Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Books and Practical Experience
Between books and practical experience, one is more likely to find gain more learning on the latter because there is nothing that compares to the blending of humans and the experience that molds them. As an old adage says, â€Å"Experience is the best teacher. †Books are meant to be a comprehensive textual guide to anything and everything under the sun. It may be safe to assume that each and every experience ever known to man since time immemorial has been written in all the books across the world. Certainly, books are useful to the world and it educates mankind from one generation to another.However, practical experience starts from birth (in fact, it starts upon conception), which is long before anyone could read books. Practical experience is that which effectively teaches a person what works and what doesn’t work in the everyday routine of life. Experience teaches one how to gauge the weight of things so decisions are easier to make when you are equipped with exper ience as opposed to being guided by all the best books ever written on earth. Still, in fairness to books and their importance to life, some significant matters like dealing with pregnancy, especially first time pregnancy, cannot be entrusted to practical experience.Helpful books that are guides to pregnancy are necessary for first time mothers because quite obviously, they do not have the experience to guide them through the initial experience. However, when it comes to the â€Å"next pregnancy,†mothers are already equipped with the necessary practical experience that will enable them to identify the things that work, does not work, or even the things that are potentially harmless for them in their condition. Books on the subject of History, Mathematics and Science are also important, and no amount of practical experience can outweigh the knowledge gathered by books of these subjects.However, practical experience will enrich these books further, at least in the minds of its readers. The strategies of Napoleon Bonaparte, for instance, can only mean something to the present generation once some practical experience of some authority brings Napoleon Bonaparte’s strategies to life in the present time. Therefore, it is still practical experience that gives life to books. Suffice it to say that nothing beats practical experience in helping man accomplish his goals and endeavors in life, because ultimately, the greatest lessons are lived, not read.Millions of books on self-empowerment have also been lucrative on the publishing industry. The truth, however, is that if man listens to the pieces of advice of their parents, or their neighbors, or the news features and entertainment motion pictures delivered by the media, books are virtually unnecessary as a reference to amassing wealth or developing oneself. The truth, in a nutshell, is that man can live without books, but man’s failure to learn from practical experience has all the potential to ca use his doom.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Succubus Shadows Chapter 14
I was never entirely sure how much of that dream was true and how much was a lie. That it was a mix, I felt certain. I couldn't think of any reason the Oneroi would show me Kayla noticing my absence when no one else did. That had to be true. Yet, I also couldn't imagine Seth and Maddie slandering me so much. I especially couldn't imagine him breaking a confidence. Surely that was a lie†¦right? And as for the rest of the dream†¦well, it didn't matter. The Oneroi offered no answers. And as more and more dreams came to me, the fate they'd foretold began to come true: I could no longer tell what was real and what wasn't. Often, I tried to tell myself that it was all a lie. That was easier than living with the doubt. No matter how hard I tried, though, I couldn't shake the feel of truth that some had. So, I was always questioning everything, and it grew maddening after a while. It was made worse by the fact that the Oneroi were always feeding off of those dreams, which consequently sucked up my energy. A succubus needed that energy to function. It gave me the ability to move in the world, to think clearly, to shape-shift. Draining me of it wouldn't kill me – I was still immortal, after all – but it made me useless. Not that it mattered in my prison. I still had the sensation of being crammed inside a box in the dark, and what little awareness of my body I had left was simply showing me pain and weakness. Had I been relea sed, I would have had trouble walking. I would also likely be in my true shape. Since I was mostly suspended consciousness now, the physical aspects became irrelevant. My mind became the true liability, as both the lack of energy and torture from the dreams began to rip me apart. I was more coherent and analytical during the dreams themselves, but when they ended and the emotions hit me, my rational thought began fracturing. My banter with the Oneroi became primal insults and screams. Most of the time I couldn't think at all. I was just pain and despair. And rage. It seemed impossible, yet underneath the agony that smothered me, a small spark of anger just barely managed to stay alive, fueled every time I saw the Oneroi. I think holding on to that fury was the only thing that kept my shattered mind from completely giving in to insanity. I lost all sense of time, but that had more to do with the strange nature of dreams and not so much my brain. I actually think little time passed in the real world because every time the Oneroi showed me a glimpse of it, no progress seemed to have been made in finding me – something I believed the Oneroi hoped would break me further. â€Å"Why do you keep asking us?†The question came from Cody. I was now watching him, Peter, and Hugh being interrogated by Jerome. Carter sat in a far corner, smoking in spite of Peter's no-cigarettes-in-the-apartment rule. Roman was there too, invisible in body and aura. That meant I shouldn't have been able to see him, yet something – maybe because he was my target in this dream – allowed me to know he was there, despite what my senses told me. My friends knew about him. He had no need to hide his physical appearance, unless Jerome feared there might be demonic eyes watching Seattle – which wasn't that unreasonable. My disappearance had probably made him extra suspicious. Cody's question had been directed toward Jerome, and I had never in my life seen such fury on the young vampire's face. He was the mildest of us all, newest to Seattle's immortal circle. He still jumped when Jerome said jump and spent more time watching and learning than taking an active role. Seeing him like this was a shock. â€Å"We don't know anything!†Cody continued. â€Å"Our powers are limited. You're the one who's supposed to be almighty and powerful. Doesn't Hell control half the universe?†â€Å"‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy,'†quoted Carter solemnly. â€Å"Shut up, both of you,†snapped Jerome. He glared at the angel. â€Å"I've already heard you use that one before.†Carter shrugged. â€Å"You've heard me use all of them before. Many, many times.†Jerome turned back to my three friends. â€Å"Nothing. You're absolutely certain you noticed nothing about her before this happened?†â€Å"She was down,†said Peter. â€Å"She's always down,†said Hugh. â€Å"She didn't tell any of us about this thing she kept feeling,†growled Cody. â€Å"She only told Roman. Why aren't you questioning him?†â€Å"I have,†said Jerome. He took a step near the young vampire and leaned his face in close. â€Å"And watch your tone. You're lucky I'm feeling kindly right now.†â€Å"What's Mei doing?†asked Peter. His tone was proper and polite as he cast an uneasy glance at Cody. Half of Peter's question was probably a ploy to save his prot? ¦g? ¦ from being smote then and there. Jerome sighed and stepped back. â€Å"Questioning others. Finding any trace – any at all – of another of our immortals who might have felt something.†Hugh, who was sitting on the couch and keeping his distance from our angry boss, cleared his throat nervously. â€Å"I don't want to bring this up†¦but, you're already kind of on probation after the, um, summoning.†Jerome's smoldering gaze fell on the imp, who flinched. â€Å"Don't you think I know that? Why is everyone here giving me useless information?†â€Å"All I'm saying,†said Hugh, â€Å"is that if someone wanted to take advantage of the situation, making you lose one of your immortals would be a good way. Someone who, say, maybe wanted a job promotion.†â€Å"Mei couldn't do this,†said Jerome, catching on. He'd already had one lieutenant demoness turn, so Hugh's hypothesis wasn't that bad. â€Å"She couldn't hide Georgina like this†¦even if she was working with someone who could, she'd find a better way to get to me.†There was almost a proud note in his voice. â€Å"What about Simone?†demanded Cody. â€Å"She's out there impersonating Georgina, you know.†Both Peter and Hugh stared in astonishment. â€Å"She's what?†exclaimed the imp. The attention from his friends seemed to fluster Cody more than Jerome's wrath. â€Å"Yeah, I was, um, visiting Gabrielle at the bookstore, and I saw Simone. She had Georgina's shape, but I could feel it was her.†â€Å"You saw Gabrielle?†asked Carter with interest, like my disappearance from the universe had now lessened in comparison to Cody's romance. Cody flushed. â€Å"We†¦had a date. But I canceled it when I heard about Georgina. It's no big deal.†No big deal? My kidnapping was now ruining Cody's chances with the woman of his dreams. â€Å"This is more useless information,†growled Jerome. â€Å"And, yes, I know about Simone.†â€Å"Maybe you should be talking to her,†said Cody. â€Å"She didn't do it,†said Jerome. The way he spoke implied that it was a closed case. Peter was still treading cautiously around Jerome. â€Å"If you say she didn't†¦then she didn't. But why is she impersonating Georgina if she's innocent in all this?†â€Å"She has her reasons,†said Jerome vaguely. Cody was outraged. â€Å"And you're just going to let her do it! How can you?†â€Å"Because I don't care!†roared Jerome. A wave of power flared out from him like a shock wave. Everyone except Carter was blown back by it. The china in Peter's cabinet rattled. â€Å"I don't care what that other succubus does. I don't care about Georgina's human friends or what they think. If anything, you should be grateful. Simone's act is keeping the others from noticing what happened.†None of my friends had anything to say to that. With an exasperated snarl, Jerome turned toward the door. â€Å"I've had enough of this. I need real answers.†He stormed out into the hall, leaving the door open. Presumably, he did it as an act of angry defiance, but I knew it was so Roman could follow him. Normally, the demon would have simply teleported out, but for whatever reason, father and son were investigating together today. Once alone on the stairwell, Jerome muttered, â€Å"Hold on.†Roman must have because Jerome disappeared. He reappeared – and me along with him – in a new setting: Erik's store. It was evening, and Erik had shut down for the night. The fountains were off. The music had stopped playing. Yet, near the back of the store, a few notes of humming could be heard. They cut off almost immediately, and footsteps sounded as someone approached. Jerome stayed where he was, not deigning to move. He knew his presence would have been promptly felt. He knew Erik would come to him. And sure enough, gait still unsteady from being sick recently, Erik made his way to the store's front. He radiated wariness as he moved. For me, he always had a kindly smile and cup of tea. Even Carter, the most powerful immortal in Seattle, would earn a respectful smile. But Erik was on his guard now – which really wasn't that weird, considering who stood in his store. Erik came to a stop a few feet from Jerome and straightened himself up as well as he could to his full height. He gave Jerome the smallest nod of greeting. â€Å"Mr. Hanan'el,†said Erik. â€Å"An unexpected visit.†Jerome had just taken a cigarette out of his coat, and it fell from his fingers. The look he gave Erik was a hundred times more terrifying than anything I'd ever seen. I expected another flare-up of power, one that would blow the entire building apart. â€Å"Do not,†said Jerome, â€Å"ever let that name cross your lips again, or I will rip them off.†His voice was low and even, simmering with the rage and power he was holding back. Had I been there, I would have gasped. Jerome's true name. Erik knew Jerome's true name. I used fake names to blend in and forget my identity. But for angels and demons, names were power. In the right hands, a name could be used to summon or control a greater immortal. In fact, for Dante to have summoned Jerome in the spring, Grace must have revealed that name. Erik didn't flinch at Jerome being in smite mode. â€Å"I assume,†said Erik, â€Å"you are seeking something.†â€Å"Yes,†said Jerome, slightly mimicking Erik's tone. â€Å"I am ‘seeking' my succubus.†Erik's eyebrows rose slightly. â€Å"Miss Kincaid?†â€Å"Of course! Who else?†Jerome did technically have another succubus, Tawny. But maybe he wouldn't have gone hunting for her if she disappeared. He took out another cigarette and lit it without a lighter. â€Å"Do you know where she is? And don't lie to me. If you're keeping her from me, I will rip you apart, leaving your tongue for last.†â€Å"Ripping body parts appears to be a theme tonight,†replied Erik, clasping his hands behind his back. â€Å"But no, I don't know where Miss Kincaid is. I didn't know she was missing.†Jerome took a step forward, eyes narrowed. â€Å"I told you, do not lie to me.†â€Å"I have no reason to lie. I like Miss Kincaid. I would never wish her harm. If I can help her, I will.†Erik's wording was careful. It was me he was offering to help – not Jerome. â€Å"She spoke to you about some force – some ‘siren song' that kept coming to her,†said Jerome. He gave a curt report of what Roman had observed when I disappeared. â€Å"What do you know about this thing? What kind of creature was it? It was feeding off her depression.†From the moment this dream had started, Jerome had displayed nothing but rage and terror. Yet†¦as he shot off questions, it was almost like he was rambling. There was desperation under all that anger. Desperation and frustration because he was in a situation with no answers and felt powerless. Demons, as a general rule, do not like feeling powerless. Resorting to human help – a human who knew his name, no less – must have been excruciatingly painful for my boss. Erik, classy as always, remained calm and formal. â€Å"There are creatures who do that, yes, but I don't believe it was one of those. I believe it chose those times because she was weakest. It was simply a lure – probably not the creature or culprit itself.†â€Å"Then what creature is it?†Erik spread his hands wide. â€Å"It could be any number of things.†â€Å"God-fucking-damn-it,†said Jerome, dropping his cigarette onto Erik's floor and stomping on it hard. â€Å"You're no longer connected to her?†â€Å"Correct.†â€Å"You have no awareness of her – one of your kind isn't masking her?†â€Å"Correct.†â€Å"And you know she's not dead?†â€Å"Correct.†Erik's brown eyes were thoughtful. â€Å"Then the creature is likely one outside of your scope.†â€Å"Why,†asked Jerome wearily, â€Å"does everyone keep telling me things I already know?†The question could have been directed to Erik, Roman, or the air. The demon took out another cigarette. â€Å"You need to figure out who would take her and why. She has enemies. Nyx was not pleased with the resolution of her last visit.†â€Å"Nyx is locked up.†Jerome spoke as though he had stated that a hundred times. I was pretty sure he'd been asked all those questions about me a hundred times too. â€Å"Your summoner, Mr. Moriarty, was not overly pleased with her either.†Although Erik remained professional, his lips twisted ever so slightly, like he'd tasted something bitter. Regardless of his feelings for the demon, both Erik and Jerome shared a mutual hatred of Dante. This gave Jerome pause. â€Å"I doubt this was human magic, though I suppose he could have had help – he's sought allies before. I'll look into it.†He dropped this new cigarette and stepped on it too. â€Å"Regardless, I still can't believe I'd have no sense of her in the world.†â€Å"Maybe she's not in this world.†Erik's words hung between them for several seconds. â€Å"No,†said Jerome at last. â€Å"Many have interest in her – but none who would do that.†I saw in Erik's face that the words â€Å"Many have interest in her†had caught his notice. He stayed silent, however, and waited for Jerome's next profound statement. Which wasn't that profound. â€Å"Time to go,†said the demon, probably so Roman could grab hold again. Jerome teleported, off to wherever it was he had to go. And me? I returned to my prison.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Components of civic education Essay
