfamiliar terms in the title. (ii) Authors opinions on the subject Of the paper. (iii) Mention of some sources the author has read on the topic. (iv) A provocative idea or questions to interest the reader. (v) The aim or purpose of writing. (vi) The method the author adopts to answer the question. (vii) Some brief background to the topic. (viii) Any limitations the author sets himself. 10. Read the extracts below from introductions to articles and decide which of the functions above (I-viii) they are examples of. (I) In the past 20 years the ability of juries to assess complex or lengthy cases has been widely debated. Ii) The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The second section explains why corporate governance is important for economic prosperity. The third section presents the model specification and describes the data and variables used in our empirical analysis. The fourth section reports and discusses the empirical results. The fifth section concludes. (iii) The purpose of this paper is o investigate changes in the incidence of extreme warm and cold temperatures over the globe since 1870. (iv) There is no clear empirical evidence sustaining a managerial myopia argument. Pugh et al. (1992) find evidence that supports such theory, but Molecular et al. ( 1990), Mahoney et al. 1 997) and a study by the Office of the Chief Economist of the Securities and Exchange Commission (1985) find no evidence. (v) Social cohesion is usually defied in reference to common aims and objectives, social order, social solidarity and the sense of place attachment. (vi) This study will focus n mergers in the media business between 1 990 and 2005, since with more recent examples an accurate assessment of the consequences cannot yet be made. (Taken from: Academic Writing. Handbook for International Students. Taylor and Francs Group. Id De. 2011. ?. 83-84. ) Task 1 1 . Study the following Introductions and decide which introduction is the best one. Prove your opinion. INTRODUCTION 1 The world is complex.But engineering education often presents knowledge about the world in different ways. For applications, this accumulation of knowledge divided into different areas must be brought together. So, a natural idea was to create interdisciplinary projects for engineering students. Additionally, projects were very suitable for co-operation between staff members and students. Basic knowledge in mathematics and physics is often necessary to the understanding of engineering processes. In addition, computer science and computer software are becoming even more important to the handling of complex phenomena and the relations between them. Projects about oscillators are presented requiring knowledge in these disciplines.The mathematical point of view is especially stressed. INTRODUCTION 2 Over the last decade, an increasing awareness has developed across engineering and technology of the need to recognize that the practice of engineering increasingly transcends national and cultural boundaries. Anecdotal evidence reveals that combining global generic competencies with technical education makes engineering graduates much more acceptable to the job market. It essentially enhances their employability. Evidence is also reported to show that engineering graduates with cross-cultural global experience have a greater empathy in dealing with cultural differences which hey encounter.With the rapid pace of change of technology, society and demographics, engineering educators are now faced with the challenge of developing a package of knowledge, skills inclusive of global Emotional Competencies. A starting point in establishing Emotional Competencies would be to understand and measure Emotional Intelligence in the lecture room. (Taken from: Global Journal of Engineering Education. Volvo. 12, , 2010. Up. 6, 17. ) 11. 1 In the introductions above underline the following components: 1. Purpose 2. Methods 3. Background outline 4. Definition 5. Limitation Note: it is important to avoid opening sentences that are over-general. Compare: 1) Nowadays there is a lot of competition among different providers of news. 2) Newspapers are currently facing strong competition from rival news providers such as the Internet and television.Writing Activity Task 12. Write introductory/opening sentences for the following topics. Example: How important is it for companies to have women as senior managers? Option: In recent years there has been a steady criticism of the lack of women in senior management. 1) Are there any technological solutions to global warming? ) What can be done to reduce infant mortality in developing countries? 3) Compare the perturbation process in two contrasting countries. Organizing Paragraphs Paragraphs are the best building blocks in academic writing. Well-structured paragraphs help reader understand to topic more easily by dividing up the argument into convenient sections.Guidelines to writing a good paragraph: A paragraph is a group of sentences that deal with the single topic; The length of paragraphs varies significantly according to text type, but should not be no less than 4 or 5 sentences; The first sentence (but not always) introduces the epic. Other sentences may give definitions, examples, information, reasons, restatements and summaries; The parts of the paragraph are linked together by phrases and conjunctions. They guide the reader easily through the arguments presented. (See appendix 1, p. ) Study the paragraph below. It is from introduction to an essay titled Should home ownership be encouraged? The rate Of home ownership varies widely across the developed world.Germany, for instance, has one of the lowest rates, at 42 per cent, while in Spain it is twice as high, 85 per cent. Both the USA and Britain have similar attest of about 69 per cent. The reasons for this variation appear to be more cultural and historic than economic, since high rates are found in both rich and poorer countries. There appears to be no conclusive link between national prosperity and the number of homeowners. The paragraph can be analyses: Topic sentence The rate of home ownership varies widely across the developed world. Example 1 Spain it is twice as high, 85 per cent. Example 2 Both the USA and Britain have similar rates of about 69 per cent.Reason The reasons for this variation appear to be more cultural and historic than economic, since high rates are found in both rich and poorer countries. Us Mary There appears to be no conclusive link between national prosperity and the