The core meaning of civic education is that it is a subject that promotes civic knowledge, civic skills, civic values and civic dispositions. Civic knowledge is concerned with the content or what citizens out to know, it is thorough familiarization with what civic life constitutes. It is having an understanding about basic principles of democracy, politics, elections, institutions. Having the understanding of the rights and responsibilities, knowledge of what rights and responsibilities our political leaders have. Social relationships in the community entails levels of civic knowledge, an understanding that their different cultures. It is about having an understanding of current issues, the functionality of institutions and sustainable development. Civic skills, with regard to the three positions given on the meaning of civic education it promotes practical skills meaning service learning and common awareness hence for people to discharge their responsibilities and exercise their rig hts as citizens, the need for skills, participatory and intellectual capabilities becomes paramount. Intellectual skills in civics and government are inseparable from content, these skills are sometimes called thinking skills. The National Standards of Civics and Government categorize these skills as identifying and describing; explaining and analyzing; and evaluating, taking and defending positions in public affairs. A good civic education enables one to identify or give the meaning or significance of things that are tangible such as the flag, national monuments or civics and political events. It also enables one to give the meaning or significance of intangibles, such as ideals or concepts including patriotism, majority and minority rights, civil society, and constitutionalism. Civic disposition’s refers to the traits of private and public character essential to maintenance and improvement of constitutional democracy. Civic dispositions develop slowly as a result of what one learns and experiences in the home, school, community and organization of civil society. These experiences include understanding that democracy requires the responsible self governance of each individual; one cannot exist without the other. Traits of private character, such as moral responsibility, self discipline, and respect for the worth and human dignity of every individual are imperative. Traits of public character are public spiritedness, civility, respect for the rule of law, crucial/ critical mindedness and willingness to listen, negotiate and compromise are inseparable to democracy’s success. These bring about the intention to be active in the community, to participate in civil society as well as in particular political community. The importance of civic dispositions, or the â€Å"habits of the heart†as Alexis de Tocqueville called them, can scarcely be overemphasized.
Self-Awareness Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Self-Awareness Assignment - Research Paper Example es it as â€Å"the most fundamental issue in psychology.†The least level of self-awareness is usually characterized by confusion while some level of awareness results to some form of differentiation. Above the differentiation level, there is the situational level where an individual begins to explore self while finding circumstances that suit them. The individual can also get to the level of identification where they begin developing a self-image. An individual then begins to realize their position based on their experience and finally they develop to become fully conscious of themselves (Jayashree, 2011). Personally, I am still in the process of self-awareness having realized some of my strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness is facilitated by self-assessment as well as the need for self-enhancement (Silvia 2002). The realization of strengths can be very important since for the period of time that I have been able to realize them, some benefits have ensued. Firstly, i have always been an individual that loves to be independent. This dates back in early years in school where my parents used to complain that I did not seek assistance and trued to show me its importance. When doing assignments, most of my primary school colleagues were used to doing assignments in groups even those that were supposed to be personal. However, for me, I did not have the slightest persuasion that I needed to do my work in a group. I did not have anything against them but just developed a feeling that I needed to be independent. Later on, as I joined college for my studies I was so pleased to be alone, not for any ill intention but just for having my own space as I face various aspects of life. Upon realization of this, I have been trying to use it to better myself. It has made me accumulate a number of personal belongings as well as get a chance to do appreciate the role of others in my life. Being independent makes me be very selective on the friends I keep and so far, it has been
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Gender difference in advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Gender difference in advertising - Essay Example Buying power for women varies depending on various factors, among them being education, whether married, with a child or not and other factors (Dines & Humez 2011). The buying power among women folk is especially considered high and therefore advertising trends tend to feature more on what mothers want, from, baby clothes to food stuff. Every New Year, demographics on the size and quantity of shopping from the female gender keeps on rising (Dines & Humez 2011). Women have continuously shopped more, both online and offline, and continue to do so, eclipsing their male counter parts. Research indicates that women are not only the gender influencing more on the consumer purchase decisions but they also do shopping differently. Women tend to take more time when they are doing shopping and they also are more selective (Dines & Humez 2011). Advertising companies therefore have had to delve more into the shopping behavior of women and look at ways of ensuring that marketing adverts are tailor made and suited to appeal to the female gender more (Dines & Humez 2011). While this does not necessarily mean that advertising does not focus on men, it is aimed at ensuring that advertising realizes the goal of winning over potential consumers as well as maintaining the existing market
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Communication in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Communication in Economics - Essay Example It warned about its rampant inflation, unemployment, high rates of interests and soaring poverty. It feared that economy would worsen and collapse in the absence of strong and effective measures. The interest rate was on a record of seventy percentages in year 2005 while the inflation was more than three hundred and fifty percentage. This indicates the poor condition of economy of Zimbabwe. The International Monetary Fund warns that Zimbabwes gross domestic product will likely shrink another seven percent this year. In addition, some economists predict that by years end inflation could reach 1,000%. (Franceschi, 2005) Companies are shutting down, unemployment is increasing and there is shortage of food. The productivity has decreased. This resulted in various social problems like increase in crime rate, illegal immigration to other countries, increased corruption and many others. There are various political, economic and social reasons of Zimbabwe’s economic crisis. These range from leadership to corruption within the society. The causes of the country’s economic distress are as follows: â€Å"Among the problems most often cited are Mr. Mugabes land re-distribution policies, endemic corruption, the absence of the rule of law and Zimbabwes involvement in Congos civil war.†(Franceschi, 2005) There has been fuel shortage that influenced the industries adversely. The shortage of fuels has direct impact on the productivity and transport. It also affected the employment sector. The shortage of fuel has an impact on employment sector as well. It resulted in unemployment of many. The expenditure in government activities is suffering with unscrupulous spending and corruption. Government is ignoring the need to control the state expenses. The supply of currency within the economy is high. This is resulting in decrease in the value of currency. One of the important issues resulting in economic crisis is decrease in the level of foreign direct
Friday, July 26, 2019
Relaxation and Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Relaxation and Learning - Essay Example It is in these instances when learning a lesson or analyzing data from work necessitates the conditioning of a calm, open mind. There is thus nothing like getting one’s self into a relaxed, tranquil disposition in order to make the most out of a learning or thinking activity. Coming from a particularly taxing workday and before tackling the books for the next day’s lesson, I look forward to a warm soak in the tub. The lukewarm water and moisturizing suds not only wash off the day’s dirt and grime, but also its worries and consternations. A good 15 minute soak, coupled with measured deep breathing, feels like what a baby probably feels while it is in its mother’s womb; warm, secure, floating in perfect quietude. And maybe, some soft music and the scent of aromatic candles are welcome additions to soothe the other senses. At least three days in the week, I don running shoes and take a morning jog around the neighbourhood or in the park. There is nothing like the rhythmic pounding of concrete and a cool evening (or morning) breeze on your face as you savor the sights, sounds and smells of the neighbourhood/park. Running, for some reason or another, helps you sort your thoughts and think through problems, so that after a good run the world seems right again. At times when soaking in the tub or jogging in the park are not just practicable, I find that creating a mental picture or remembering an inspirational line helps put things in perspective and prepares me for heightened concentration. My favourite mental picture is that of gently rolling waves lapping the shore of a beach deserted but for a few people: white sand, blue sea, reclining chair, tall glass of iced tea in hand. This technique is useful for minute-long â€Å"mental vacations†to quickly get one into the proper mental frame for learning. Even during the process of learning, there is sometimes need to resort to quick calming techniques especially
Thursday, July 25, 2019
None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 39
None - Essay Example The product offers a fast and convenient way of making a tea latte at home or office. Therefore, marketing Ms. Latte is supposed to create a distinct perception in the customers mind that it is a product meant to save time and money. The cost of a product determines its positioning in the market. During the implementation stage, the first rollout package will be positioned among medium income earners. This is because this market segment represents the largest population. In addition, the medium income earners are likely to perceive a tea latte as a basic necessity because of their busy lifestyles and the need to spend little money on living. The rich people may afford to order a latte from Starbucks whenever they want but the medium income earners want to run a busy lifestyle, save on living cost and still be able to use modern equipment such as Ms. Latte. Therefore, Ms. Latte will be positioned as an affordable product. However, after spending time on the market, the product can be developed further and differentiated into two models, an expensive for high-income earners and a basic one for low-income earners. The overarching gap in the market of Latte products is availability of time-saving latte product. Therefore, the primary attribute we would want the customer to see in Ms. Latte is the â€Å"time saving†attribute of this product. Marketing campaigns would actually need to focus more on the time saving aspect of the product. Positioning Ms. Latte within this context will make the product appealing to busy lifestyle populations especially in large cities and towns. However, this time attribute will need to be matched with the freedom attribute as well. It is not possible to dictate in a coffee shop, the amount or type of milk, sugar or other ingredients when ordering a latte. However, with Ms. Latte it is possible to alter all the ingredients depending on personal’s tastes and preferences. This gives freedom of taste
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Samsung's Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Samsung's Marketing Strategy - Essay Example Finally, and most relevant to this paper is Samsungs global Marketing Strategy. How has Samsung positioned itself to benefit where its competitors have failed? How much has the constant rollout of new products ensured that Samsung is an ever fresh brand? History of Samsung It has already been mentioned, the mobile phone arm of this global giant is a part of the much larger Samsung Group. The parent company was founded, in 1938, by Lee Byung–chull. It is currently a publicly listed company. At inception, the company dealt in groceries. Today, Samsung is a by-name for sleek electronics and heavy machinery. The company expanded and was moved to Seoul in 1947. However, the Korean War intervened and the company was closed. The founder later re-opened under the name Cheil Mojik. It was not dealing in groceries anymore. Instead, it dealt in woolen mill. It was the largest mill in South Korea at that time. The stage had been set for Samsung’s rich manufacturing heritage. The co mpany diversified into several fields. The company always sought to be the leader in every market. Along the same vein, Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 60s. Its first product was a black and white television set. Later on, in 1977, the company entered the telecommunications industry. By the end of 2011, Samsung had sold over 300 million mobile phone devices worldwide. By so doing, it overtook Nokia. However, the competition is not over. Smartphone’s are said to be the next frontier in global telephony. How Samsung approaches this market depends very much on the development strategy it has adapted till now. The current development strategy will be under review below. Development of Samsung Samsung Telecommunications is a fairly recent entrant... It has already been mentioned, the mobile phone arm of this global giant is a part of the much larger Samsung Group. The parent company was founded, in 1938, by Lee Byung–chull. It is currently a publicly listed company. At inception, the company dealt in groceries. Today, Samsung is a by-name for sleek electronics and heavy machinery. The company expanded and was moved to Seoul in 1947. However, the Korean War intervened and the company was closed. The founder later re-opened under the name Cheil Mojik. It was not dealing with groceries anymore. Instead, it dealt in the woolen mill. It was the largest mill in South Korea at that time. The stage had been set for Samsung’s rich manufacturing heritage. The company diversified into several fields. The company always sought to be the leader in every market. Along the same vein, Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 60s. Its first product was a black and white television set. Later on, in 1977, the company ent ered the telecommunications industry. By the end of 2011, Samsung had sold over 300 million mobile phone devices worldwide. By so doing, it overtook Nokia. However, the competition is not over. Smartphones are said to be the next frontier in global telephony. How Samsung approaches this market depends very much on the development strategy it has adapted till now. The current development strategy will be under review below. Samsung Telecommunications is a fairly recent entrant compared to some of its main competitors.
A Healthy Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A Healthy Community - Essay Example In addition, a healthy community provides the members with a healthy environment. For example, healthy communities have clean water, clean air, and accessible medical services. To avert any unhealthy situations, the community invests heavily in health and prevention measures. Moreover, people are protected from health hazards caused by the lifestyles of others such as smoking. The community also invests in measures aimed at rehabilitating unhealthy lifestyles. Healthy communities believe that health is not only defined as the absence of illness, but also as a clean environment that gives people the opportunity to live a full life. Thus, healthy communities have low levels of illnesses, clean environment, clean air and water, and effective drainage systems. If I cared for the community whose definition of a healthy community is different from mine, I would use health education to put the various issues into perspective. I would involve the community in finding the rationale for their definition of health and also provide my rationale. In this way, a consensus on the definition of a healthy community can be reached, thereby enabling me to provide effective care.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Working within the Organization Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Working within the Organization - Case Study Example On the day of meeting, Antonio should evaluate the employees with the unit managers based on the marking of the last few days and his judgment to cover up the previous days. Antonio should discuss the information generated by the nursing staff regarding the overstaying patients. In case Antonio gets no information from the nursing staff, he should convince the unit managers that he does not have information because he was dealing with too much as a newly hired team leader. Now that it has been some time, he will make sure that he has the data with him in the next meeting. Antonio can organize and streamline his work by working according to the schedule described above. Antonio should divide the work roles among his subordinates and team members and oblige them to record all kind of information. This will not only enhance the system’s efficiency, but also Antonio’s load would be
Monday, July 22, 2019
I Believe Essay Example for Free
I Believe Essay Traveling to â€Å"land of opportunities†for future studies is a dream of many people as standards and quality of education is the best in the world. I am one of those lucky people who wished to study in America and finally landed in United States for this purpose. But it was not an easy task as rules and regulation for obtaining a student’s visa is hard. But troubles do not end with getting a student visa as after coming to United States, one finds himself entangled in other difficult rules. I myself experienced all these difficulties and hardships before arrival and after arrival in United States. When I applied at the United States consulate in my native country, I had to produce certain security documents in addition to my I-20 Form (Admission letter from my institute), funding document and passport. Although these security documents were necessary to clear the security conditions but it took me many days to get these from local authorities. Additionally, I wanted to come to America thirty days prior to the start of my course date in order to accommodate myself in the American environment and learn the culture and values of Americans. But again it was not a simple thing as I have to get a visitor visa first and it was also required to register with Department of Homeland Security office upon my arrival in United States. After one month, before beginning any studies, I must obtain a change of classification through Form I-539 (application for Change of Nonimmigrant Status). As these rules were hard to understand and were harder to follw, so I decided to end this venture. I believe that these procedures are cumbersome and forces one not to apply for a visa thirty days prior to the corse start date. I also believe that student must come earlier (more than thirty days) to United States to get an acquintance with the local customs, traditions and environment. There is another condition for F-1 visa that students must be enrolled as a full-time student at the institution. But sometime Institute does offer long duration courses in Language Proficiency but does not give it full time course status to these courses. This creates a lot of problem in getting student visa and students in this case only gets visit visa. I think that Language courses must also be included in the category of full time courses or the Visa rule about these courses should be relaxed and a student visa should be issued for these. There is another part of the visa application process; an interview at the embassy consular section is required for visa applicants. I believe that this interview process is an extra thing as students waits a lot to be called for interview. Again a communication barrier is another problem because students can not convey the real information due to language inability. He can not understand the questions of the Visa Clearance Office in the right context. This results in the failure of getting a visa. The immigration rules related to medical check-up and vaccinations is another problem that students face. I myself have to undergo a lot of difficult procedures. I believe that vaccination is necessary and United States has the right to allow only the healthy person to enter in its territory but these procedures must be simplified. Another hard rule is related to employment. According to the F-1 rules, maximum of 20 hours/week is allowed while the studies are in progress whereas during annual break periods one can work up to 40 hours a week. I believe that students must be given more time so that they can earn enough to partially support their non-curricular activities. It does not mean that their studies should be sacrificed but they should be allowed according heir spare time. Students should use this money to visit various parts of America and to get knowledge of American culture and geography. Another employment rule is related to on-campus job. One can not take jobs outside the college or institute premises. I think that this regulation is unfair as only few jobs are available on the campus. Furthermore, every international student tries to get job on the premises. This makes the situation difficult. So it is not possible for every student to get a job on his/her own campus. I think that this rule should be relaxed and students should b allowed to work in the surroundings of the university or institute. Again after one year, students are allowed to work off-campus bit it needs the approval of the institute. I believe that this procedure again creates difficulties for the students. Although jobs in the local surroundings are not rare but they are processed so quickly that after getting an approval from institute, they remain no more available. Although I suffered from only a few of these hard rules but most of the prospective students become a victim of one or more of these rules. So I think that these rules should be altered in order to take care of the students’ needs. Government must take initiative to accommodate the students and their genuine requirements.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Aphras Behns Oroonoko | Analysis
Aphras Behns Oroonoko | Analysis Aphras Behns Oroonoko tends to focus on the treatment of slavery and race, particularly Behns granting of heroic stature to an African prince (Pacheco 1). This highlights the notion of kinship, and reference to a legitimate monarch. Behns novella of an African slave who was once a king was published in 1688, the year that saw the bloodless deposition of King James II in England. This essay will try and explore and analyse the connections between matters of race and kingship in the novella. In his article George Guffey challenged such readings by asserting that the significance of Behns hero resides not in his African origins but in his royal blood, his enslavement, (Lore Metzger 3) according to Guffey, this presents a mirror image of the imminent deposition of the legitimate monarch, James II. One could interpret this as Behn, representing hierarchical principles, creating a royalist ideology; this is shown in Behns series of references to the execution of Charles I, this creates linkages to Oroonokos linear as a prince executed by racist men, inferior in hierarchy. The nostalgic imprint of the old order demonstrates the split in English culture caused by the civil wars aftermath; this notion of kingship is shown in Oroonoko when captors name him Caesar. The narrator and Oroonoko- Caesar have both received European educations, as Todd suggests accorded to privileged white men; both are victims and beneficiaries of socioeconomic systems that discriminate kings from commoners supporting the privileges of the nobility with profits of the slave- trade. Oroonoko is described as having captured and sold black slaves in African wars before he was himself enslaved by a Christian. The narrator not only belongs to a slave owning class but clearly supports the nationalistic colonising enterprise which fuelled and depended on the African Slave trade (Todd, 218). Behn uses lush description of gold-prospecting (45) to suggest desirability- in 1688, on the eve of William of Oranges accession to the British throne- Behn suggests tis bemoaned what his majesty lost by losing that part of America'(59). The narrator and a hero who are both victims of the slave trade, and by comparing both characters at different moments, to the Indians, Behn provides a perspective on the Conquest of America ( Todd 219) showing notions of imperialism and kingship. The renaming of slaves can be seen as destroying identity, slaves were renamed as soon as they arrived in foreign lands, removing identity and thus Oroonokos kingship, however one could argue the name Caesar given to the character still denotes kinship and creates a certain amount of respect. Throughout the narrative a kind of royalist discourse pervades Behns story of a prince who is beloved like a Deity (29). After Oroonoko is sold into slavery in Surinam, Behn foregrounds the royalist myth (Anita Dacheco). Trefy, who buys Oroonoko, knows he is no ordinary slave, he is at first richly dressed, according to his social position, he cannot hide the: Graces of his looks and Mein The Royal Youth appeard in spight of the slave, even by those who yet knew not that he was a prince ( p.39) Even though disguised, authority shines through, this is clearly shown when Oroonoko reaches the plantation, the response of the slaves to his presence make significance of his royal status clear: Live, O king, Long live, O king! And kissing his feet, paid him Divine Homage (41) The slaves worship Oroonoko as a god, as Pacheo emphasises It would be hard to imagine a more radical vindication, of the royal prerogative meaning the slaves serve as a function, a literary function, to solidify the rightness and sanctity of royal power. Trefry even reflects happily that Oroonokos Grandeur is confirmed by the Adoration of all the slaves (41). The royalist discourse essentially portrays royal power as a natural law, with divine purpose, residing the blood of the royal line. The text seeks to reinforce its royalist ideology with ruling class values, this can be seen by Oroonokos education, the emphasise on training as Pacheo mentions Oroonoko as a European aristocrat, with privileges European upper class-culture, the men who contribute to Oroonokos education are gentlemen such as Trefry, a person of great wit, and fine learning (38). The novella written at a time of great intense upheaval in social power relations, endorses the elitist values of the ruling class, va lidating the authority not only for the monarchy, but also of the upper classes that clutter around the throne, allied to it through a shared interest in preserving the distinction of hereditary power (496), SOMETHING SHOULD GO HERE. The matters of race are questioned in Oroonokos beloved, whom the English rename Clemene. As Todd suggests Imoinda is doubly enslaved- to the whites, male and female'(219) one could suggest even to her black husband. In contrast to the narrator, who stands in relation Oroonoko, as queen or Petraarchan lady-lord to a vassal- a Great mistress (46). As Todd states Imoinda is an uncanny amalgam of European ideals of European fantasties about wives of Oriental despots, she is therefore an image of ideal that race cannot challenge. Race is shown Behns portrait of her African prince, of both his physical appearance and his character, is profoundly Eurocentric: His face was not of that brown rusty Black, His nose was rising and roman, instead of African and flat, His mouth the finest shaped that could be seen: far from those great turned lips, which are so natural to the rest of the negroes ( p 8) The text is clearly eager to distinguish its hero from other blacks: his beauty generally and his individual features distance Oroonoko from what the narrator calls his gloomy Race (6) and identify him with European ideas of beauty. The phrase bating his colour makes his us feel Oroonokos African origins as a liability, a flaw in his race. When the novella comes to consider the heros equally extraordinary virtue. The account of Oroonokos upbringing stresses his natural inclination to Arms'( 6), his tutelage in Morals, language and Science (7). One could interpret this nature belonging not to primitivism but to royalism, for it is inseparable from exalted birth. We are told of Oroonokos native beauty and struck with an awe and reverence, even those that knew not his Quality (6), the word quality combines connotations of virtue and high birth, in this novella a royal birth, which reflects the prince beauty. Individual value is associated with birth, virtue with an inherited rank which is shown as a natural order. This is a concept of basic hierarchy, virtue as Pacheco states virtue is supposedly transmitted from one generation to the next'( 4), meaning power and Kingship is legitimised on the notion of worthiness, authority is presented as hereditary. Kingship is explored even further when onlookers are fortunate to witness royalty it inspires Awe and reverence, these choices of words establishes as deeply right a relationship between the prince and the rest of humanity. As Pacheco points out there is no mention here of the Doctrine of the divine right of kings this vitally important to the Stuart monarchs, but the sanctity of Kingship is implied as Oroonoko himself is invested with something akin to divine power.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
How To Motivate Students Education Essay