number of homeowners. Task 13. The sentences below from the third paragraph of the same essay, but they have been mixed up. Use the table below to put them in the correct order. (I) These had been developed to allow higher-risk poorer families to buy their own homes, but contributed to a property price bubble. (ii) Many economists now argue that there is a maximum level of home ownership that should not be exceeded. Iii) All these claims were challenged by the economic crash of 2008, which was in large part caused by defaults on American sub-prime mortgages. (iv) Even households that had positive equity still felt poorer and reduced their spending. (v) Others were trapped in their houses by negative equity, in other words their houses were worth less than they had paid for them. (vi) When this burst, millions of people lost their homes, which for many had contained their savings. Topic sentence All these claims were challenged by the economic crash of 2008, which was in large part caused by defaults on American sub-prime mortgages. Definition Result 1 Result 2 Task 14. Read the following introductory paragraph to an essay and then discuss it with other students. Why is it a poor beginning?DISCUSS THE PROBLEM OF POLLUTION IN YOUR COUNTRY Since the current trend of Green politics came to the fore, we have discovered our water is unfit for consumption; our meat is poisoned by various bacteria; and our fruit and vegetables are contaminated by chemicals. Not only are food and water affected, but the land and sea are constantly subject to chemical and nuclear dumping. In addition, sewage and various oil disasters have contributed to the increase in the killing of wildlife. Even the air we breathe is polluted every day by the millions of cars constantly pumping carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. 14. 1 The following introductory paragraph is on the same subject. Read and then discuss it. Why is it better than the one above?
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Provide Leadership Across The Organisation Employee Compensation
Question: Discuss about the Provide Leadership Across The Organisation for Employee Compensation? Answer: Identify and analyse the various problems created by the introduction of the changes at Oz Resort Ms Griffin, the new manager of the Oz Resort introduced a great number of strategies in order to cost cutting, without consulting the staffs. The staffs of the mentioned organization were to pay for their uniforms and also need to pay for any sporting facilities in case if offered those by the Resort. The hours of working have been increasing as the months passing on with no such improvement in the pay packages. Now the staffs require working harder in accordance with the new strategy since the management is not arranging for the replacement for those who are leaving the organization. The staffs have been resisting to such changes and this also has increased staff turnover to 30%. In addition to this, the employees came up with various complaints in the departmental meeting with the managers. Firstly the staffs although were promised were not provided with adequate training. Secondly they were not getting extra payment for working overtime. The accommodations provided to the staffs were not with adequate comfort. Since they are needed to pay for their own uniforms they are not ready to wear them. Has the new Resort Manager, Geraldine Griffin espoused and communicated the company (Oz Resort) values and standards People are the Key to Success."? Since Ms Griffin in her previous organization has created record in enhancing profit, she has been recruited in the Oz Resort in order to cost cutting. In doing so, the new manager has introduced a number of new strategies to increase profit of the organization and cost cutting. She thus has taken various strategies without communicating the staffs co cost cutting. And she has not espoused and communicated the values and standards to the organization. Make recommendations what actions would Geraldine Griffin now need to take to: Clarify the organisations values and strategic directions and needs with staff The manager needs to communicate with the staffs about the organizational values, strategies and needs. In order to do so she needs to meet her staffs and have them a clear understanding about the specific goals of the organization. She also need to encourage to participate in the meeting and come up with various strategies so that they are able to meet the organizational values, needs through specific strategies. In addition to this the staffs also need to be provided with adequate training so that they expertise in their task and thus the customer service can be improved. establish linkages between the organisations vision and values and the responsibilities of staff The staffs need to provided with adequate training so that they gain experience in performing their activities. The staffs also need to be provided with adequate support and provision so that they build up trust upon the organization. The staffs need to be provided with the vision of the organization and in reaching so what responsibility they need to take upon. Moreover, while carrying on their responsibilities regular meetings and workshops needed to be organized where they would discuss about their requirements while providing service to the consumers and monitoring their performances (Hope and Mackin, 2007). build trust, confidence and respect of staff and other stakeholders Communication is the major aspect to build in trust, confidence and respect amongst staffs and stakeholders. The staffs need to be adequately arrange for induction where the staffs would be able to understand the values and principles of the organization. According to the respective tasks, the staffs are also required to provide training so as to perform excellent service to the consumers. Moreover upon the training proper evaluation and monitoring of their performance also need to be checked by the manager so that the need of the staffs are well understood. In doing so, the customers will also be satisfied with the service, that the organization provides which will help them to retain for longer time (Lewis, Thornhill and Saunders, 2003). develop an effective workplace culture Different strategies and organizational values need to be communicated with the staffs and since staffs are the key to success certain provisions need to be provided which again will motivate the staffs to improve their performance