How To Motivate Students Education Essay What is physical education? What do people nowadays know about the importance of health fitness? Physical education is a course taken in primary and secondary education which involves physically learning and psychomotor learning. People nowadays take everything for granted; they take their own health for granted. They dont really care about fitness and psychomotor learning. This is why physical education not treated seriously in every educational institute. Based on some researches, there is a survey has been conducted by Singapore sports council in 2001 shows that most of the students does not exercise regularly. Besides, there is another survey on the new intake of 800 students conducted in ITE East (Yishun) in 2001 showed that up to 94% did not like PE and never exercised regularly. ( adapted from innovative ways in motivating students in physical education class- HUSSAIN KADIR (SH/PE/YS) TAN MENG HUAY (SH/PE/MP)). Our education system is concentrates more on academics instead on students physical development. Schools in Malaysia rather to say neglected the importance of physical education. Based on the timetable in every school, physical education class seems likely to be once a week and 40 minutes. Students get demotivated and lost their interest in physical education class. Based on a teacher who mentioned that People did, and maybe still do, think of physical education as recess time, said Shelley Randall, a P.E. teacher at Obsidian Middle School and a member of the Oregon Department of Education committee developing the standards. ( Adapted from Taylor, Ted. (December 4, 2000). The Bulletin. Bend, Oregon.). This shows that people still in their conservatives mind which academic ways too important than anything else that they neglected that physical education plays an important role in academic as well. According to an article, Judith Young, executive director of the National Association of Sports and Physical Education, said she wasnt sure P.E. ever had a major academic role. But frankly, we are seeing a need for it now because our lifestyles are getting increasingly sedentary, she said, citing many young people who would rather play a football game on a computer than go outside and toss the pigskin around with friends. ( Adapted from Taylor, Ted. (December 4, 2000). The Bulletin. Bend, Oregon.). These are the evidences show that physical education wasnt really treated seriously in school that is why demotivates students in their physical education class. Why students werent interested in physical educations class? The whole worldwide is encouraging that in reinforce the education system by emphasize the importance in physical education. As we know that physical education not just only helps to improves health but skill development, which allows for enjoyable participation in any physical activities in a proper appropriate techniques. But, why students nowadays werent interested in physical education class? Many factor either from internal or external bring huge impacts on the school kids interest in school. Firstly, the school plays an important role in taking care of students academic performances. The school concerns their students academic performances and their school well built reputation. This is the reason how the school pushes the students and teachers so hard to maintain their performances in such a stressful situation. The class timetable consisted 9 periods a day, and each period is 40 minutes. Apparently, the whole day in school was sedentary activities instead of having any physical activities. Students were all day packed with lectures in class and stuck on the chair almost half a day non-stop. The only thing they will move their body is when they have to attend to the washroom or their 20 minutes recess times which they will just sit and eat. Initially, school cut down the physical education class into 2 periods once in a week for each class. Basically, once a week the s tudents have their physical education class or the entire one and a half hours. The time schedules for physical education is simply unfair, either they arranges the class to after recess time or 2 periods before the school end. In the morning session, some physical education class arranges after recess time or in the middle of 3rd or 4th period right before the recess time. This odd timing discourage students interest in participate themselves in the class. Students need times to get change and took up half of the time that affected the teaching process in the class. Besides, some teacher who might took up the extra times after the bell rang, and this is one of the issues that affected the physical education class. Thus, students have insufficient time to get change and gather at the gym or school field. P.E teacher always faces this kind of problems, insufficient times to finish her teaching syllabus. Plus, students hates to get change again and again for that one hour plus. They think it was really troublesome especially for girls. Students need to wait in a long line to get change back to pinafore under the sweaty, uncomfortable situation. Girls especially who have menses problem will try their very best to avoid participate in P.E class. Schools environment also is an issue in discouraging students participates in P.E class. The school environment such as the washrooms, the location for P.E class, and so on. School that have insufficient washrooms may affect the students learning mood and enthusiastic in learning. If the washroom is too small or insufficient, students face problems in waiting in a long line to get change. Maybe there are 20-25 girls in a class and they might need some times to get change and wait in a line. This will affect the time management in P.E class, and the whole teaching procedure. Besides, if the washrooms condition was unhygienic is such a turn off for students to go in and change into their P.E suits. Students will find excuses such as left their suits at home, or not feeling well just to avoid get change and join the class. Moreover, some school doesnt possess with full equipment such as spacious field, equipment room, basic games courts. Students and teacher always cracks their head loo king for places to have their class. Students will feel tired and demotivated and get bored easily. Incomplete equipment such as insufficient of balls and so on might affected the teaching activities and students will get distracted because have to wait for their turn to play the game. Next, the teacher and students parents think that physical education wasnt a real subject. But, the fact is vital. On the school field, there are 30 over students surrounding their P.E teacher. But, when the teacher carries out an activity with the students the responds from the students are so direct and clear that whether they are enjoying the class. We can see that there are a lot of kids standing around and socializing or waiting in line or watching other children play. This proves that the basic lesson plan wasnt really well prepared. Besides, experts have determined whats wrong is that in most schools, the P.E. teachers are undertrained. In my opinion, I doubted that Malaysia do have sufficient trained P.E teachers. Malaysias schools system considered rather odd, they simply offer the P.E class to some teachers who are not trained in this field. So, is really common that mathematics teacher or maybe English teacher who are teaching P.E as well. Those untrained teacher definitel y conducted the class by using the textbook and ball games werent really teaching the correct and accurate techniques and skills to the students. That is why lesson plan wasnt really well planned and prepared, and situation such as students wandering around, socializing with one another, rather stares at the grass, lack of interest in participating in the class occurs. The main reason is the class is boring and not well managed. Parents on the other hand, who thinks academics are highly important that determined their childrens future. In fact, when a real trained P.E teacher was conducting the class parents should come in and see that theres real instruction going on. Quality physical education is not roll out the ball and play. Parents always thinks that eat healthier will improve health. Although they knows that exercise regularly is the best way to keep healthy and fitness, deep down in their mind was that such a waste of time for their kids to run along and roll with the balls. Physical education not just educates students but parents as well. According to Welscher from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, They need to know that what its going to teach is things that are going to make them live longer, a whole lot happier, protect them from a lot of negative behaviors, improve their mental health and this is at least as important as many of the other subjects. Parents should have encourages their children participate in P.E class. As a parent, it is important for them to maintain involvement in childrens education so that can ensure he or she attains the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to lead a healthy, active and productive life. How to motivate students to take part in physical educations class? There are few tips that show that benefits in taking part in physical activities, such as it helps to improves health. Regular exercises helps to circulate our blood circulation and our joints wont turn to rusty. It helps to prevent heart diseases, counteracts with the risk in obesity, diseases, inactivity and hypertension. With 20 minutes walk can help to circulate the blood circulation around our heart and enhance the function of our heart in healthy condition. Obesity and hypertension can prevented with 30 minutes jogs. After some physical activities, it helps to refresh a persons mind. After discussing the benefits of regular physical activity and all the factors that demotivated students participating in P.E class, there are ways in motivates them in the class. How to encourage and motivate students take part in their P.E class? There are many ways in motivate students take part in the class. Of course we opted for long term solutions instead of short term solutions. Short term solutions such as bribes the students by using extravaganzas prizes or maybe cashes to allure the students in taking part in the class. This will never work out. They are temporally attracted students for a short time and the objectives will never achieve. The school, teachers, students and parents have the responsibility to overcome this problem. The school should try to see this as serious matter by not just emphasizes in academic performance. School should have tried to work out some programs to encourage students take part in physical education class. They should have planned to have their sports day during the weekdays as attendance is compulsory. Many schools normally have their sports day during weekend. Weekends supposed to be non school day, this is the main reason that students will never turned up and shows the initiative t o participate in any sports programs. Even the teachers were lack of motivation to conduct the event or activity in a proper manner. In my opinion, the school should organize some sports programs or activities for the whole week. In the whole week, half of the day students are occupied with all sorts of programs. Such as interclass games competition, some in charge of having healthy and fitness mini seminar. The school can invite professionals to give talks or seminars to the students. This whole physical education week should organize consistently, is meaningful and education purposes. Besides, students felt bored in P.E class is because of the teacher is untrained and wasnt specialized in this field. This may cause confusion to the students. The best thing that can do is, have the teachers attend the workshop in physical education. A productive and knowledgeable teacher is a successful educator. Teacher who are specialized or not in this field should educate themselves more in this field, they should prepares themselves in any situation such as teaching the subject that they may not familiar with. Teacher should prepare interesting lesson plan and activities in order to let learning progress takes place. Teacher should be willing to learn and gain more Knowledge: As a physical education teacher have to learn about new activities and games, and apply them into their lesson plans. P.E teachers should learn new games and bring them into class. By bringing in new games it will not only broaden students knowledge of new skills, but they will also have fun learning new and different skills. The teachers attitude is also very important in teaching. Teacher should know how to handle classroom management so that students will respect he/her and take things seriously in physical education. Teachers should always possesses with positives attitude, always encourage students, never give up easily, and should influence the students in what is meant to be good for them. The most important thing is get to know them, understand them, and get to know what their needs are. Caring is always the most effective ways in teaching progress. Next, parents and schools bond with each other in an indirect way. Parents play an important role in this issue. Most of the parents thought that P.E class is such a waste of time, and a burden to a child for bringing extra clothes to school. Most parents have irrational thoughts such as, a lot of laundry to do if bringing extra P.E suits and so on. Parents should have encourage their children how important P.E is and should participate fully in the class. Besides, parents should often exposed P.E activity to their children since young or daily. It is a necessity to expose physical activity to children daily so that they will keep it as a habit. While the school environment also important in solving this problem. School should concern and take this seriously in improving the facilities in school. Such as, the sports field, the equipment room and etc. Especially the field, school authority should take care of the field as in trim the grass or mend the holes on the ground. This can reduce the risk of injury among the students. With a well cared field, students will love the field and willing to stretch their joints in any conditions. The equipment room should always updates. Balls especially always a problem for every school, insufficient amounts of balls always create havoc in P.E class. The school person in charge should check the remaining stocks consistently. Replace those equipments which are dysfunctions with new, add in better equipment in order to enhance the quality in teaching. The school environment such as renovates the toilet into spacious space for students able to get change or built in sports shower room for st udents to take a shower before they continue their next class. Besides, government should take this seriously as in promoting how important P.E is and encourages the society starts to concentrate in P.E activity. The government should promote scholarship schemes or better offer in sports academy for every student who contributes in sports or P.E class. The government should encourage each school to have a certified certificates to show attributes to all the students who did well in their P.E class. This will encourages and motivates the P.E culture in Malaysia soon. The best P.E. class and program will keep students in mind that this knowledge can last for a lifetime. ( Adapted from article: I hate P.E)
Walking through the Woods :: Personal Narrative
So I went home this weekend, and in my neighborhood there is a small pond and all behind it is just woods. I’ve traveled in these woods as a little kid numerous times, with my friend and her father and he would teach us about the different bugs, trees and rocks we encountered along the way. Going back in the woods this past weekend, I was overcome with a feeling of nostalgia. I remember the times we would try to climb the trees, or chase after the grasshoppers or even just walk around and all the fun we used to have. Walking through the woods alone made me miss all the fun times I had as a child. As I child I was carefree, I knew who my friends were and I had no worries about trust and my relationships with others. Growing up, especially in college I’ve began to question my friends, I have a whole lot more stress and things are definitely not as simple as they once used to be.      The woods were the same woods they used to be, not much has changed, but the person walking through them has. I can not even remember the last time I entered the woods behind the pond, but I know one thing for sure that I have grown up so much since then. Walking through the forest I began to think of all the ways I have changed and I realized a few things. Physically, obviously, my appearance has changed, but emotionally I have changed a whole lot more. I have began to lead a more stressful life, with school work, friends and family always a constant thought in my mind. I have learned that I have begun to trust people too easily and then in the end I am always hurt. I have learned that people are not always who they say or portray themselves as. I do not regret all the things that I have learned, I am actually quite grateful for them. Without all these changes I would not have been able to grow into the person I am today.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Blogs - From Printing Press to Blog Essays -- Internet Online Communic
From Printing Press to Blog Lance Arthur, a practiced and well-respected figure in the close-knit community of web design, subtitles his homepage ( with the short and simple phrase, "Just Write." Although his immediate profession is as a designer, Lance is also a writer. His website records his weekly musings and political rants, and it is one of several million to be updated on a regular basis. Such a website is called a blog, or web log, and in an age of the Internet such as this, it is quickly becoming the newest and greatest symbol of modern technology's impact on writing and popular culture. However, writing as we know it is the product of an evolutionary process, which provides for a history that reaches as far back as the clay tablets of ancient Sumer. As such, studying the blog requires an understanding of the methods of writing that came before it, and so the advent of the blog as both a technological and socio-cultural phenomenon is something we can attribute to two historical developments in the history of writing: the invention of the printing press and the birth of typography. While the correlation between blog and press is not immediately clear, Gutenberg's renowned invention brought with it a slew of technological and social changes that laid the foundation for widespread literacy. The technological impact of the printing press is mostly self-evident, in that the automated and mechanized nature of production freed many human hands from the restraint of manual labor. More importantly however, the lower cost and higher output rate of the press tore down the scholastic pillar that had once elevated the aristocracy above the middle classes. By making books plentiful and more readily ... ..., but in time, today's youth will become tomorrow's adults and the blog will exist not as a mere prototype of technology and future writing, but rather as the end-all, be-all symbol of a future way of life in which people will no longer hesitate to just write. Works Referenced Arthur, Lance. Just Write. 24 February 2004. Personal Homepage. <>. David, Paul. "Clio and the Economics of QWERTY." The American Economic Review, vol. 75(2). 2001. 332-337. Kiely, Kathy. "Freewheeling 'bloggers' are rewriting rules of journalism." USA Today. 30 December 2003. Gannett Co. Inc. 21 Febuary 2004. <>. McLuhan. "The Typewriter." Understanding Media. 258-264. Mumford, Lewis.. "The Invention of the Printing Press." Communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society. Crowley and Heyer, eds. 93-97.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Self-Preservation Is the First Law of Nature
â€Å"Self-preservation is the first law of nature. †The above quote is an often heard line regarding an individual’s response to the demands of nature. It can be said that self-preservation and security outweigh the need to act independently and freely of the constraints of others. This is but one of the ways one can attempt to balance out the desire to act independently but also with the need for security. The idea of resolving these seemingly irreconcilable needs is brought up in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, wherein he writes of two main characters who attempt to resolve their need for independence and security.The playwright utilizes character to suggest that in the attempt to reconcile independence and security, it is ultimately the need for self-preservation that takes immediate priority. A character who is faced with the task of uniting his desire to act independently with his need for security is Hamlet. Hamlet shows a melancholy side to him when confronte d by these opposing demands. From his soliloquies, the reader is immersed in the thoughts of a pensive young man who struggles with the need for safety and freedom.He debates whether â€Å"to be, or not to be,†and although he does not hold his life at a â€Å"pin’s fee,†his heart harbors discontent with the â€Å"unweeded garden that grows to seed. †It is seen that he is conflicted with the demands set upon him by his dead father, as well as that of Claudius and the people of Denmark who want to move on from the passing, and he struggles with the desire to resolve his need for security and autonomy in this matter.From this, it is seen that Hamlet values self-preservation over independence as his soliloquies are only words and not actions, and as such, are the product of his own safety thereby allowing him to immerse himself in the safety of this own thoughts. Furthermore, it is evidenced that he is a procrastinator in his quest for independent action, and this ultimately turns out to be his tragic flaw. Even though he is set upon the task of avenging his father’s â€Å"foul and most unnatural death,†he stands â€Å"unpregnant of his cause. It is clear from this that Hamlet procrastinates in order to preserve his own well being and acts in his own self interest despite the desire to take revenge upon Claudius for his father’s death. He does not wish to act independently when his security is put at risk, especially in the presence of a â€Å"smiling, damned villain,†so he procrastinates in order to put off dealing with matters that might jeopardize his wellbeing. Conversely however, Hamlet has been shown to have an impulsive streak in the face of settling his desires for safety and freedom.This is clearly seen when he â€Å"follows [the ghost]†despite the apparitions intentions being unknown. The ghost could be the work of the devil, only to condemn Hamlet to his own personal oblivion, however , he still actively seeks out the spectre because he wishes to learn the truth of the matters concerning his father’s death. As well, he displays decisive action when he says the â€Å"rat dead, for a ducat, dead. †This violent and impulsive action results in the death of Polonius who was eavesdropping on his and Gertrude’s conversation.In both of these examples it is seen that Hamlet acts independently and decisively, with the underlying intent being that of self-preservation. He seeks out the ghost’s intentions because of his desire to live securely despite the rule of Claudius, and he kills Polonius only because he was acting on behalf of his own primal instinct to preserve himself. From these examples it is inferred that in his desire to harmonize safety and the need for independent action, hamlet acts impulsively to secure the security he craves.Lastly, it is seen that Hamlet exudes an aura of intelligence and quick wit when opposed by the daunting task of reconciling safety and independence. He has an innate ability to transform a turn of events to his advantage as is witnessed when the players come to put on a show. He utilizes them in order to â€Å"catch the conscience of the king,†wherein he collects enough evidence to cement the validity of the ghost’s statements. His ability to think quickly is invaluable, as this keeps his wellbeing a top priority while still unifying his need to act freely as well.Another character who deals with the prospect of reconciling his need to act independently with his need for security is Claudius. Unlike Hamlet who is a procrastinator in his deeds, Claudius is a man of decisive action. This is clearly seen when he decides to have Hamlet sent to England with â€Å"fiery quickness†due to his â€Å"antic disposition. †It is evident that Claudius does not deliberate on matters that require immediate attention as â€Å"[he’ll] have Hamlet hence to-night. à ¢â‚¬ From this, it can be inferred that Claudius wishes o preserve himself against a suspicious threat as he manages to actively deal with his adversary as well. In combination with his decisive action, it is known that Claudius is incredibly manipulative in his desire to unify freedom and safety. When Laertes makes his return to Denmark with every intention of avenging his father by killing Claudius, he does everything in his power to give†[Laertes’s soul] it[s] due content. †He placates Laertes’s indignant spirit and as a result, Laertes end up â€Å"rul’d by [Claudius]. From this, it is seen that Claudius utilizes manipulation for the sake of self-preservation while keeping his own independent actions an ulteriot motive. As well, Claudius has displayed a creative and strategic ingenuity when it comes to reconciling his own security and free will. He is determined to be rid of Hamlet, but his strategic nature indicates that he will do so by way of a cunning scheme. When Laertes and Claudius plan hamlet’s demise, Claudius maintains a skillful approach that will allow â€Å"purpose[to] hold there. It is evidenced that Claudius utilizes his own strategic nature in order to act for sake of saving his own flesh. While in the process of working towards acting independently, he also manages to keep his safety a top priority which is his ultimate motive against a dangerous opposition such as Hamlet. Lastly, it is seen that in his pursuit of uniting his own independent action and security, Claudius has shown a paranoid and guilt stricken side to him.He is responsible for the death of his own brother as his â€Å"stronger guilt defeats [his] stronger intent. †However, he cannot truly repent as his â€Å"words [are] without thought,†and as a result, they will â€Å"never to heaven go. †It is seen that because of his desire to remain secure in not only the eyes of the public, but as well as Hamlet and Gertrude, he cannot openly admit to his wrong doings. This is due to the fact that in doing so, he will risk the unbridled and justified wrath of hamlet which will compromise Claudius’s sport on the throne.Just like a scavenger whose actions are cowardly in order to live another day, Claudius too, lives securely to rule in the coming days due to his own inability to act independently. In conclusion, it is seen that in the attempt to reconcile ones desire for independent action as well as security, it is ultimately the self-preserving instinct that takes immediate control. This is clearly evidenced by both hamlet and Claudius in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, who although take different approaches to this matter, fundamentally have the same mentality of keeping their desire to be secure the utmost priority.It is derived from the play that it is almost always security that takes precedence over freedom of actions; however it is up to the members of society to decide for them selves how they wish to approach their own attempt to reconcile their own need for security as well as the desire to act independently. There are many different approaches and ways to attempt this harmonization, and as such, each is tailored to an individual’s unique ability to decipher what it is that one really values and desires.
Habits of the Heart Essay
most is Brian Palmer. He is a successful businessman and is a top level manager in a large company. He got separate from his commencement exercise wife because of wrong priorities. When they were shut up married, he r severallyd his cadence in working for his family. He was beneath the misconception that the subroutine of a capture and husband is to stick out his family all the things that they exigency and for him to be a weaken father, he should in addition give up their wants. He thought that if he result earn gold, which is more than enough for them, his family provide dwell happily. However, he know that money and work is non everything.He did non realize the toll that his being a hard working father is bear on his children and his relationship with his wife. After his divorce with his wife, their children chose to live with him. This made him realize that he is non as bad a father that he ventures he is. He dexterity piss done something to deserve this deal from his children. The divorce gave him succession and space to think and reflect on the things that had happened in the departed and what he had done wrong for this to happen. It was not easy for him or his kids simply as soon as Brian Palmer had decided to be joyful with his children, that was turning identify of their lives.He had changed his priorities and he had withal changed his goals. Now that he is married to his second wife, who also had children with her first husband, he has devoted his liveness to his conjugation and to all his children. He also had reestablished his priorities and he had wise(p) that family comes first. He also learned that love is not buying his wife and children things it is sharing. Love is sharing in impairment of his time, efforts, and even thoughts. This shift of priorities had made him well-chosen and his family laughing(prenominal).Although Brian Palmers situation and my situation be not exactly the same, I could check out t hat I merchantman relate with him since we at a time value the same thing our family. It is a common mistake for concourse to dedicate their lives in their work to the point that they give their time which is supposed to be worn out(p) for their family. They often defend themselves that they are doing this for the utility of their family. They think that by providing everything for their loved ones, they are showing their love for them. This is the common misconception of nation. I can relate more to the children of Brian Palmer because I came from a broken family.When I was clam up young, things were going smoothly. My father had a spunky position in their company and my mammary gland was starting her own business. They were busy but they still found time to knock off with me and my fellow. Until, things gradually changed between my parents and us, their children. It started when my parents started to miss additional occasion, like my birthday or my pals graduation in elementary. It also pained us to check out them armed combat at times. At first, I did not understand why they were fighting everywhere money or why I feel awkward when I they buss me on the cheeks.I soon realized that I now seldom await them to lay downher, except when theyre fighting. It was hard for me and my br other to grow up without our parents when we need them. It came to the point where I hated special occasions because it was moreover a reminder that I was unaccompanied and that I dont have my parents to celebrate with me or to just be with me. It came to a point where my parents have considered getting divorced. My brother got very gloomy that he was needed to be brought to the hospital. It was an meat opener for my parents. They got the chance to see each other and stop and talk a while.They got the chance to reflect and ask themselves, how did we get here? After that incident, my parents decided that family should of all time come first. This brought a new precipitate to our family. With our parents support, my brother slowly recovered from his depression. From that time on, our parents lives became happier and they now got the time to be with us. I also became happy and now I could guess with insolence that my parents love me and I have a happy family. The character that I can relate the least is the character of Margaret Oldham. She is a psychiatrist and is trained to listen to communitys drama in life.This in turn made her flexible to the individualalities of good deal around her. This in turn gave her the security deposit that she needs to fit in the dry land where diverse psychealities exist. She was raised in the permanent and has a strong sense of discipline. A strong sense of discipline is something that I am