and dependability on the organization. The staffs need to be well training so that their performance enhances which in the long run will enhance the service provision of the organization. The staffs also need to be motivated to come forward in participating and formulating various strategies for the effectiveness of the organization (Vollmer, 1960). Ensure her actions convey flexibility and adaptability to change The strategies need to be formulated in such a manner that they still remain flexible and do not burden the staffs which consequently will negatively impact their performance. Certain strategies where the manager has not been paying enough to the staffs for their extra time working and also forcing them to put on uniforms where they are bound to pay for those must not be implemented. The manager needs to communicate the staffs about the organizational goal and their responsibility to reach them and also the strategies need to be so framed that they are adaptable (Werhane, Radin and Bowie, 2004). Ensure that decision making take into account the needs and expectations of the customers, staff and the sustainability of the organisation The decision that are taken by the organization need to take care of the requirements of the staffs, consumers which will help the organization to sustain. Thus the needs of the staffs need to be known by the manager where certain requirements such as provision of adequate raining, proper facilities to the staffs and the service need to be provided in a manner that meets the requirement of the consumers. All these will help the organization to sustain and achieve their goal (Somerset, 2008). Business Report Plan to communicate the new organisational mission and goal After the staffs join the organization, they will be introduced with the organizational mission and goals through induction. Aside this, they will also be met regularly in order to acknowledge them about their responsibilities as an employee and as in a group of staffs. In order to meet the organizational objectives I would formulate certain short and long term objectives in accordance with the mission statement (Rowland and Tatham, 2010). Since we are living in a society where individual from various society belong thus, in order to reach the objective different communication styles would be used. They will also be communicated with their language if not possible them with interpreter where they will be able to understand the use of organizational policies appropriately which will be communicated using different medias such as broadcast and print. Influencing groups and individuals I need to provide adequate training identifying the needs of the employees so that they develop their skills and also take care of their requirements which will enhance their dependability on the organization. It is about the maintaining and discipline in the workplace which would enhance the performance of the employees. This is a manner to train staffs and enhance their efficiencies as individual worker and as a part of a larger team. I would encourage to participate in the decision making procedure and recommend certain strategies in order to enhance the performance of the organization. In doing so regular workshops and meting need to be arranged. The staffs need in order to perform their activities is the major aspect to focus on. Thus identifying their needs, the organization needs to provide adequate training. Thus after the staffs are done with the training their performance need also to be evaluated to monitor their improvement and also communicate with the staffs to know where they lack. The team need to be made updated about the recent market and the changing needs of the consumers by utilizing the technology, so that they can work upon on those to provide best of their services to the consumers. Since the manger has opted various rigid strategies where she not consulted with the staffs and the staffs also are not paid appropriately where they are working hard, the turnover of the staffs will increase and over burden of work will also impact their performance and service of the organization. Thus the health and safety also are not given importance. The strategies need to be so well formulated that the staffs and the consumers are in no harm. Moreover the need of the staffs and consumers are taken care adequately. Building and Supporting Teams The staffs and the mangers need to be communicated well about their needs and how to reach the objective of the organization (Harvey, Drolet and Wehmeyer, 1994). The staffs and the manager needed to encourage in decision making policy where they would be provided opportunities to take part in coming up with recommendations. Personal and Professional Development and Networking Development Required Organization Time frame Management strategies need to be made adaptable and target-based 3 months course conducted by People Leadership Development Consultants October to January Mentoring Skills 6 months course provided by Future management June to December Leadership Skills 3 months course by People Leadership development Consultants January to March Networking Hotel Industry groups Hospitality Industry 1 year Recommendation The report has been presented is requested to be accepted and confirmed by the Executive team and need to be commenced within 4 weeks of time and Mentors need to be chosen to enhance the development of leadership and change. References Harvey, T., Drolet, B. and Wehmeyer, L. (1994). Building teams, building people. Lancaster: Technomic Pub. Co. Hope, J. and Mackin, P. (2007). The relationship between employee turnover and employee compensation in small business. [Washington, D.C.]: SBA Office of Advocacy. Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. and Saunders, M. (2003). Employee relations. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Rowland, L. and Tatham, S. (2010). Strategic communication influence operations. Shrivenham, England: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. Somerset, S. (2008). Enhancing an organization's capacity to engage youth in decison-making and governance. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada = BibliotheÃÅ'â‚ ¬que et Archives Canada. Vollmer, H. (1960). Employee rights and the employment relationship. Berkeley: University of California Press. Werhane, P., Radin, T. and Bowie, N. (2004). Employment and employee rights. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
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