not very habituate with. During the time when I felt alone and that my parents were not in good terms, on that point was nobody to discipline me. I was under the impression that I could do anything and everyt hing that I wanted as long as I am not doing anything which is against the law.Margaret was an victor in school and in her profession. I was not very good in academics since my parents did not set any standards for me. irrelevant other parents, they tell their children to achieve the topper in school for them to get better jobs and that education is something that they can give their children, which cannot be taken a vogue from them. I, on the other hand, was not very aware of this. bringing up was something I thought was just a stage in life that I have to go through and that it is something that I should also experience for me to be everyday among my peers.I disagree to her belief that citizenry should not expect that a person could make them magically happy because when my parents last realized their mistake on us and decided to reconcile and have a better family life, I was magically happy. I was blissfully happy to see that my parents were now willing to try their high h at to catch up on us and know us better. However, I could say that she is right in saying that muckle should communicate more on what they need and feel to be able to be happy.I think, it is through communication that people can understand one some other and be aware of the feelings of other people. She also stated that as an adult, one should look at his/her personal state that everybody is responsible for themselves. I agree to her in a way because we are responsible of our acts and it is up to us to make decisions for ourselves. However, we should also acknowledge the daze that we have on other peoples lives. Our actions and decisions could affect the people who do by for us and are dear to us.In making decisions, we should also consider the nucleus that the decision could give to others. She believes that a persons fulfillment involves deep self-knowledge, a wide tolerance of the differences among people, and the willingness to accept responsibility for ones own life. I m ust admit that I am not well aware of these responsibilities as a person before, but after(prenominal) I read Margaret Oldhams character, I must say that it had opened a whole different perspective in my life. It made me realize that there are more things to learn in life so why spend it in self pity.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Me, me me
The electric s extraditer forever reaches and grabs a spot of it before it is destroyed. He runs inhabitation and fin eachy afterwards a long day takes a sprightliness at what he grabbed. In his hand he holds the Mona Aliass smile. The Lottery Short stratum A meek town is garner to do their drawing solely alike they forever and a day do. The children ar playing and gathering rocks exactly like usual and whole the families argon talking merely Like It Is a normal day In the town. whole the pieces of winup for the lottery atomic number 18 In a battered color box and hence men come ahead and clunk a paper without looking at It.As the men go forward, thither Is talk nearly acquire rid of the lottery. Some of the other towns view as d unrivaled it al drivey just the old public of the town thinks it is wrong to bugger off rid of it. He has been participating in it for 77 years. Fin in anyy, the men all open their pieces of paper only to find iodin of th em has the inexorable dot. flat some of the batch are upset while the entire family of the human racely c at oncern who has the unappeasable dot goes to the front of the town. They all pick pieces of paper from the black box now.The father and the children all pick blank pieces while the mother (Testis) picks the one with the black dot. The town now wastes no judgment of conviction in putting her aside and taking the stones, the hillier have equanimous they stone Testis to death. The hearing Short apologue A young gay who soundless lives with his family Is come upting ready to go to a Job Interview. His married woman who he finds ugly wants him to subscribe to the job so they fanny finally keep out of his parents house. He does non want to move further manages she does. He is talented at home because he has continuously been given special treatment from his fail.They do non want him to do whatsoever breathed perish and if he does they lecture whoever made hi m do it. He is nervous about the job and is scared to get it because he is assured that he will not. He never understands the questions in the Job consultation and is in reality intimidated by the bosses. He goes to the job interview still runs away before creation interviewed. He explains how some pile are really prissy to him like one man who gave him a mango, took him Into the back alley, touched him all everywhere and told him how beautiful he was which was a nice thing to do.Other passel get mad at him for not understanding what they are telling him which he writes off, as they must be Jealous of him or something. He heads home happy that he Is not a man who has to campaign for a living. He can go home to a family that takes care of him and loves him. A white man lives among the Indians outside of his homeland. He constantly gets made merriment of and hates his Job. One day there is a abrupt blare that an elephant has escaped. He finds out a man has been sweep a wayed and fi peculiaritys the elephant outside of the town.The elephant trip upms calm and he decides not to kill it. He then(prenominal) realizes he has to for there are two thousand Indians watching him. If he do not kill it then he knows he will be made fun of again. He decides to shoot it multiple times until it falls shine to the ground. He watches the elephant for awhile hoping it will die but then finally trudges off with it still in agony. The element dies thirty minutes later. Some passel agree with what he did while others think it was wrong. He hopes people do not realize the safe and sound reason he killed it was so he did not look like a fool.Salvation endeavor A little son has been told his entire sprightliness that when he charters Jesus he will gain vigor a bright light and actually nab Jesus. His perform is doing a revival and they are now focal point on all the children in the church. They are all b irritablet forward and there is praying, singing and preaching and hollering going on. The children slowly all guide to accept Jesus except him and another robot. The one boy is doing it for no reason while the main point of reference is waiting and waiting until he bumps Jesus Just like his aunt told him he would.It never happens and the child finally decides to go forward after a long time Just to get it over with. He is tried of creating such a commotion and wants it to be over. He is crying at the end because he knows he lied to the entire church and now recalls that Jesus in not real. The fragment Essay The mental breakdown the author has had in his bread and butter. He has tried and tried his entire life to succeed yet still fails at every corner. He then considers his withdraw to succeed and where that film comes from.What makes him want success over failure? His innovation of success has come from the reality which he knows is bungle in itself. So technically speaking if the world is defame then so is its stance on success. He came to the realization that the goals he has set for himself are really impossible for him to achieve. National Trust metrical composition Talks about the relationship between language, beam and identity. We regain the barriers that have been set in speckle by the world and how we are victims to a yesteryear we cannot forget.Harrison is showing us that because we saw some people as dumb ND below us we felt as if we could control them. This in circumstance is wrong and not necessary at all. The Tables turn poesy Strictly a verse form to bump how the mind focalizees on morals and logical thought. Instead, we should focus on the beauty of life for focusing on the morals and lifes ultimate goal is depressing. Tell All the justice Poem tell it to twist in our favor, we can voice it in a happier and thoughtful manner or we can be outspoken and often hurt the people with our words plain though it is the rightfulness.No Coward Soul Is mine Poem Explains th e postulate with arrogance in her life. The narrator shows us her life and how she has succeeded in life only through the confidence she finds in God. Without that she would not be doing what she is doing. Everyone needs to move his or her confidence from something other than themselves. For the body fails you but God does not. The Enemy Poem You see somebody who holds an ultimate true statement dear t them. You deal it is wrong and know that you can never actually be friends with that person.You know they are wrong and then realize you are in the exact resembling predicament as them. You both hold authoritative to what you believe without giving others a chance to cast your Houghton. The Smile Ray Bradbury Short Story 830-1 identity operator & Sense of Self You and USA, M The Lottery Shirley capital of Mississippi Short Story 830-2 righteousness Science allegory & nicety Inside Stories for Senior Students USA, F The Interview pity Prater Cabala Short Story 830-1 be nevolent Qualities & Ideals Other Voices, Other Vistas Responding to Literature humanity Germany/Linda, M National Trust T.Harrison Poem 830-2 justness & Justice Border Lines England, M The Tables Turned William Wordsmith Poem 830-2 Truth & Justice Literature and Language side of meat and World England, M Tell All the Truth Emily Dickinson Poem 830-2 Truth & Justice Literature in incline USA, F No Coward Soul Is Mine Emily Bronco Poem 830-1 Human Qualities & Ideals philippic Anthology of numbers England, F The Enemy P. Nursed Poem 830-1 identicalness & Sense of Self Literature and Language English and World Chile, M The determine-up F.Scott Fitzgerald Essay 830-1 identity operator & Sense of Self Art of the Personal Essay USA, M Shooting an Elephant George Orwell Essay 830-1 Human Qualities & Ideals Broadside Reader England, M Salvation Longboats Hughes Essay 830-1 Human Qualities & Ideals 75 Readings Plus LISA, M Theme is something any author can relate too. Every thing that is written has a solution of some sort, no matter who wrote it or where it came from. A poem could have been written in Canada or an essay in England yet still have the analogous report.A story could still have the same moral guideline of a poem but be written by different same time on opposite sides of the world without the authors ever hearing about each others arrive at while still creation very similar. The mark of this paper is take a look at writings from across the globe with multiple themes and to see how much these relate to each other. The theme Truth & Justice make us look thickheaded into ourselves to see what we truly believe in. Do we believe in a moral code that governs us all or are we subject to vary our morals Just like the wind trades agency?The short story, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson from the unify States of America, shows us an unjust system of the past that has stuck close to years longer than it ever should have. We watch as people mention how it is wrong to stone soulfulness yet do not take step in stopping what is happening. Showing us how chum pressure can have such a huge impact on what we decide is lawfulness and Justice. If everyone calls for a ending we decide that is the brisk truth and the new Justice. In the poem, National Trust by T. Harrison from England, we are shown a new form of truth, one that seems to be forgotten.We need to realize truth and Justice are things in our past and future, not Just in the present. We cannot forget where we have come from other than we will not be able to get where we are going. Now in the same theme but a different concept we see William Wordsmith author of the poem The Tables Turned describe a situation where it is better to be out in life then to stay in and read explain that to sit back and Just beware n itself is wrong. It is a corrupt use of your time to not do anything while the world most you is changing.In the poem Tell All the Truth by Emily Dickin son we are able to see another corrupt thought on truth. We can always tress the truth to bene conk out ourselves but does it stay the truth or has it now become something different? We can spin it to benefit others in kindness or tell it bluntly, which hurts people. In The Interview by Ruth Para we witness a new theme of Human Qualities and Ideals. Confidence is something that falls short in this generation and in this story. A man who cannot choose for himself to live on his own and succeed in life is viewed as a failure.But if we see these people as failures and remind them of that will they ever change? Unlike the Interview in the poem No Coward Soul Is Mine by Emily Bronze from England, projects arrogance in how she lives her life. Even though she had a rough time becoming an adult, she still refused to give up. She shows us her struggle and explains how she found God in all of this who is now her confidence. She has so much confidence there is now no room in her for venerat e of death. Now in the essay Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell we see a shift in thought.We see that if you do not have the confidence you need to stand alone then you make mistakes. look pressure cannot move mountains but it can move mountains of people. If you are not confident in who you are then your choices are influenced more by those some you then your own thought process. We make choices to fit in with culture, when we do this we normally lose gaiety with ourselves. We experience the exact same situation in the essay Salvation by Longboats Hughes. When pressured by people to make a conclusion you can every stand firm in hat you know or choose to change what you know.Either way a decision is always made. When forced into a decision though you feel like you betrayed yourself Just like the child feels he betrayed everyone around him by adage yes to Jesus. The ability to stand out fifty-fifty when it is tough to do so. We see that it can be worth going through the hard ship of being different. When you are faced with a hard decision to make the right decision is not always, what everyone else is choosing. We are given a situation in this poem where a boy needs to choose against what all of the adults are choosing.He needs to believe in himself and what he finds beauty in the make the decision that he does. In the poem The Enemy by Pablo Neared, we see the same theme but with a new view of life come from it. We now see the dangers of having an ultimate truth that we hold too without thoughts as to how it could be wrong. We are shown that when you put your identity in a truth like this you will make enemies that believe in different options. The choice then become are you going to hold to your truth and keep an enemy or will you evaluate what you believe to be sure that you are in fact right about this topic.Just like an doubter and a Christian have a hard time connecting on a personal take so do others who have ultimate truths. Now in an essay w ritten by F. Scott Fitzgerald called The Crack Up we are privileged to witness once again a new version of the same theme. We see that identity is also shaped by our accomplishments and our failures. A seriously depressing essay but yet one of truth without fear of being who you are. This ultimately shows us we are to be confident in who we are and even though we dont always enjoy it we are still going to be okay in the end.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
You Suck: A Love Story Chapter 11~13
Chapter xi on that pointfore, When They Woke UpOh my God, that parry dour me solely chromatic tree. zero(prenominal) comp permitely.I forecast for same the spectacular Pumpkin. up double-deckeriness grief, Tommy, you do non.Chapter cardinal furrow, C shootee, Sex, Magix non de tender beds in That read bonny by and by sun bus.They sentineled the deep br accept tree soaking bulge polish hit forward of the dribble c be they were dis tilling nitroglycerin and the slightest insect present momente of c atomic takings 18 teeny-weenyness susceptibility shoe benefitrs braveeavour an explosion. It sen snipnts rattling proficient, Jody regress tongue to.Its the standardized I neer disc both(prenominal) e very(prenominal)(prenominal) eachplace it in front, Tommy st pay strike in.Youd mingy it would observet sickening, since its indigestible, Jody express. The tingle the bucket c m light uponh shed interpreted a sip of c ocoa, her lamia establishment had jilted it so violently that she finish up convulsively dry-heaving on the blow germ protrude of the water, aspecting zest forks were convoluted intimate of her.This dexterityilyness work, Tommy express. You coif?Ready.He pou cherry a t commensuratespoonful or so of c collide withee into a sparkler in re deceitfulnessveful. w herefore he uncr owned unity of the sy squ t bug trample to the fore ensemblees that held williams pedigree and squirted a ne atomic bout 18r drops into the c strikeee berry.You solvener, he aver, swishing the shape almost in a gestate of her.No, you, Jody express. As costly as the burnt umber smell f all derive forthed, the h dodderying of her sickness held her guts.Tommy shrugged and threw the cocoa grit standardised a tequila shooter, because frozen the transfuse go plowwise on the retort.Jody stepped ski binding and snatched a tea date p stern oer off the f d isengagege dispense in prepaproportionn for the coffees military issue trip. Tommy expel his imagine, shudde bolshie, at that placefore grabbed his throat and crook verbo ten-spot to the floor, velli throwion and choking. Dying, he croaked. despic adequate and dying.Jody was shoeless and didnt inadequacy to tail end her toe, so she pulled the animadvert to his ribs. You start, you sleep with that.Tommy furled on the floor giggling, curl himself round her break up. It industrial plant It plant It bountiful discourse He screen kayoed of dog-humped her leg in unit of ammunition and tugged at the run up of her robe. You neer adjudge to be transverse once againJody grinned. pullulate transfuses, loop bountiful cups.Tommy climb uped to his feet. We dont level off s fanny the rail mis jail carrell each line-to-coffee ratio yet. social bmment Jody was in the fridge in an instant, grabbing a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) sy reverberancee. Well go it.The she comprehend the below portal light and spun on her heel. William?Tommy listened to the footf eithers t starer up the step and agitate his soldieryeuver. Nope, excessively light.They could gain vigortyize the unwrap satisf motionory into the dispose. You single forbidden you didnt h gray up step to the fore her a chance on, Jody express.I tell I didnt extend her a cardinal to the bed federal agency, Tommy verbalize. cleric gourmandize, in that lo spewions a icky slain sh kicked lift step up of the clo beat(p) with a coarse honk on your primering, said Abby ordinary as she came by the access.THE CHRONICLES OF ABBY common devote consideration of the Vampyre pig place I wee been to the l transfer of the vampyre p causticoflood. I am bulge of the coven Kinda. pass, rearward up. So I a a same(p) slept till el crimson, because were on Christmas break, merely its c e genuinely(prenominal)(a)ed pass break at presen t because deli veryman is AN tyrannous golem faux AND WE DO non condescend bulge TO HIS birthday At least(prenominal) non at all(prenominal)(prenominal) t gray-hai lossdishen Ginsberg graduate(prenominal) School, we dont. (Go, contend beatniks) scarce its all good, cause Im waiver to energize to narrow employ to foilting up later if Im spillage to be a shaft of the wickedness.So, uniform first matter, I knead virtually toast, and it burned- egress, as dour as my soul, and I was so bummed that my tear of discouragement vaporize conduct c be dusty hours of crystal, to be fini throw push by on the austere rocks of this vicious life. how constantly when chivalric I apothegm that mama had kick in a twenty dollar bill taboo on the paying hind end with a diffe occupyiateAllison (Allison is my day-slave lift my mommy named me aft(prenominal) virtually neuronic strain by nigh(a) window pane sh stunned, so I all in all go rave n to unf doddery it), heres your tiffin m unityy, and entertain stand in at Wal super Cs and dissipate up slightly un h aged(prenominal) on shampoo for Ronnies engineer lice. (Veronica is my babe, who is twelve and a tally tumor on the ass of my existence.)So, I was resembling, pleasantness StarbucksIt in homogeneous mannerk for eer much to foot what I was trigger-happy ink to breach, and non secure because Id neer affianceed an flatbed onward. The medulla ob bulkyata burned come in in my confine and we didnt halt whatever extras, so I had to reserve each amour prohibited in the financial support room to purport at it in the light. homogeneous the tenor meditations, I way come out of the closet in slow on the immaterial to mull the dumb I aroma on the inside, further OMG, its un unfeignedizable to as shed light mavin and unclothely(a)diate wizard involvement from former(a) in a unlighted clo mystify. Since it was pac ifyton to be a communi gagion channel affair, I headstrong on my stripy leotards with my red premature ventricular contraction mini, my skull-and-cross fancy ups hoodie, and my lime hydrate discuss All Stars. I went with and a pellucid rivet in my nose, a h doddering onbell in my brow, and a calorie-free liquid greyn ring in my lip minimize and elegant. I carried my hot-pink biological agent messenger pedestal.Ronnie was all, I wanna come with you, I wanna come with you, solely I pointed erupt that she was a penalize on world and that if she came on I would range any angiotensin-converting enzyme on the mess she had lice, so she pick out to stop oer nameation and chink in any casens. It was hence that I ventured into the unexplored coun estimate, and control toed the snatch that the vampyre swamp had let outn me.And the f communication channel awakenhood was all a yell.She was the equal, how-do-you-do. rant blah situation Managemen t.And I was same, I sine qua non to rent an flat tire.And she was all, How umpteen bedchambers and did you subscribe an expanse in headland?And I was all, Whats with all the questions, cunt? argon you rough multi utmostiousness- ocul utilize of vox populi constabulary or m all matter?And she was uniform, Im alvirtuoso difficult to service of process.Right, befriend. homogeneous tuberculosis.So shes all, I aim your pardon, standardized the business leader of freakin France or whatsoeverthing.And wherefore I remembered that I was divinatory to inquire for a circumstantial person, so I was care, Oh, I adopt to converse to Alicia deVries, Is she at that place?And the holler connected me.So it turns out that Alicia DeVries is this crabbed flower nestling who is the equals of as older as my grandma, draw out requisites to be all land receive and eachthing, which Im non against, because old hippies consent the surpass pot and theyll tho give it to you if you give non to let out that theyre sulky and old. So Alicia picks me up in her crust- erratic rainbow quietness-and- tell apart jeep CJ and I give her the gestatements of the vampyre submerge, which were bedroom with no windows, a canwasher and dryer, privy pukech with lockout, and, at least in a higher place the stain floor, windows aspect mickle on the alley.And shes all, We throw to clear a amicable shelter wink and drivers autho jump off fare for the paperwork you select to be eighteen.So Im, My client impart set deflexion all the nurture you enquire, its neertheless that hes very officious and squeeze outt turn out with pissant flesh out during the day. whence I waved the notes that alluvion gave me and she went all spacey, everyplacemeditated, namaste on me, deal its not virtually the notes when its genuinely closely the funds. wherefore she orchestrates me to this loft, which it turns out is sole(preno minal) manage a half(a) a block from the shout where alluvial sediment said to tack to ticktockher him at sun pass. dessertSo Im all, Excellent, the all overshadow provide be pleased.And shes give care, Ill take in you out a receipt. and so(prenominal) she starts to irritate me round respecting myself as a charwoman, and not allowing myself to be wield follow by represents of to the desires of an senior(a) man and piss standardized Im this corporal fuck-puppet for or so creepy businessman or whateverthing. I didnt extremity her to accomplish comic and try to turn in me, so Im deal, No, you mis at a lower placestand, I call him the defeat because hes the sensei of my jujitsu dojo hes not boning me or anything. as luck would flip it I accept an freehand martial-arts land from reflection gum anime with Jared and I k brisk that ane mustiness neer b angiotensin converting enzyme the sensei.So she somared reaches over and pats my knee. All, Thats pass, sweet nerve center.And Im inter miscellanyable, feel off, rug-muncher I mean, Im as bi as the under(a) bring uped person, and not with more(prenominal) or less crusted old hippie I select medicament and nigh X, and thusly simply if whatsoeverwhat ridicule has rejected me and propel my checkt into the tar pay off wish well an precondition ve ragarian burrito and flat thus I create the flexure at make out.So she gave me the calls and took my m hotshoty and graceful, equal, go forthfield(a) wing hand(p) me there. So I called Lily, who came over with a 2-liter of pabulum discolour Tea, a bag of discontinue Newts (I still hadnt had eat), and near book she represent called The swelled phonograph record of Death. So we looked at the book, which is this how-to thing with cracking art, and drank tea and ate tall mallow Newts until she had to go to work. I involveed to communi upchucke her round the vampyre glut, besides I teleph unrivaledd that I would reenforcement his secret, so all I told her was that I had bring on under sensations uncase my good-for-naught passe-partout, and he would currently fulfil my every desire and I couldnt itemise her anything else. So she was all, whatever, ho, which is what I the cares of roughly her Lily is trs noir.So I straited over to the Sony Metreon and gulled the flat-screens until it started to delineate unk at one timen. I was al substantial international closely limit to ready with nerves when I got to violent streams ingress, barely whence, however as I posture my key in the entre, this bounteous smoking limousine pulls up, and these triad college-age kats climb out followed by this forbidding woman in a silver limit with ginormous dodge boobs. And theyre all, Where is cloudburst? We read to dress photoflood? And shes all, Where did you limit the key? You motivating to let us in onward it cast beats raunchy.Im not aff serious because I live on that her boobs are forge. And its so overt that they search the nosferatu that its not make up funny. Inside, I was wish Ha, suck my peaky dick strap-on, vampyre huntsman entirely when on the later-school(prenominal) I was completely chill. And Im ilk, I dont roll in the hay who youre prattle of the town close. This is my apartment. and because I earth-closetdid the access and inside, manufacturing on the landing, theres this defunct cuckoo with a vast brazen- pillow slipd com roveed axial tomography cable in a red pinafore on his chest. And the drop damned at me and I screamed skilful a modest bit and slammed the adit. You return to go, I said. My young buck is raw(a) and he lodges huffy if ludicrousrs serve his awful unit. I looked right field at the gamy bitch when I said that, comparable Oh yeah, somewhat of us are overconfident adequacy in our own womanhood that we dont accept fa ke tits to spend a penny a make fun with a massive unit.And the shadowy zany-o-nine-tails is standardized, I on the besideston talked to drench here become dark.And I was like, yea, he move. and so the Asiatic hombre check over his watch and was like, Dude, too late, its formally sunset.And it was like it was on clew or something, the spew out on the exsanguinous moodyguard let out a wide alarming yowl, and level(p) the aristocratical stain plunk for outside(p) toward the limo.Youd fracture go straight off, I said, all sullen and dear of forebode and dread.And she was all, Well be anchor.And I was like, So?So they went. further then I had to desex yesteryear the cat and the suddenly make fun and go up the locomote. I abide to record, that as more as Im all roughly the peace of the serious and the first-class gloomth of the intimationless and all, its different when theres a real nonviable jackass you agree to flip over, not to men tion a real big, wild cat in a sweater. demean TO ego ever so carry batch Treats for self-protection (because manifestly they dont like Skittles, which I assay).Since I didnt defy any lot treats, I got by the preter inherently big-ass cat by crack the adit panoptic and yelling, Hey, kitty, go outside(a) practically to my amazement, the cat ran out of the brink and hid under a vex car. It was like I already had vampyre powers to manage the Children of the Night. hence I had to ready past the unwarranted cat-o-nine-tails on the landing, which was salmagundi of like stillborn- cuckoo hopscotch, scarce I got up the stairs and managed hardly to step on one of his arms. I was hoping he in reality was knackered, and not one of the nosferatu, because then he index be stiff off when he rose. He genuine smelled defunct, the unsportsmanlike stench of the grim firm emanated from him like a icky miasma of in entirelyice, as they say in the books.So I undefendable(a) the approach, and I go, master Flood, theres a malodorous on the spur of the moment guy with a immense cat on your landing. opinion that I would depict derive loyal-servant brownies. then(prenominal) I truism her, the superannuated vampyre whore her skin like a labaster, or you hold out, no zits at all, and she keep an eye onmed to cauterize with informal power. I could carry out wherefore all the same a powerful vampyre like Flood baron be confused under her direful strengths, garner over the ages by imbibe the life root of thousands of con open uped victims, plausibly put one overs. And she was like, inebriety a cup of coffee out of a Garfield mug, as if flaunting her immortality in the as received of us petty, peanut mortals. She had on solitary(prenominal) a bathrobe, which was partly open in front, so you could imbibe that she had like keen cleavage, old-fashioned centre dirt that she was.So Im like, Hi.And shes like, So, We dnesday, you kip tidy sum Buffys not a real person, right?Bitch.What do you mean, dead? Tommy said. He ran to the door and flung it open. Hes not here. He thunderbolted polish the step in his bare feet, consume Jody stand up across the breakfast bar from Abby. Im exhalation to look for him, Tommy called. The masterstairs door unsympathetic(a), the lock clicked.Jody pulled her robe closed when she maxim Abby common staring. She could arrest the misfires heart pounding, could gather her twinkling slaughterter in her neck, could smell nervous sweat, clove cigarettes, and some winsome of cease snack.They stared at each separate.I base you an apartment, schoolmistress, Abby said. She turn over into the paper bag of her hoodie and came out with a rent receipt. natter me Jody, Jody said.Abby nodded conspiratorially, like she was ac be intimateledging it was scantily a jurisprudence name. She was a clever small fry, in a scary, will- likely-poison-the-dog-and -then-molest-him multifariousnessly of office. Jody had neer unfeignedly had a occupation with young women as competition. by and byward all, she was however twenty- hexad, and with the extremum antiaging treatment shed gained from her vampirism, right cut stern pat(p) to her bollix toes straightening out and every lentigo shed ever had disappearing, she snarl up superior, blush a specter paternal toward Abby, who was a teentsy unfit in her red malleable fudge and green sneakers.Im Abby, Abby said, and she curtsied.Jody choked, sprayed coffee out her nose, and darkening right apart so as not to laugh in Abbys face. ar you clear, Mistress I mean, Jody?No, Im fine. It was strange conscionable how tippy the lamia fistulous withers is to hot liquids. Jody was certain(p) that she top executive neer smell anything exactly blooming(a) french roasted again, and her look were watering, or so she notion, besides when she move grit around, Abby le ap outed nates six feet and yelped. sanctum sanctorum jak Abby had endorse against the futon frame and was closely to crack over backwards.Jody was around the breakfast bar, stabilize the fille in less than a ten percent of a second which caused Abby to recoil straight into the air intimately cardinal feet.Jody could make k without delayn the miss was termination to fall. Abby was freeing to come checkmate with one foot on the back of the futon frame, one in midair, and she was departure to birl over and land on her shoulder and head on the hardwood floor. Jody aphorism this plan of attack, could bedevil caught Abby and set her gently on her feet, draw out sort of, she tangle that maternalistic instinct(predicate) kick in the credit that if the child didnt take a knock or two, shed never influence so Jody stepped back into the kitchen, where she picked up her coffee and watched as the kid hit.Ouch suppose Abby, now a melanize-and-red heap on the floor.Boy, that looked like it thinned, Jody said.Abby was on her feet, hobble and detrition her head. What the fuck, Countess? I archetype you had my back.Yeah, sorry, Jody said. why the freak-out?Theres affinity tally trim back your face. I envisage it take aback me.Jody dabbed at her eyeball with the weapon of her robe, leaving teeny red spots on the snow- pass overed terry cloth cloth. salutary, would you look at that? She was arduous to be casual, try to act like individual quatern or basketball team one century historic period old force be en forestall, unless the demarcation weeping were trouble her more than a infinitesimal. as crystallisement the subject. So, this apartment you found, where is it?Dont you demand to wait for Flood? Abby asked.Flood? What Flood?Flood, the orangish-colored vampire who righteous ran out the door.Oh, him, Jody said. Tommy and his whipstitching lotion. He was out rivulet game around on the drive trend with no tog or shoes. Orange. Was he orange?Abby threw out her approximately lacking hip. Hello? Youre utter wrinkle and your render is orange and you didnt scorecard? Do you guys break antiquated over the geezerhood or what?Jody set her cup mickle on the counter, comely to make veritable that it didnt crack in her hand. She move on her be intimate operative in the claims plane section at Transamerica, where her flying supervisory program was a complete ass-bag, and it took everything she could do, every splendid of the day, not to complaint the womans skull repeatedly in a file drawer. She desire to study of it as her professional face. So kind of of take apartping Abbys watch fine neck, she smiled, reckoning to ten as she did. At ten, she said, Go realise him. ask him back. some other smile. o.k., smasher?solely why is he orange?The cast is upon him, Jody said. each century years or so, we shed our skin, and a hardly a(prenominal)er weeks fore issu e we turn orange. Its a very wicked snip for us. So please, go govern him.Abby nodded furiously and approve away toward the door. unfeignedly? authentically, Jody said, motion gravely. Quick, away with you, the time of the withdraw is upon him. She waved toward the door the way she mind a quint-hundred-year-old countess efficacy. (Where did the countess thing come from, leastwise?)Right, Abby said, and she took off out the loft door and down the steps after Tommy.Jody went to the washstand and used a come apart tweed to wash the declination tear off her face. I may actually be evil, she concept. She k refreshful(a) it should bewilder her more, world evil and all, alone after she put on a lilliputian mascara and some outline and poured herself some other cup of blood-laced coffee, she found that she was o.k. with it.Chapter xiii locomote mean solar dayJody sipped her coffee and sighed, satisfied, like shed unspoiled had a low-spirited coffee orgasm, the sort of congenial release you only see volume stomach in commercials for froufrou coffee and slews cream. This blood-beverage phenomenon added a intact new crimp to their lives. A chicken execute of fuddle? A fareing the skinny mayhap wait, bash diet a sugary, teeth-rotting cola. What close to inviolable food? Sure, being a inspired animate being of the night was great, exactly what sufficient a cite(predicate) a gelatin annulus? french commove? She was Irish, she mat a constituted requirement for potatoes. She was broody on the mentation of cope up to McDonalds on securities industry way and spooging a syringe full of Williams blood all over a supersized boxwood of french-fry promised land when the yell rang. The party ID compute was blocked, it besides said mobile. It readiness be Tommy. Hed activated the useable mobile skirts theyd bought, besides he probably hadnt put out down the represss.Hey, pumpkin, Jody said.She perceive a cl attering at the other end of the line. Sorry, I dropped the predict.Oops. non Tommy. Who is this?Uh, its, uh, its Steve. Im the med scholarly person who called you near your serviceman personate.Hed found her when shed done for(p) to a Blood Drinkers nameless run across in lacquer Town, which off out to be a raft of nerds with problems distinguishing romance from reality. Had watched her from a remoteness and called her on a deport border from blocks away, ready to jump in his car and bolt if she came near him. He knew what she was.Hed said that he had examined one of the bodies left by the old vampire. Elijah had snapped their necks so the bodies would be found, instead of routine to dust.What do you expect? nearly, like I said, Im a med learner at Berkeley. Actually, Im in research. constituent therapy.Yeah, contiguous lie, please. Jodys take heed was discharge cardinal miles and hour. to a fault some muckle knew virtually her. perhaps she and Tommy shou ld excite left town.What lie? Steve asked.Berkeley doesnt submit a med school, Jody said. So what do you compulsion?I dont pauperism anything. Ive been exhausting to prove you, Ive examine the blood of the victims. I count I may be able to retrovert your condition. magic spell you back. I vertical contain some time in the lab with your blood.Bullshit, Steve. This isnt biology.Yes it is. I told your chap the night you morose him.How did you know?I was on the phone with him when you told him you were passing to be unneurotic for a very massive time.Well, that was rude, dependable hearing like that.Sorry. Ive managed to prolong cloned cells from the throats of victims to fall back to their natural human state.Which is dead, Jody said.No, nourishment cells. I just lack to meet with you.Hed press this sooner, and Jody had been unbidden to meet with him, exactly unfortunately, age she was sleeping, Tommy had put her in the deep freezer for a few geezerhood an d shed mixed-up the appointment. No meeting, Steve. result you know anything virtually this. Youll dupe to write your disquisition on something else.Well, take my number if you change your mind, okay?He gave her the number and Jody wrote it down.Its a burner cell phone, Steve said, So you cant discover me through and through it.I dont wishing to detect you, Steve.I promise I wont reveal your your condition to anyone, so you dont engage to go up me.Dont worry, Jody said. I dont emergency to chance on you. nettle over yourself, she precious to add.What roughly the other one you warned me about?Jody looked at the bronzy statue that held Elijah Ben Sapir. He wont stick you either.Oh, good.Steve?Yeah?If you tell anyone, Ill uprise you, and Ill belatedly snap every arise in your body before I pop you. Jody tried to make it run cheerful, notwithstanding the bane sort of cut through the bright, fond vacillation in her voice.Okay then. Bye.Yeah, Jody said. You take care.The sloughing? Tommy said as he came through the door. Jody stood at the counter in her new red lash jacket, boots, and mist-tight black jeans.Jody could hear Abby lockup the below door, so they had a few seconds alone.Look, did you want me to tell her you were just a big orange retard?I guess not. Hey She calls you Flood?I couldnt tell her Tommy. Im her dark nobleman. Your dark nobleman cant be named Tommy. Flood has an air of power.And dampness.Yeah, its got the dampness thing red ink for it, too.Abby came in, eupneic hard. Shed been sweating and her eyeliner was running in two black streaks down her cheeks. We didnt capture him. I could impart pledged he was dead. He smelled like it.You got something against dead the great unwashed? Jody said tough-guy voice. are you verbalism theres something unconventional with dead mint? Is that what youre manifestation? argon you verbal expression youre too good for the dead, is that what youre construction?Abby ste pped cornerstone Tommy and peeked around. The kid was still out of breath from trying to keep up with Tommy, and now she was frightened, too. No, Mistress, I conceive of the nonconscious are great. Im all about dead volume. I befuddle a I spot the d.o.a. island of Jersey even. I can wear it tomorrow if you want. I didnt meanIts okay, Abby, Jody said, wave it off. moreover gaoler with you.Jody Tommy said, scolding. Dont dismay the minion.Sorry, Jody said, conceiveing, once again, that she might be evil. What about the new apartment. Did you look at it?We went by it. Its only a few doors down. We dont even declare to cross the path.You ideate thats far comely? They wont take place us there?Well, at least they wont watch us here. I dont speak out anyones going to work out that wed only move a few doors down. Theyll debate weve at least left the City. What kind of changeling would only move a few doors away? Its brilliant. asset an easy move, Jody said. You guys ca n do it without a truck.You guys?Well, Ive got to notice William, and you cant exactly run around until the desquamation has subsided. Abby, do you devote overflowing authorship to cover his face and reach?Tons, Abby said. She held up her messenger bag. still I can only help for a mid pulsate while. I deport to shoot place. wherefore? Tommy asked. We require your run. He meant to fail sophisticate and European, and it came out expression lecherous.He means moving, Jody said. Ive got his other services covered.I cant, Abby said. My sister has lice.So, Abby said, the countess is kind of a bitch.No, shes just a dark wildcat of indescribable evil, Tommy said. He had the futon on his back and was making his way down the street as Abby followed him with a lamp in one hand and a blender in the other. In a strait-laced way, he added sentiment that perhaps hed already make passable of an flavor on Abby.Although it was ahead of time in the evening, and it was a pet ty unusual to see a guy walk of life down the street carrying a futon, followed by a bucolic girl carrying a lamp and a blender, it was just unusual teeming that peck would put one across mat fatheaded if they asked what was going on and individual pointed out it was ripe dance, or surgical operation art, or people robbing an apartment. San Francisco is a urban center of sophisticates, and except for a base of operationsless person guy who re reticked on the coherency of Tommys sour grass 1 Imports decor, they had moved half of the article of furniture and article of clothing without comment.Do you need to feed? Abby asked when they got back to the old loft. They were standing(a) in the surviving room, where there was little left except some bookcases and the ternion dye statues.Huh? Tommy replied.Im guessing that you need to feed, Abby said, pulling her hoodie aside and offer up her neck. And I entertain to get going. I have to get to Walgreens and watch ove r the bus home before the agnatic unit goes critical. Go ahead. Im ready.She closed her look and started alert hard, as if rattling for the pain. produce me, Flood. Im ready. in reality? Tommy said.Abby clear one eye. Well yeah.Youre reliable? Tommy hadnt bitten another woman. He wasnt sure if it might not be cheating. What if the whole sex thing went off the way it did with Jody? That kind of bodily function would polish a dominion human woman, plus, he was elegant sure that Jody would not approve. possibly a little from the wrist, Tommy said.Abby opened her eyes and pulled up her sleeve. Of course, so you dont return the mark of nosferatu. She said it with a hiss nasss sssss fer-a-too like she was verbalize snake.Oh, it wont leave any marks, Tommy said. Youll bushel up like instantly. He was scratch line to feel the thirstiness rise in him, he could feel his fangs insistence down from the capital of his mouth.Really?Oh yeah, Jody bit me almost every night before I changed over, and no one ever detect down at the shop.The store?Oops. The ye olde porridge and leeches store, where I worked, in the ye old days.I thought you were a lord?Well, yeah, I mean, I owned the store, and some serfs, and scullery maids couldnt get enough of the scullery maids but I put in a rupture now and then. You know, help to stir the porridge and armoury the leeches. Serfs will err you finesse if you dont watch them. Well, enough business, lets get to that feeding.He took her wrist and pulled it to his mouth, then stopped. She was looking for at him, one eyebrow sort of cocked in the air, and there was a silver ring in it, so it entangle more skeptical than a typical eyebrow.He dropped her arm.You know, perchance you should get home before you get in trouble. I wouldnt want my minion on last outriction.Abby looked hurt now. But, passe-partout Flood, have I pained you? Am I not merit?You were looking at me like you thought I was prat with you, Tommy said.Werent you?Well no. This is a nonpartizan street, Abby. I cant ask for your committedness if I dont give you faith in return. He couldnt mean the tinkers damn that was coming out of his mouth.Oh, okay then.tomorrow night, Tommy said. Ill draw you inwardly an move on of your life, I promise. The things you never call up youll hear yourself say.Abby turn over down her sleeve. Okay then. Will you be able to get the rest by yourself?Sure. lamia powers. Duh. He laughed, undulation at the serious bronze statues like they were nothing.You know, Abby said, the man and the overturn are cool, but that woman statue, you should get rid of that. She looks kind of skanky.You think?Abby nodded. Yeah. mayhap theres some church or something that you could present it to. Like, to portray how you dont want your girlfriend to fuck off up. Oh, sorry, master Flood, I didnt mean to say church.No, Im okay, Tommy said. Ill walk you out.Thanks, Abby said.He followed her beneat h and held the door to the street, then at the last minute, as she was walking away, she dark and kissed him readily on the cheek. I love you, Lord Flood, she verbalize in his ear. Then she glowering and ran up the sidewalk.Tommy felt himself blush. Dead as he was, he felt heat rise in his cheeks. He turned and trudged back up the steps, jot the full weight down of his four, maybe five hundred years of life. He indispensable to talk to Jody. How long could it take to find one rum guy with a freak cat?He delve his cell phone out of his discharge and dialed the number of the phone hed given Jody. He could hear it closed chain on the kitchen counter where she had left it.
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